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naked marriage

naked marriage


  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 86139

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Chapter 1 Volume 1 Chapter 1 The Struggling Wedding (1) You are in good condition

naked marriage 介末 1816Words 2018-03-20
Ambiguous is, I met by accident, I wanted to say goodbye, but you held me with your eyes. When He Xiduo threw this sentence to Fu Cheng, she was hiding in his arms tremblingly, trying to be a gentle little woman like a cat, while stroking Fu Cheng's green stubble that was about to break out, while Look at each other tenderly. The eyes are slender, the eyebrows are neither thick nor sparse, and the tip of the tail is slightly raised just right, quite a bit of the handsomeness of an ancient man, with a fair face above the pointed chin, if it is not for such a meeting, she believes that she will Really fall in love with each other.

Thinking of the encounter between the two, a look of embarrassment appeared on He Xiduo's pink face, or rather, it was more of a kind of helplessness and guilt. She felt that God would really play tricks on people, and let such a good love at first sight happen. at the bar. To be precise, it happened on Fu Cheng's bed. A month ago, the two met while drinking in a bar. At that time, a man He Xiduo had a crush on had just left the country. Seeing him board the plane, he couldn't say anything about his admiration, so he had to close the paragraph. He Xiduo's love was sealed again, and she kept talking about it in her dreams every night since then. The second day after the other party left, He Xiduo was extremely depressed and had nowhere to vent. She couldn't sleep and went to the bar alone.The atmosphere in the bar was very good, and the paired couples looked particularly eye-catching. He Xiduo couldn't see such a scene, and drank alone, forgetting that he didn't have much alcohol at all.

Just when she was drunk, the fair-looking Fu Cheng approached her. He started Fu Cheng with good intentions. It has to be very similar to that crush.Without saying a word, she stepped forward and tugged on Fu Cheng's skirt, and asked him to take her away with tears in her eyes. That night, He Xiduo went crazy, dragging Fu Cheng to ask for it again and again, and for a moment Fu Cheng even wondered if she was a barmaid.But when a man faces a woman's madness, he actually accepts it in his heart, and Fu Cheng feels that he has gained another big advantage.It wasn't until the next morning when He Xi woke up that he rubbed the aching brows that he realized that he had made a mistake.

But the mistake has already been made, and Fu Cheng, who was sleeping next to her, looked as handsome as a child, with a few traces of saliva on the corner of his mouth in sleep, He Xiduo found that the other person was so pleasing to the eye. After waking up, Fu Cheng also admitted that he liked He Xiduo's round, chubby baby face. He held He Xiduo's hand tenderly and said, "If you want, let me try to listen to your heart." He Xiduo was deeply moved by the poetic words, she even felt that Fu Cheng was sent by God to relieve her worries, take a crush, come a practical one, and it is the type she likes.

When a woman breaks up in love, she always likes to cover up the old hurt with a new one.What's more, He Xiduo knew that she liked Fu Cheng, and his handsome appearance and affectionate words had opened her heart. Then, the two people who seem to be lovers and lovers will meet occasionally. From the lingering at night to eating and shopping during the day, the relationship has become increasingly clear. Then, Fu Cheng took the initiative to ask He Xiduo to visit him in his den. Fu Cheng's home is a bit small, a small apartment.According to him, the money he has saved is only for the down payment, and the rest has to be paid back on a monthly basis, which is estimated to take three to five years.

He Xiduo studied marketing and was not proficient in accounting, but she quickly calculated in her mind. Based on the price of real estate in this city, a small apartment of 40 square meters would cost at least 200,000 yuan. 30% of the down payment, if the remaining three to five years are paid off, the other party's monthly income will be at least four thousand or more.In other words, Fu Cheng's career should not be bad. After finishing the calculation, He Xiduo smiled humbly.For a long time, I have been ridiculed by my cousin An Ran, saying that she doesn't know how to calculate, always falls in love blindly, and doesn't know how realistic life is.It has only been two years since he graduated, and when he met the man he liked, He Xiduo actually learned to calculate.

Her smile caused Fu Cheng to blush a little, and two blushes appeared on his fair face: "I'm sorry, I know this house... is smaller, but when the conditions are better, I will change the house, for sure." Seeing the seriousness of the other party, He Xiduo knew that he was laughing heartlessly. He has already invited you to come to his house as a guest. There is only one explanation for such sincerity, that is, Fu Cheng puts himself among those who can consider getting married. If not, who would want to point out their own home to an unrelated woman.Thinking of this, He Xiduo felt a touch of emotion in his heart, turned around and hugged Fu Cheng, and Fu Cheng couldn't wait to hug her as if he was on fire.

After the lingering, He Xiduo looked at Fu Cheng again. Although the other party didn't say it clearly, she had already felt something. She was afraid that her initiative would scare Fu Cheng, so she could only wait quietly. Fu Cheng is one year older than He Xiduo, and he always speaks very maturely. He patted He Xiduo's back and said tenderly: "Xiduo, actually...you have good conditions." He Xiduo waited expectantly for someone to say more, but Fu Cheng stopped there. Although his eyes looked at her extremely tenderly, his mouth stopped moving. This made her very discouraged, and she couldn't tell where the energy came from. Er, he pushed the other party away, got out of bed, got dressed, and then neatly gave the other party a goodbye gesture.

After leaving Fu Cheng's house, He Xiduo felt wronged and wanted to cry.In fact, calm down and think about it, I really fell in love with Fu Cheng at first sight, that's why I went to Fu Cheng's bed so impatiently.At first I wanted to forget, but the other party made appointments again and again with tenderness, thinking that since they were both single, they could go on the road of love. Unexpectedly, after waiting and waiting, they just said "You are in good condition".what is this?Compliment?Or is it perfunctory? He Xiduo felt insulted.Of course, this feeling came from herself. She repeatedly scolded herself in her heart that she was so cheap that she was worthless.

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