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Chapter 7 postscript

Everywhere 王安忆 2121Words 2018-03-20
If Ah Cheng's novel "Merry Man" was not so famous many years ago, this novel of mine would be called "Merry Man". Of course, this "Merry" is not the other "Merry". The meaning of "Xiaoxiong" is somewhat narrower and more straightforward, but it still cuts my original intention.I didn't mean to just refer to the four "rangers" - the name "Heroes Everywhere" is really like a martial arts novel. In fact, I am not passionate about martial arts. Zhiguai; but if we start from reality and imagine the previous life of martial arts, it should be in the world of you, me, and others. I somehow stepped on the ground and fell into a different dimension, such as the place called "Jianghu"-I The original intention is not only here, but also in the word "everywhere", which means heroic deeds everywhere.Of course, this "hero" is not that "hero", and this "hero" can probably be explained by the person "King". "Historical Records" writes that Shang Yang heard that Qin Xiaogong was seeking talents, so he found a way to meet him.The first time I saw it, it was about "the way of the emperor", Qin Xiaogong dozed off while listening; the second time I saw it, it was about "the way of kings", although Qin Xiaogong didn't use him, but his attitude was better, thinking that this person It is still possible to talk; for the third time, Shang Yang grasped Qin Xiaogong's mind and put on "dominant". After talking for several days, Qin Xiaogong said from his heart that the way of an emperor takes too long, I can't wait, "Will An Neng Yiyi wait for hundreds of years to become an emperor?" So Shang Yang was used.The king is advocating domineering, of course he can't be Qin Xiaogong, the "king" is just shouting, he can only lead the three little heroes himself, and he can't roam the sky like the ancient knights, but wander in the cracks of the ground, and finally Still falling into a rut.

It has been a long time since I wanted to write a travel story, that is to say, to lead a person out of the normal life and enter a strange situation, and then let him witness all kinds of strange scenes, like a "flower in the mirror" .I also further imagined that an honest employee was suddenly hijacked by a creditor who came to collect his debts, took him as a hostage, and took him away from the city he had never left, and stepped into another world.This is just the shell of a story, what is contained in the shell, but my heart is at a loss.Later, I read the Japanese writer Kobo Abe's novel "Sand Girl" is also an experience of being introduced into a strange situation. It is almost the same type of shell. Although the things in the shell are not the same, because the external characteristics of the shell are too distinct, I can't help but feel tired and tired. , I lost interest in trying.In fact, the shells of the story are mostly the same, and some shells can be said to have been used for one or two hundred years, but they have no abrasive luster.For example, a man and a woman are in love, like Adam and Eve; for example, a person kills another person, like "Othello"; "Say", how many stories have been deduced by these models, so far it is not boring.That is to say, these shells have a large capacity. Although the shape of the device is simple, it is only the simplicity that can incorporate rich and varied contents.However, the shape of the utensil is too complicated and exquisite, and the objects it holds are limited.So, I gave up the "outing" shell.However, there seems to be a kind of substance still growing in the shell, and it has a tendency to grow stronger, which is the scene of "everywhere".

In 2003, I walked through two abandoned mines.One is a tungsten mine in Daming Mountain, Lin'an, Zhejiang.After more than 40 years of mining, the mineral deposits have been exhausted, leaving broken mountains.From the subgrade of the railway track, the culvert, and the cross-section of the rock wall, we can see the majestic production and labor of that year.On the wreckage of this mine, tourist attractions have been opened up.I used this ruin as a scene in the novel, and let the "rangers" hide in it, so there is an air of fate here, which is very suitable as the ending of the escape.Scenes are just like people, with different personalities, some are plain, while others are strong. When you walk in, you will feel that there are endless sounds all around you. out.You can't help but imagine stories for it, about the past and the future, and that's the drama of the scene.The second abandoned mine I want to talk about is in Malaysia, Kuantan, a city on the east coast of West Malaysia,

The nearby Limbing Tin Mine.The British mined here for a hundred years, transported countless tin ingots, and finally abandoned an empty mountain and went home.Entering this small town, the scene suddenly becomes unreal. The crowded houses—the outer walls are often painted with bright paint colors, which is the preference of tropical residents. There is no one in the houses, it is an empty city.As if it fell from the sky, a small two-story concrete building sang "Red Plum Praise". It turned out to be a Chinese town hall, singing karaoke.Most of the workers in the mine came from southern China at the beginning of the last century, and then passed on from generation to generation. They have been here for a hundred years, just like a small Chinese society.Even in the 1960s, a Mao Zedong Thought Propaganda Team was organized here.And when I asked if there were prostitutes in the town back then, people replied: Are you talking about wandering warblers?there is! The word "Liuying", with its old-fashioned dust, also stands here, accumulating the archaeological layer of language.The mine has been closed, the entrance on the hillside is blocked by overgrown plants, the former shipping dock has long since collapsed, and a suspension bridge runs across the river, and a worker is repairing the bridge slab.In order to let me go through without worry, he patiently dragged the boards to cover the leaks.I think he likes to have people come over and strike up a conversation with him.This river is very similar to the Mekong River seen in the movies. All tropical rivers are about the same, hidden in dense trees, with a kind of fertile desolation.Needless to say, this scene is also filled with a vivid sense of character, it almost speaks, what story does it have to tell?What I want to say is that this year, I have no intention of walking through two ruins. everywhere" scene.

In this way, this "wandering" story comes before us again, but it has already escaped from the shell of that form, and the matter inside is growing and has its own life shape.This is actually closer to the truth. Originally, the internal is more important than the external, and it is what I want to express. Therefore, it is also more dynamic and able to grow on its own.At the same time, it also requires more nutrients from you, and you must work hard to enrich it so that it will not lose its whereabouts and eventually disappear without a trace.That's what writing a novel is all about. Whether a thing exists or not seems to depend on whether you can sit down, pick up a pen, write a line in a blank notebook, and then, the next day, the third day, go on What was written in one day, continued to be written line by line, day after day.If there is a little wavering and hesitation, all will cease to exist.Now, I have finally insisted on making it appear from the suspension, and sure, it exists.

March 24, 2005 Shanghai
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