Home Categories contemporary fiction Aunt Dohe

Chapter 4 third chapter

Aunt Dohe 严歌苓 9068Words 2018-03-20
On the wheat field from the town to the railway station, a battle was fought for a day and a night.The people in the town are not quite clear about the destruction of the railway and the conquest of the railway at the same time.The crops in the field were harvested, and the piles of straw were just used for fighting.Early the next morning, the gunfire stopped.Soon, people heard the train calling and said: Those soldiers who seized the railway won. Xiaohuan was bored at home all day and all night, bored to the core, carrying a bowl of noodle porridge with sticks, and picked a salted radish from the chopsticks and ran out quietly.The straw stacks did not show any changes, and the wide field was very quiet, not at all like the battlefield just now.A large group of sparrows fell down, pecked the wheat grains that fell on the ground for a while, and then flew up in large groups.During the war, the sparrows did not know where they went.At this time, the field looks very large, and everything in the distance seems to be placed between the sky and the earth.A locust tree with a crooked neck, a straw man, and a half-collapsed nunnery all became a coordinate point on the horizon.Xiaohuan didn't know the coordinates of the horizon, she just stood there in the autumn of 1948, stupefied for a while in awe of the gods.

The sky in the east is red and bright, and half of the sun comes up in the blink of an eye.Xiaohuan saw a ray of golden light on the furry horizon.Suddenly, she saw corpses one after another, reclining, lying on their backs.This is how the battlefield turned out to be.Xiaohuan looked at the sun on one side and the night that had not yet retreated on the other side. This area is really a good place to fight, and it is possible to rush and kill. The winning side is called the People's Liberation Army.The People's Liberation Army loves to laugh, to help others, and to drop by.Stationmaster Zhang’s family also came to the People’s Liberation Army, and they would rob you of any work you did.The People's Liberation Army brought many new words: officials are not called officials, but cadres; railway inspectors are not called railway inspectors, they are called working class; Boss Lu who runs a hotel in the town is no longer called Boss Lu, but a spy .Boss Lu’s hotel used to be a favorite place for Japanese people to live in. They were not allowed to wear socks instead of shoes when entering the hotel gate.

The People's Liberation Army tied up the spies and traitors and shot them to death.Those who can speak Japanese all walk along the walls like thieves.The People's Liberation Army also set up tents in the town to recruit people's soldiers, students, and the working class.When I come to Anshan in the future, I can get a hundred catties of flour for one month of coke refining, or one month of steel.There were many young people who signed up. Anshan was liberated and the military came under control. Those who went were called the first batch of workers in New China. The People's Liberation Army who came to visit saw Dahe who was beating the quilt with a wooden stick, and asked her what she was doing.As long as the weather is good, Duohe puts the quilt on each kang to the rope in the yard every day to whip.Sleeping at night, Zhang Zhang was so comfortable that he smirked and said to the second child's mother: "Duohe swollen the quilt again."

Dahe looked at them, his eyes were shining brightly, and he was full of ignorance.The People's Liberation Army asked her what her name was again.The second child's mother quickly answered for her on the side of the quilt, calling her Duohe.Which one is "more" and which one is "crane"?The second child's mother smiled and said: Isn't it difficult for comrades to spoil people?She is blind to words.At this time, only the second child was receiving the PLA, and Xiaohuan led the girl to the town again.The second child came out of the kitchen with a freshly brewed pot of tea, and told the PLA how much "many" was, and "crane" was the crane of the red-crowned crane.People in the People's Liberation Army say that the name is elegant, especially in working-class homes.They waved to Dahe and asked her to come and have a sit together.Dahe looked at the People's Liberation Army, then at Erhai, and suddenly bowed to the People's Liberation Army.

This bow made the People's Liberation Army puzzled.There were people in the town who bowed to them too, but nothing like this one.They also find it difficult to figure out why it is different. A PLA instructor named Dai said, "How old is the little girl?" The second child's mother said: "Xu Nineteen...she doesn't know how to talk." Instructor Dai turned his face and saw that Er Hai was digging the mud on the upper of his shoes with his head down, and poked him: "Sister?" They knew Xiaohuan well, and knew that Xiaohuan and Er Hai were married. "It's a girl!" said the second child's mother.

Dahe went to the other side of a quilt to whip.At that moment, everyone stopped talking, and the sound of her "crackling" whipping echoed straight on the brick wall and floor of the yard. "Did the children here have to go to school during the Japanese Puppet Period?" Instructor Dai asked the second child. "yes." The second child's mother knew what he meant, pointed to the back of the quilt and said, "This girl is dumb!" She grinned happily as she spoke.You can take her as a joke. The People's Liberation Army regards Zhang Zhang's family as the most reliable mass base.They explained to Stationmaster Zhang what class he was-a proletarian called "the protagonist".So they started with Station Master Zhang's house to learn about the situation in the nearby villages, who was involved in bandits, who dominated, and who gained power during the Japanese puppet period.Stationmaster Zhang muttered to the second child's mother and the second child, saying that this is not chewing on his wife's tongue?He felt that if he could live without everything, he could not live without popularity.For the folks in these villages, if you offend one, you will offend a bunch of them. For generations, everyone is related to everyone.Therefore, Zhang Zhang often hides out, telling the second child's mother and the second child not to talk too much.

The People's Liberation Army came today to introduce a major event called "Land Reform" to the Zhang family.They told the Zhang family that the land reform had already started in many rural areas in the Northeast. That day Xiaohuan came back from town and said that you don't chew your wife's tongue, some people enjoy chewing it.In fact, Instructor Dai heard about Dahe before he came to visit.Some people in the town have reported the purchase of Japanese women to the People's Liberation Army. Stationmaster Zhang drooped his face at the dinner table without saying a word.After eating almost, he scanned every face on the table fiercely, including the one-year-old girl.

"You can't tell anyone who gave birth to the girl." He said, "You can't tell anyone even if you kill her." "It was born by me," Xiaohuan said with a playful smile, and suddenly she came up to the girl who was sweating profusely and had a face full of steamed buns. "Isn't it girl?" She said to everyone, "Kan Ming also wrapped a little gold tooth for the girl, Dare to say that she didn't fall in the same mold as me?" "Xiaohuan, do you ever stop making trouble?" Er Hai scolded her without moving his mouth. "Our family is not the only one who buys little Japanese girls." The second child's mother said, "Aren't there people in the nearby villages who buy them? Don't accidents happen?"

"Who said something would happen? I'm afraid that something will happen. In his government, there are always things he likes and things he hates. He is afraid that this new government will hate things like ours. Let a Japanese woman have a baby, two What's the matter with the child and his own wife?" Zhang Zhang said. Dahe knew that all the words he said were talking about her, and the expression that mattered to everyone was also because of her.Over the past two years or so, she can understand a lot of Chinese, but they are all sayings such as "Duohe feed the chicken" and "Duohe's coal is dry".She can only catch half of this serious and quick dispute.She was digesting the first word and missed the whole sentence after that.

"Then what did you do at the beginning?" Xiaohuan said, "It wasn't your idea. Why did you buy a Japanese woman and come back? Since she bought her, has our house been quiet? Why don't you pack her up on the mountain tomorrow. Leave it to me, girl." "Xiaohuan, let's not talk nonsense, huh?" The second child's mother said with a smile. Xiaohuan glared at her mother-in-law.The mother-in-law understood that she was calling her "smiling tiger" with her eyes--the daughter-in-law had scolded her with her voice raised when they quarreled. "I think we can just avoid it." Zhang Zhang said.

The whole family stopped moving their chopsticks and looked at him.What is "dodge"? Stationmaster Zhang rubbed his slender and wrinkled face with his palms, indicating that he needed to wake up and refresh himself.Generally, when he comes up with some important ideas, he always rubs them together and changes his face. "You move away. Move to Anshan. I have an acquaintance on the railway who can help you make do with it. The second child will go to the steelmaking and coking plant and once you sign up, they will accept you. The second child has attended middle school for two years!" "Won't a house be demolished?" said the second child's mother. "I've been working on the railway for so many years, and I can let you take the train to see them at any time without paying. Let's check the wind first. If the people who bought the Japanese woman are all right, the second child will come back." "Second child, it's hard to go out. Take the old wild ginseng and musk at home!" Said the second child's mother. Zhang Zhang gave her a white look, and she regretted that she had slipped her mouth.Their family background has been kept secret from their son and daughter-in-law. "I'm not leaving." Xiaohuan said.As she talked, she moved to the edge of the kang and put on her shoes, "Why did I go to Anshan? Is there my natal family? Is there Manzi and Shuzhen?" Manzi and Shuzhen are her female companions who chatter. I'm not leaving. Did you hear that there is no second child?" The black tribute satin leather vest worn by Xiaohuan tightly wrapped her long and thin weasel waist, and she was a famous figure in the town. "Is there any treasurer Wang in Anshan who gives sweets to girls for free? Is there a theater where I go to the theater for free?" She looked at the family at the door condescendingly. The second child's mother took a look at Xiaohuan.Xiaohuan knew that her mother-in-law was scolding her with her eyes for "only thinking about delicious and lazy things"! "Second child, did you hear that?" Xiaohuan said. The second child smokes his cigarette. "Talk to the sky, if you want to go, you go by yourself. Do you hear that?" Xiaohuan said. The second child suddenly yelled loudly: "I heard it! You don't go!" The whole family was dumbfounded.The second child got up again.He jumped off the kang, walked barefoot to the front of the washbasin stand, picked up half a basin of water and poured it in the direction of Xiaohuan.Xiaohuan was jumping high with both feet, but her mouth was too flat, she didn't say a word.The second child doesn't have a donkey once or twice a year, and Xiaohuan doesn't suffer from immediate losses at such times.She settles accounts after the fact and always pays compound interest. Xiaohuan left, heard the girl crying outside the door, came back again, picked up the girl, and walked out in front of the second child carefully. "In this world!" said the second child's mother, not exactly Xiaohuan. At this moment, Duohe got off the kang without a sound, put the empty bowl and leftovers on a wooden tray, walked to the door, Erhai squatted there smoking, she stopped and bowed, Erhai let her pass, she Butt led the way out the door.At this moment, as long as there is an outsider, he can immediately see that there is something wrong with the woman who did the set of actions just now.These movements are very strange in a family like Zhang Zhang, but the Zhang family is completely used to Duohe's movements, and there is nothing weird about them. The Zhang family's second child and Xiaohuan disappeared in Anping Town.The mother of the second child explained one day in the town and another explanation tomorrow: "Our second child went to his uncle's house, and the uncle's house opened a factory." "The second child found a job in the city and did it, and he will be paid by the public." There are many People's Liberation Army stationed in the town, all of whom are from the south. This is the moment when the south and the north are intertwined and mixed.Many young men in the town joined the People's Liberation Army and drove south again.It is very trendy for the second child to leave Anping Town at this time. A year later, Zhang Zhang received a letter from the second child, saying that the old couple had finally got their wish and had a grandson.Stationmaster Zhang entrusted the people on the train to bring the new cotton quilts, and sent an urgent message: At least take the child to the photo studio to take a picture, the mother of the second child is so anxious to see her grandson that her eyes itch. The day after Chairman Mao boarded Tiananmen Square in Beijing to announce the founding of New China, Er Hai sent another letter.The second child's mother looked at a small photo in the stationery, two lines of tears and one line of saliva flowed out.A mighty fat boy with all his hair pointing up to the sky.Stationmaster Zhang said he looked like Duohe, and the second child's mother said angrily, what can such a small person see?Stationmaster Zhang sighed.He understood that his wife was fooling himself: if he refused to admit half of his grandson's Japanese blood, it seemed that he could deny his grandson's mixed blood.She picked up the small photo, went to the town with little feet, and told people that this grandson almost killed Xiaohuan, he is so big!He had to sip milk once an hour, and Xiaohuan emptied it all for him!While talking, she smiled with her eyes into two slits.Only the close girlfriends who used to gossip with Xiaohuan secretly said: "Who would believe it? Xiaohuan's parts are all destroyed, what kind of children are there?" People ask the mother of the second child how much the second child earns.As a first-level worker in a coking plant, Er Hai's mother told everyone that first-level workers eat and live in a state house.People say: the second child is really blessed.The second child's mother looked very blessed and took everything she made up seriously. When the village near Anping Town set up a mutual aid group, Zhang Zhang received another letter from the second child.Stationmaster Zhang is no longer the stationmaster. The stationmaster is a young man sent by Duan Shang at the end of last year.Stationmaster Zhang is now a cleaner, sweeping across the waiting room of the station with a broom every day, sweeping up and down the open space at the entrance of the station.This day he received the letter from the second child, and he was even more desperate. He insisted on letting the second child's mother cry to death--the second child's son fell ill and died last month.The same is true for the second child. It is such a big matter that I only write back every other month.The old lady wanted to cry well, but it was too late. The second child's mother really cried Zhang Qingchao to death.She took out the pile of little hats and shoes she had sewn, took out one, and cried a lot.Crying for the fate of the second child, crying for the fate of her and her wife, crying for the fate of Xiaohuan, crying for the fate of little Japan, who came to China to kill and set fire, chased her daughter-in-law, and chased her eldest grandson away.Crying and crying, crying to the older child.The older child had no conscience, ran away from home at the age of fifteen, and went somewhere to become a bandit. Zhang Qingsao squatted on the Kang and smoked, thinking that his wife knew where the eldest child had gone.They were still living in Hutou at that time, and he worked as a boiler worker at Hutou Station. The older boy got along well with a group of anti-Japanese elements who came down from the mountain, and then ran away from home. He and his wife concluded that he went up the mountain and followed to destroy The devils went to the railways, warehouses, and bridges.The second child was only two years old at the time.Zhang Qingsao thought to himself, if the eldest child is alive, he should have a letter by now. The second child's mother never went to town again. One morning in summer, a motorcycle came up from the wide dirt road in the middle of the wheat field, and the person sitting in the sidecar beside it looked like a government official.Motorbikes came to the door of Zhang's house in a cloud of dust and asked whether Comrade Zhang Zhili's house was here. The second child's mother sat under the shade of a tree and unwrapped cotton gloves, and stood up when she heard it.Over the years, she has shrunk a lot, and her legs have been bent into two symmetrical teapot handles. When she moves her little feet towards the door, government officials standing outside the door can see a group of chicks behind her from between her legs. "Is it my eldest child who is back?" The second child's mother stood a few feet away from the gate and did not move.Zhang Zhili is the scientific name of the older child. Comrades from the government came up and said that he was from the County Civil Affairs Bureau and had sent Comrade Zhang Zhili a martyr certificate. The second child's mother has a slow mind this year, and she just smiles with her toothless mouth to the government comrades. "Comrade Zhang Zhili died gloriously in the Korean battlefield. He has been looking for you and his father during his lifetime." "Glorious sacrifice?" The second child's mother's brain is several generations behind this kind of news and nouns. "This is his martyr certificate." A government cadre comrade handed a kraft paper envelope to the hands of the second child's mother, "his wife received the pension. His two children are still young." At this time, Er Hai Ma's comprehension finally struggled out of a lot of new words.The eldest child died, and died in North Korea. The old couple got a "glory", and his widow and child got a sum of money.The second child's mother couldn't cry, and she couldn't let go in front of a strange government official who spoke southern dialect-she cried because she wanted to slap her legs and scream.In addition, the older child ran away at the age of fifteen. She had cried for him long ago, and after crying, she had no hope of seeing him alive. The cadres and comrades of the County Civil Affairs Bureau said that the Zhang family has been a glorious martyr since then.You can get a sum of money from the government every month, and there will be a lot of oil and meat during the Chinese New Year. Mooncakes will be given out on the August Festival, and rice will be given out on the National Day in October.Other martyrs in the county are treated preferentially according to the same policy. "Comrade cadres, how many children does my eldest child have?" "Oh, I don't know too well. It seems to be two children. Your daughter-in-law is also a volunteer army, and she is in a hospital in the army." "Oh." The second child's mother stared hard at the comrade cadre, to see if his next sentence was "Your daughter-in-law invites you to visit your grandson at home", but the comrade cadre's lips closed. When the second child's mother sent the cadres and comrades to the gate, Zhang Qingsao came back.The mother of the second child and the father of the second child introduced the cadres and comrades, and the two shook hands formally. The comrades of the cadres called the father of the second child "old comrades". "Tell my daughter-in-law to come home and have a look!" Zhang Qingsao said with tears, "If she is busy, we can go and see her and her grandchildren." "I can take care of her baby!" said the second child's mother. The cadre said that he must bring the words to him. The sound of the cadre's motorcycle faded away, and the old couple remembered the kraft paper envelope, which contained a small hard-shell book with gold letters on a red background.The notebook was opened, and in addition to the photo on the eldest child's martyr certificate, there was also a photo of a woman in military uniform with a line of words protruding from the photo: "Wedding Memorial". The martyr's certificate stated that the eldest child was the chief of staff of the regiment. The second child's mother went to town again.Her martyr's son is the chief of staff, and Anping Town has never seen such a big official as the chief of staff. On the day of going to Jiamusi to see her daughter-in-law and grandson, Er Hai’s mother bought out half of the town, buying leather goods from mountain goods, and then buying fried rice candy, stewed hare legs, and tobacco leaves. "Mother of the second child, do you want to make your grandson feel sick?" "No!" The second child's mother bared her four lower teeth and laughed. I received a letter from my parents before I went to Jiamusi. Zhang Erhai was no longer Zhang Erhai, but Comrade Zhang Jian, a second-level worker.Zhang Jian was the name he filled in the form when he went to the coking plant to sign up.Suddenly, he picked up the dipped pen on the registration table and cut off the word "liang" in the middle of his scientific name in one stroke in his mind.In three years, Zhang Jian was promoted from an apprentice to a second-level worker, and his promotion was rapid.Among the new workers, there are not many junior high school graduates like him. When reading newspapers and studying, the section chief will say: Zhang Jian should take the lead.At first, he felt that the section chief had hurt him and wanted him, a man who never spoke, to be the leader of the speech.Gradually, he became promising. Anyway, he memorized dozens of characters, and he took the lead every time. After taking the lead in speaking, he can relax and think about family matters.Thinking about how to balance Duohe and Xiaohuan.He wondered what to do if Duohe went to the neighborhood committee and kept silent, and wondered if Xiaohuan could rely on her when he went to work arguing.Recently, what he thinks most about is the matter of the big boy becoming a martyr.The elder brother lived to be more than 30 years old, became the chief of staff, married a wife and had a child, and returned home to find his parents after he died.He thinks that big children are not a thing. The study meeting had just ended that day, and the correspondent who delivered the newspaper in Duanli gave him a letter.It's my father's handwriting.The father's thick and fancy characters were full of joy, saying that he and his mother were going to Jiamusi to see their grandson. Zhang Jian didn't look down.Wouldn't that be good?My brother has left roots for the Zhang family, won't he be fine?Dahe is fine, so she can be sent away.Where to send her?Regardless of where, anyway, he wants to liberate the proletariat himself! He returned to the family dormitory not far from the factory, and Xiaohuan went out again.Dahe came up quickly, knelt down in front of him, took off his heavy suede shoes, and carefully took them outside the door.The suede shoes should be light brown, and the men in the coking plant can wear them into jet black in the first day.He took a bath in the factory, but people on the street can still recognize him as a coking factory worker.Workers in the coking plant dyed the coke darker. This is a very large room, two wooden beds are joined together and placed on the east side of the room, like a kang.There is a large iron stove at the west end of the house, and an erected iron chimney coils more than half a circle under the ceiling, leading out from a hole above the kang.As long as the stove is turned on, the house will be too warm to wear cotton clothes. It was mid-August, and Dahe was cooking outside.So she goes out and comes in, takes off her shoes and puts them on, busier than anyone else.Xiaohuan is a lazy person, as long as she is not allowed to do anything, she will complain and keep following Dahe's Japanese rules. He just sat down when a cup of tea quietly appeared in front of him.The tea was air-dried and brewed when he got home from get off work.The teacup was put down, and a fan came over.He took the fan, and Duohe was already from behind.His happiness lies with Xiaohuan, but his comfort lies with Duohe.There are dozens of identical red-brick one-story houses in Gonggong Xincun, all of which were hastily built, and there is a residents committee for every twenty or thirty houses.In the neighborhood committee, Duohe is Zhang Jian's dumb sister-in-law. She always follows behind her quarrelsome older sister Zhu Xiaohuan, shopping for vegetables on the street and picking up cinders on the railway. In the past, she always made up a bow for her in the back. In fact, Dahe has been able to speak simple sentences in Chinese, but it sounds weird.For example, she asked Zhang Jian at this moment: "Are you unhappy?" Zhang Jian gave a "hmm" and shook his head.If such a woman is thrown out, will she survive? She took Xiaohuan's half-knitted sweater and knit it.Xiaohuan Xingtou will remove the yarn from Zhang Jianfa's thread gloves. After dyeing, she will use various stitches of peacock flowers and wheat spike flowers to knit sweaters for girls.However, her enthusiasm passed quickly, and Dahe always finished half of the knitting of the sweater.She didn't bother to teach her stitches and how to knit, so Dahe had to figure it out by himself. They only have this room, and the outside is a shed made of tar felt and broken bricks.There is such a self-built shed outside every household, but the style, material, and size are different for each family.Six wooden planks were placed horizontally on two large wooden beds, each of which was more than one foot wide and three meters long.The girl's pillow is the most to the south, and Zhang Jian's is in the middle. Duohe and Xiaohuan sleep one on his left side and the other on his right side. They still sleep on a big kang.Just moved here a few years ago, Zhang Jian said to divide a big house into two rooms, Xiaohuan disgusted him, saying that he would use a wall to cover those little things at night!Xiaohuan's mouth can kill, but she still has a magnanimous attitude.Occasionally woken up by Zhang Jian and Duohe at night, she just turned over to let them relax, and the child slept on the same kang. Duohe's son was delivered by Xiaohuan.Duohe is also Xiaohuan's caretaker during confinement.She called her son "Second Child", and instead of looking at the monk's face, she looked at the Buddha's face, and she was much more affectionate to Dahe.Her son, Man Yue, died not long after, and she asked Duo He to have another child quickly, and to have a little "second child" to plug the blood hole in the hearts of everyone in the family.Otherwise, once the second child who is more than one month old leaves, everyone will lose a piece of flesh in their hearts. From then on, whenever Zhang Jian got under Xiaohuan's quilt, she threw him out: he had surplus seeds so don't sprinkle them on her barren ground, and the fertile field left behind by Duohe was lying waste.It has been more than a year since the second child died, but the fertile field of Duohe still hasn't improved.Looking at Duohe sitting on the other side of the table, Zhang Jian thought, now that there is an orphan of his brother, someone has passed on the incense of the Zhang family. Duohe, Duohe, it's really redundant. "Second child." Dahe said suddenly.She still called him "Second River". His camel eyes went from half closed to half open. She looked back, watching his half-closed camel eyes inadvertently opened in her heart.The first time she saw him, it was through a layer of hazel mist--the sack in which she was contained was set off by the snow outside, and it became a hazel mist covering her.She was placed on the table, and he came towards her through the mist.She curled up in the sack and only glanced at him, then she closed her eyes, her face was almost hidden under her shoulders, like a chicken about to be slaughtered.She kept what she had just seen of him in her mind and re-watched it over and over again.It was true that he was tall, but she could not see his face and wondered if he was clumsy like the other big men, or out of proportion.The sack was picked up by him, where did he carry her to slaughter?Her curled numb legs and frozen body hung up, following his steps, touching his calf from time to time.With every bump, she shrank into a smaller ball in disgust.The pain began to wake up, and it became countless tiny burrs, which burrowed into her arms and legs from the soles of her feet, the tips of her toes, the tips of her fingers, and the crevices of her nails.He carried her, walked past the big black feet and black figures, laughing, and slowly replied to someone's joke.She felt that at any moment a large piece of foot would come up and she would be in the snow in an instant.At this time, an old female voice was heard, followed by an old male voice.The smell of cattle came through the slits of the sack, and soon she was resting on a slab.It's the car board.Pile up there like a pile of dung.The animal ran on the road under the urging of the whip, and the faster and faster it ran, the more and more compacted her pile of dung was.A hand kept coming up, patting her body lightly, and the snowflakes were dusted off by that hand.That hand is old, can't be straightened, and the palm is very soft.Every time her palms slapped her, she shrank back from the car... The car entered a yard, and from the light brown mist, she saw the corners of the yard: black cow dung cakes stuck to a wall of the yard.It was the big man who picked her up again, and carried her through a door... The untied sack fell from around her, and when she saw him, she only had a quick look.Then she slowly looked at what she saw quickly in her mind: he was like a big animal, and his eyes looked like a tired mule or a camel.The big animal's fingers are really close to her, if he wants to touch her, try, her teeth are pretty good. She thought it was lucky she didn't bite him then. "I'm pregnant." Dahe said.Only the three of her family could hear her sentences. "Oh." Zhang Jian said, his eyes wide open.What a good field, guaranteed harvest in drought and flood! That night Xiaohuan came back with the girl, and when she heard the news, she turned around and went out again, saying that she was going to drink while trotting.During the dinner, the three of them were drenched in sweat, and Xiaohuan dipped the tip of her chopsticks into the wine and kept sipping on the tip of the girl's tongue. The girl's face wrinkled into a ball, and she turned her head up and laughed. "This time, if Duohe's stomach grows bigger again, the neighbors will become suspicious: why does my sister-in-law have a big belly when I don't see my sister-in-law's man again?" Xiaohuan said. Zhang Jian asked her if she had any plans, and when she buried her face, the dimple on her cheek became a hole.She said it's not a good idea?Shut Duohe at home, and she walked around with a pillow tucked in her waist.Dahe stared blankly at the desktop. "What are you thinking about?" Xiaohuan asked her, "Want to run again?" She turned to Zhang Jian, pointing at Duohe, "She wants to run!" Zhang Jian glanced at Xiaohuan.She is thirty years old (according to the age she concealed), and she is still out of shape.He said her tricks weren't working.There is only one toilet in a row of houses, and I wish I could cheat a few people. Could it be that she went to the toilet with a pillow in her mouth?Doesn't Dahe not go out to the bathroom?Xiaohuan said that this little urine suffocated the living?Who in the rich family goes to the bathroom?They all sit on the potty at home.Zhang Jian still told her to stop talking. "How about I go back to Anping Town with Duohe and give birth to the child there." Xiaohuan said. Duohe's eyes sparkled again, looking at Zhang Jian and then at Xiaohuan.This time Zhang Jian refused to let Xiaohuan "stop talking".He silently took two puffs of his cigarette and nodded lightly to himself. "Our house is far away from the town!" Xiaohuan said, "There are so many things to eat, the chicken is so fresh, and the noodles are fresh!" Zhang Jian stood up: "Don't talk about it, go to bed." Xiao Huan was around him, saying that it was useless for him to make up his mind, and would call her "stop talking", but it was always her idea that would work.He is so big, so he listened to his smiling tiger wife.Zhang Jian let her chatter casually, and stretched out his arms and yawned long.Duohe and Yatou cleared the table, chatted and hummed, and became a pair of Japanese mother and daughter. They didn't feel bad at all when Xiaohuan lost his temper. Xiaohuan asked Zhang Jian what he nodded just now.When did Zhang Jian say he nodded?He smoked well, so he nodded!Well, he won't nod anymore.Zhang Jian just wanted to cut off Xiaohuan's train of thought immediately, he didn't want to bring out unformed ideas. Once Zhang Jian came up with an idea, he didn't discuss it.When he entered the house the next day, Duohe came up to untie his shoelaces, and he told her to wait, he had to tell the story first: they will move next month.Xiaohuan asked, where to move?moved far.Farther than Harbin?Far.Where is it?No one in the workshop knew exactly where it was, so they told them that it was a city south of the Yangtze River.What are you doing there?A quarter of the factory's workers have to go there. Dahe knelt down and untied the laces of Zhang Jian's suede shoes.South of the Yangtze River?She repeated these four words in her heart.While Duohe took off Zhang Jian's shoes and put on a pair of dry, snow-white cotton socks, the question and answer between Xiaohuan and Zhang Jian continued. One said she wouldn't go, the other said she couldn't help it.Why do you have to go?Because it was hard for him to apply. Xiaohuan felt scared for the first time.To the south of the Yangtze River?Even in her life, she never thought of going to see the Yangtze River!Xiaohuan went to elementary school for six years, but she doesn't know anything about geography.The center of her world is Zhujiatun, where she was born and raised, and Anping Town is already a foreign place.The most reassuring thing for her to marry into Anping Town is that it is only forty miles away from Zhujiatun, so "I can't survive" or "I can't survive" is just a matter of running forty miles back to Zhujiatun.Now we are going to the south of the Yangtze River, how many rivers and rivers are there between the Yangtze River and Zhujiatun? At night, Xiaohuan lay on the kang, unable to imagine what the days would be without running to Zhujiatun.If you can't live, you have to live, and there is no father, mother, elder brother, grandma, or mother to hear her say "it's too much".She felt a hand reach into her bed and touched her hand accurately.Her hands were tired and her temper was gone.That hand dragged her hand over and placed it on those silent lips.Those lips had aged, not fleshy like they had first kissed her, all dry creases.The lips parted and took her fingertips in. After a while, he dragged Xiaohuan's arm into his bed, and then, Xiaohuan's whole body.He just held her like that.He knew that she was a sweet girl in an earthen nest who had never seen the world, and he also knew how afraid she was and what she was afraid of. Xiaohuan is still growing.At least when she was thirty, she understood that some things were futile, such as her man's big idea: going to the south.
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