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Chapter 24 The final chapter

Shaylin went to Simista, then came back in the middle of summer to see how Cadderly's new cathedral was progressing.She had expected a large force hard at work in the area, and was surprised that there were so few there, just Cadderly and Danica, Visello Bellague and Brother Chantikri, Stone Shoulder Brothers, and less than ten strong men from Calaton. However, progress has been made and Xuelin understands that she should not lower her expectations.It was built by magic, not toil, and Cadderly didn't seem to need much help.Thanks to the efforts of the dwarves and those from Kaladon, many areas have now been cleared of rubble, and three aerial pillars line the northern edge of the future new library.Twenty feet to the south of them, Cadderly had begun work on the wall, a rather delicate-looking structure.

With a gasp, Xuelin found that what the priest was working on now was a huge, arched window with stained glass and black iron bars, which could be set into the wall where the broad pillars were clearly visible.While Cadderly paid attention to every detail, he realized the general design, symmetrically burning the tips of iron bars, and forming patterns with glass pieces of various colors. The elves are the people of the forest, born amidst the myriad beauties that nature has to offer, humans have never been able to reproduce, but now Xuelin finds her heart skipping a beat as her imagination pictures the finished cathedral and feel her soul soaring.There were too many delicate details, too many intricate designs, for her to appreciate them all.It was, she thought, like a vastly stretched elm, and Cadderly was painstakingly placing every leaf and twig on it.

Xuelin found Danica on the eastern edge of the library garden, intently inspecting a pile of parchment scrolls.Brother Chanticlee was nearby, singing to his god, calling up spells of preservation and protection, while guarding piles of art and priceless manuscripts brought out of the old library.Belag was nearby, inspecting items and singing at the same time.The lanky alchemist had apparently finally found his way to a particular religion.And who can blame him?Xuelin thought to herself, smiling as she looked at the man.Belag has witnessed many wonderful sights, the most amazing of which is the construction work that is carried out before his eyes every day. How could he not walk on the road to the God Denir?

Danica's face lit up when she realized her friend was back.They greeted and hugged each other warmly, and the observant Xuelin immediately saw that Danica's smile was hiding a lot of not-so-bright things. "He's been like that all day," the monk said, looking intently at Brother Chantikeri, though Xuelin knew she was referring to Cadderly. Xuelin tried to change the subject without notice, looking at the scroll of parchment on the ground in front of Danica. "It's a list," she explained. "A list of men and women who will come with me to Nightblade Peak to retrieve the treasure of the Red Dragon. I have sent messengers to Simista."

"I met them on the road," Xuelin said. "They've probably met King Alberes, though I don't think they can tell my king anything he doesn't already know." "They'll invite Simista to join the expedition," Danica said. "As expected," Xuelin replied with a calm smile. "We understand and appreciate the friendship you and Cadderly have offered." Danica nodded, and despite her determination, she couldn't help but look at him at the mention of her beloved's name.Cadderly was still full of energy -- overflowing with energy -- bringing his visions to life, but he no longer looked like a man in his early twenties.His body had grown thicker despite the toil, and his muscles were wider and still strong, but not as sharp and strong as before.

"There's a price to pay for this construction work," Xuelin commented. "It's a creation," Danica corrected.She sighed deeply, drawing the elf's full attention. "That's a choice," Danica began, "whether to choose the god Denir, this path, the purpose Cadderly found in his own life, or..." "It's still Danica," Xuelin interjected softly, placing a sympathetic hand on the seated monk's shoulder. "It's still Danica," the monk admitted. "Choosing between the call of the god Denir, and the life Cadderly really wanted as a human man."

Xuelin stared at the monk carefully, and realized that Danica really believed what she said.The tolerant young woman understood that Cadderly had chosen a higher love, one that no mortal could rival.There was no jealousy in Danica's tone, but there was sadness, a deep anguish. They sat in silence, watching Cadderly and the dwarves.Ivan and Pikel have marked out another area, and are apparently discussing the logical next step to support the building's already erected towers. "He'll finish the new cathedral," Danica said. "A new cute library." "No," the monk replied, shaking his head, looking up at Xuelin with his almond-shaped eyes. "Cadlier never liked that name, never thought it fit a house that belonged to the god of literature and art and the god of knowledge. He would name the cathedral after 'Goofy Spirit.'"

"How long will it take?" Xuelin asked. "Cadry and the dwarves have made plans," Danica replied, her voice fading into a whisper. "Five years." "Five years," Xuelin repeated softly, however, Danica had made a point of pointing out that Cadderly would live to see the church finished.Only five years! "These creative activities will cost him," Xuelin commented. "It's as if he exchanged his own existence for the materials of the cathedral." That's right, Danica thought, but she didn't have the courage to answer.Cadderly had discussed the whole thing with her, had told her that this was what his life was about.This cathedral, "The Spirit of the Fly", will stand for a thousand years as a tribute to the God he serves.He had told her what the price would be, and together they had wept for a life they could not share.Not long after that, Danica bit her lower lip hard and bravely strengthened her case for Cadderly, telling him that the "Goofy Spirit" would also be a tribute to Cadderly, the priest who had sacrificed so much .

These Cadderly didn't want to hear one bit.The cathedral was dedicated purely to God, and it was a blessing, not a sacrifice, that he was allowed to build it. "He hopes to live long enough to offer a service in the new cathedral," Danica whispered.Xuelin put her hands on Danica's shoulders, and then, speechless, she walked away to speak to Brother Chantikri and Visero Bellague.She could hardly believe that the young priest had made such a sacrifice.Humans don't live very long, but a man who devotes perhaps three-quarters of that time is simply incomprehensible to the immortal elves.

Danica just watched Shaylin take a few steps away, and then her eyes couldn't help but return to Cadderly, to the man she loved so much and because of what his god had shown him in his determination to follow him. love him all the more.Yet she also found herself hating Cadderly, hating herself for meeting this man and giving him her heart.How could she love another person when he was gone and she was still young? No, she decided, shaking her head against the pain.It was better to meet and get to know Cadderly.It's better to fall in love with him.The thought made Danica's hands gently rub against her belly.She wished to conceive, to give Cadderly another inheritance, a living, breathing inheritance.

Danica continued to look at the man with a bittersweet smile.She wondered if it might be possible for her eyes to stop weeping one day.
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