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Chapter 28 Part Two Three Dangerous Words Prosperous World God Bless Our Party

Prosperity 陈冠中 5835Words 2018-03-20
It was really a long night. Lao Chen, Xiaoxi and Fang Caodi felt like they were on a roller coaster, and then they were bombarded by information. They were exhausted by this moment, and Zhang Dou, who was in charge of video recording, had already taken a few naps. Only He Dongsheng became more active as he got later. These few hours seemed like he was performing a talk show alone, and he didn’t keep anything. He said what he wanted, and he thought to himself: Say what he wants, how good it is, for a long time I've never had such a good time.He also realized that these words should not be said normally, and if he didn't say them today, he probably wouldn't have a chance to say them when he saw the coffin in the future.He also understood that he had never drank tap water in Beijing before, but if he drank a few large glasses at once today, he would have a more unusual reaction.

He Dongsheng suddenly had a strange incident that happened recently in his mind, and he felt itchy, so he took the initiative to say to Lao Chen, Xiaoxi, and Fang Cao: "I will tell you a state secret. Recently, terrorists have sneaked into a country. The highly secretive factory wanted to blow up, but fortunately the security department received a tip and shot them all dead. The amazing thing is that the six terrorists belonged to a small fascist organization in Beijing, and the members were all students from key universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua University. In the end, we could only keep it a secret for them, saying that they were in a car accident, but the body was not found, and the parents made a fuss. I said this to let you know that real fascism has taken root in China. Can these college students know this A secret factory, there must be black hands inside the party, government and army, these people with ulterior motives have long been no communists or socialists in the true sense, I can only describe them as fascists.”

Xiaoxi asked solemnly: "Among the dead, is there anyone surnamed Wei?" He Dongsheng thought for a while and said, "Wei? No." Xiao Xi asked, "Surely not?" He Dongsheng said: "You don't have to doubt my memory, not to mention that Wei is not a common surname, if there is one, I will definitely remember it." When Lao Chen saw Xiaoxi heaved a sigh of relief, he knew that she thought of her son Wei Guo. Lao Chen randomly asked a question: "Why do you have newspapers?" He Dongsheng said: "Old Chen, you can't underestimate our security department. They put eyeliner everywhere. Generally, wherever there are people, there are our agents... But why did you miss it?"

"Why did they blow up that factory?" Fang Caodi suddenly asked seriously. Today, since the plans for a prosperous age of ice and fire, the plan for governing the country and the world, and even the country's international grand strategy have been laid out in front of everyone, what else can't be said? "Let's put it this way, the difference between our government and those fascists at this stage is that we want the people to be caring but not aggressive, and the fascists want the people to be aggressive but not loving. The things made by that factory make the people happy and full of love, Don't want to attack people, so the fascists want to destroy it. Is it okay to say that?"

Fang Caodi asked intuitively, "Is it the chemical factory in the Taihang Mountains of Hebei? The one with its own airport." He Dongsheng was a little surprised: "You really know a lot of things, it seems that our secrecy has loopholes." Fang Caodi asked: "What does that factory produce to make the common people happy? Mr. He, you promised to say what you ask." He Dongsheng said: "It's okay to say, anyway, I don't think it's a bad thing. Even if you haven't heard of MDMA, you have heard of ecstasy. What we produce is the Nth generation of MDMA. It is mild, non-addictive, and has no side effects. After taking it, you will feel better. It’s very good, I feel that the world is full of love, I want to hug people, and confide my heart to others, but my mind is clear and I don’t have hallucinations, just like me now.”

"Should such a large factory make ecstasy?" Fang Caodi was puzzled. He Dongsheng explained: "It's not making ecstasy pills, there are no pills at all, and it's not going to be sold to other countries. We are a big country, not North Korea. Don't get it wrong. We just produce this chemical for our own use." Old Chen interjected: "Like Huxley's Brave New World?" He Dongsheng replied: "I know what you are talking about, but we are not influenced by him at all. We have a stability maintenance office, and there are experts and scholars doing research in it, researching ancient and modern Chinese and foreign stability maintenance technologies. One of the experts studies British Information. You know that young people in foreign countries like to go to the street to drink and carnival on New Year’s Eve, and they will make trouble when they get drunk. You can see how violent British football fans are. But for several years at the end of the last century, they also used the ecstasy called Ecstacy During the popular years, the violence on New Year’s Eve night suddenly dropped. It turned out that after taking ecstasy, young British people just wanted to shake their heads, listen to music, hug, love and talk to those around them. This is the MDMA in ecstasy The effects of chemicals are different from the effects of alcohol and other psychedelic drugs. Alcohol can cause chaos, causing animal attacks, and tends to be violent, while psychedelic drugs produce hallucinations, which are not conducive to interpersonal communication. Our Stability Maintenance Office is looking for Harbin Institute of Technology to refine I bought some MDMA samples, but I didn't know what specific uses they had at first, so I did experiments, just like the new weapon research room in the 007 spy movie, inventing a bunch of useful and useless things.

Until the Politburo was studying the Ice and Fire Prosperity Plan, some members of the Standing Committee were afraid that the crackdown effect would make people too depressed and negative, and affect the enthusiasm of ordinary people when the five major economic reform policies were implemented in the second link. They lamented that it is best to have something that makes people feel good , positive attitude, but not aggressive, affecting social harmony.A person from the Public Security Bureau went to Harvard Kennedy School of Government in the 1990s for training and studied drug problems. He joked that this effect would not be achieved unless the whole country took methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA.

That's how it started. The more we discussed it, the more feasible it became. Some members of the Standing Committee said that they really didn't expect such a good thing to exist in the world.Do you know which country in the world has the most sassafras oil, the raw material for making MDMA?It's our China, what a coincidence!Western and our studies have found that a small amount of use should be harmless to the human body, and no adverse side effects have been seen for long-term use. Since this trick can make the people of the whole country happier and enhance the country's stability factor, the price/performance ratio is great. Why not?

Doesn't it mean that our government is a government that handles big things?So we did it, built a factory in Hebei, standardized production, unified management, scientific quality assurance, added tap water reservoirs in all countries, as well as milk, soy milk, soft drinks, juice drinks, bottled water, beer, liquor, and rice wine.Except for remote areas, it covers more than 99% of the urban population and more than 70% of the rural population. The dosage per person is very small, and blood and urine are generally not detected by physical examination, and people will not notice it at all. They just feel a little happier .However, this is only a small auxiliary project. The success of the Ice and Fire Prosperity Project is due to the correct macro policy. "

Lao Chen, Xiao Xi, and Fang Caodi listened, breaking out in a cold sweat, feeling exhausted like a collapse. Lao Chen suddenly realized something and said: "No wonder we are all hilarious." Fang Cao said: "That's right, more than 99% of urban people are high all the time!" Xiaoxi said, "How can you do this behind the backs of ordinary people?" He Dongsheng said: "No matter how much our party does, the common people don't know it. It has always been like this. Besides, adding chemicals to tap water is done in many places. For example, Hong Kong adds fluoride to tap water to prevent tooth decay. It is for the benefit of the people."

Xiaoxi said: "You are a policy of fooling the people. If the common people have no complaints, I will let you go." He Dongsheng said: "There is indeed such a purpose." Old Chen asked: "Since the goal has been achieved, why not withdraw?" He Dongsheng said: "Why withdraw when it's good? The people are in a good mood and the whole society is harmonious. What's wrong? China is now the country with the highest happiness index in the world, the number of religious believers has increased sharply, and the cases of domestic violence and rural women's suicide have decreased significantly. Okay? Besides, I’m really afraid to evacuate now. I don’t know if the common people will be unhappy. Some foreigners have lived in China for a long time, and when they return to their original place of residence, they feel uncomfortable and don’t feel like staying in China. When I was in China, I was so happy, I wanted to come back to China all day long. We have many international friends like this! If someone from abroad criticizes China, they will stand up and defend China, saying that if you live in China once, you will know how happy the Chinese people are.” . Fang Cao said: "Not everyone will react, there are three people here who are not controlled by this thing." He Dongsheng said: "Let me tell you, this is a good thing, but it's just a small thing. It's not a control at all. It's just a little change of people's emotions. People do what they should do. Our follow-up survey figures are also 100%. More than ninety-nine people have positive reactions, and there may be a small number of people who do not respond for various reasons. But most people are happy, and a few people will be affected by the emotions of the majority. Of course Some exceptions are exceptions. I see that a few of them belong to the very small number of unhappy people, just like me. I deliberately don’t drink tap water and domestic beverages, just to see what it means to be not high when others are high The taste. I relapsed today! The effect was the best when I used it for the first time. Look at me, I drank your plain water, and I said as much as I should or shouldn’t.” Zhang Dou, who had never opened his mouth to speak, suddenly asked: "When did you start putting it in the water? What day is it?" He Dongsheng said: "The specific date is very clear. It is the last day of the three-week crackdown. On that day, the water plants in the first, second, and third tier cities and county towns across the country will provide this water simultaneously, because China's prosperity will officially start the next day. It is necessary to fine-tune people's emotions appropriately... ". Zhang Dou yelled "I'll kill you!" Like an angry beast, he pounced on He Dongsheng, pressing his huge body on the weak He Dongsheng. "I'll kill you!" Lao Chen, Xiaoxi, and Fang Caodi hurriedly tried to pull Zhang Dou away, but Zhang Dou was as powerful as a cow, so they couldn't hold back. The three shouted: "Zhang Dou, let go!" "Zhang Dou, are you crazy?" Zhang Dou choked He Dongsheng by the throat and shouted: "He killed Miao Miao, he killed Miao Miao!" It looked like He Dongsheng was about to be strangled to death. Suddenly, Miaomiao screamed.Zhang Dou let go and looked back.Miaomiao stood by the door, staring at Zhang Dou with stern eyes, as if blaming Zhang Dou for using violence.Miao Miao holds a plate of cookies in her hand. Fang Caodi pulled Zhang Dou away. Lao Chen and Xiao Xi were both terrified that they almost killed someone.He Dong narrowly escaped death, and hadn't caught his breath to speak yet. Zhang Dou said weakly, "He was the one who harmed Miaomiao. Miaomiao started to get sick the day the crackdown ended, because they put something in the water." He Dongsheng said hoarsely and out of breath: "Crazy! A bunch of crazy! You..." He wanted to get angry and say, "Just kill me", but his rationality told him that doing this to the kidnapper Tips are not necessarily beneficial to yourself. Old Chen remained calm. He came over with water, but He Dongsheng deliberately didn't look at him.Old Chen said, "I'll untie you, how about you drink some water?" He Dongsheng was a little moved.Old Chen untied He Dongsheng and said, "It was an accident just now, believe it or not. The rooster is already crowing, the sky is about to dawn, and the night is about to pass, so just be patient." Lao Chen helped He Dongsheng drink water, and said to the others: "Do you have any questions?" Fang Cao said: "Yes, I almost forgot. The missing month! Strictly speaking, it is 28 days, which is the one week of anarchy and the three weeks of severe crackdown that Mr. He just mentioned. Except for you, I asked everyone but they don’t remember. Old Chen, you don’t remember either, do you?” Lao Chen replied: "I really don't have any impression." He Dongsheng chuckled.He still had trouble speaking, so he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Give me another drink!" Fang Caodi asked: "Mr. He, can you explain? Is it the bird flu vaccine that everyone was vaccinated that year? It is actually a amnesia drug developed by the Stability Maintenance Office, isn't it?" He Dongsheng corrected: "No, the bird flu vaccine is to prevent bird flu, and only tens of millions of people have been vaccinated. How can the Stability Maintenance Office have such a magical amnesiac medicine? If there is one, our party can really rewrite its own. history." Fang Caodi asked: "Then what is the real reason?" Xiaoxi asked: "Is it ecstasy water?" He Dongsheng couldn't help giggling again: "I don't know! If you ask me the real reason, I can only tell you that I don't know! Don't think that we can control everything, many things are beyond our expectations .The missing month you speak of is beyond our wildest dreams." Fang Caodi asked: "You don't know, who knows? Don't hide it..." He Dongsheng went on to say: "I don't want to hide anything, I will tell you everything I know." After the initial success of the Ice and Fire Prosperity Project, the People’s Daily published an editorial one day. The first sentence read, “Since the world economy has entered a period of ice and fire, China’s prosperous age has officially begun…” This is just rhetorical rhetoric of the article. Together.After that day, these two sentences were repeated in various reports and became a standard set of sentences that everyone catches. At that time, a report by the Central Propaganda Department noted that very few people in the media or even on the Internet mentioned the 28 days in between.We think that people can't bear to look back on the painful past. Everyone looks forward and is busy making money and spending money. This is good for our party.Anarchy and crackdowns are not glorious things after all, they are blood-stained and sinful, if you believe in religion.Therefore, the Central Propaganda Department took advantage of the situation to deliberately prevent the Internet and the media from talking about those 28 days.You know that our current network management technology is world-class, and the traditional media dare not ignore the call, and are completely under control.In addition, after the beginning of China's prosperous age, everyone lost interest in the West. The common people love to watch our own various media, and very few people watch foreign media.In this way, the twenty-eight days, which were seldom talked about, really disappeared from public discourse. Then, a thing that I still think is unbelievable happened, that is, more and more people really forgot those twenty-eight days. Some people unconsciously erase major childhood traumas from their memory. People above middle age have not forgotten the earlier Cultural Revolution or 89 June 4th. It is just that in the past two years, everyone is living a good life, and few people are interested in paying attention to the Cultural Revolution and 89 June 4th. That is natural. fade out. But people really can't remember those twenty-eight days. Whether it has something to do with the water and drinks, I'm not sure.There is a special supply of water and drinks in Zhongnanhai. What we drink is different from yours. Although some people are not so self-disciplined, they may drink everywhere.What I want to say is that people in Zhongnanhai generally remember those 28 days, and they all know that there is a collective selective amnesia in China. When I first realized this, I went around deliberately testing people in various circles, including middle-level and low-level cadres, experts and scholars, and it turned out that I really had no memory, as if I had brainwashed myself.It's so weird that I can't remember things from so recently, but it's true. Can't remember the best.The previous team had the blood of those 28 days on their hands. They wished everyone would forget about it, so they set up a project to revise the materials of those 28 days. For example, all the newspapers in the library are now electronic files. , let’s recompile the history of those 28 days, mainly to advance the date of the official start of China’s prosperous age by 28 days, and connect it with the world economy entering a period of ice and fire. There will no longer be a week of anarchy and three weeks of crackdown.No one protested this change, and almost no one noticed it. Occasionally, it was mentioned by someone at home and abroad, but it was also filtered out.Soon, the new version becomes the only version.In fact, I am also surprised, how can Chinese people be so forgetful? What I want to tell you is that yes, the central government’s propaganda department has done some work, but it’s just a smooth sailing. If the people don’t want to forget first, we can’t force everyone to forget.It is the Chinese people who took the initiative to give themselves forgetfulness medicine. Both Xiaoxi and Fang Caodi asked anxiously: "Why? Why do ordinary people behave like this? How is it possible? There must be an explanation." He Dongsheng said: "Didn't I tell you? I don't know!" Both Xiaoxi and Fang Caodi were stunned. He Dongsheng saw that everyone was speechless, and added: "I really can't explain it, and I am also very puzzled. Maybe the real world is not like a detective novel, and not everything has a perfect explanation. I admit, this is something I can't answer personally. The biggest mystery is why the common people collectively lose their memory? Maybe people are forgetful animals, and people are eager to forget some history. Maybe the Chinese Communist Party is lucky. Maybe the Chinese people deserve to be ruled by the Communist Party, and sixty years is not enough It may be a miracle, or it may be the common cause of the Chinese people. It is a pity that I am a materialist, otherwise I would definitely say that this is God’s will, and it is God who wants the Communist Party to continue to rule. God bless our party.” Xiaoxi and Fang Caodi all sat there in frustration, only He Dongsheng looked like a winner.Old Chen was also stunned when he heard it, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. Seeing the whiteness outside the window, he said, "Brother Dongsheng, let me remind you that there is a tacit understanding between us that we will live together and die together. Let’s not talk about the matter. In this way, we can continue to live the lives of our common people, and you can continue to get promoted and get rich. You should think about it carefully. Everyone, if there is nothing else, we will let Mr. He go home.” Xiaoxi, Fang Caodi, and Zhang Dou didn't say anything, and old Chen said peacefully to He Dongsheng, "You can go." He Dongsheng hesitated for a moment, stood up, walked slowly to the door, then stopped, turned around and said to himself: "You think I rarely get promoted and get rich? I am doing this for the country and the people!" Everyone looked at him expressionlessly. He Dongsheng quietly added: "Believe it or not", and then went out. In an instant, the sound of the off-road vehicle driving away was heard. Lao Chen, Xiao Xi, and Fang Caodi were silent. Zhang Dou distributed the video recording backup to everyone. At this time, Fang Cao said: "Then I should go." Old Chen said: "Yes!" Fang Caodi asked, "Shall I take you to the city?" Old Chen said: "No, it's dawn, and Xiaoxi and I walked to the side of the road to get a ride, so hurry up!" Fang Caodi hugged and said goodbye to everyone, and drove away in his Cherokee. Zhang Dou asked Lao Chen: "Mr. Chen, is there something wrong?" Old Chen said: "Half and half!" Zhang Dou said: "I understand." Xiao Xi said, "Take good care of Miao Miao". The three also hugged goodbye. Walking out the door, Lao Chen said to Xiao Xi: "I have friends on the border of Yunnan, and they don't feel like they're having a good time. Would you like to go there with me?" Xiaoxi thought for a moment, and said, "If there is a chance, I would like to take my mother too." Old Chen said, "No problem!" The east was white, and the two of them half-covered their eyes and walked towards the dazzling morning light. ﹝Finish﹞
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