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Chapter 4 Everywhere-4

Everywhere 王安忆 11236Words 2018-03-20
Your Majesty has spent five years in the military. He served in the Xuzhou Garrison. Compared with the general army, the garrison in the city is more or less loose and has more free time.Especially in the next two years, with the qualification of an old private who has overdue his service, he can gain a little more freedom.The king spends all his free time doing one thing: reading.He finished reading the books in the reading room of the security area, and got a library card in the Xuzhou City Library, and finished reading the books there.At this time, he made a few local friends, and they then provided him with books. Once, they took him to a professor's house in a teacher training college to learn from his teacher, but he did not go a second time after going there once.

Your Majesty has spent five years in the military. He served in the Xuzhou Garrison. Compared with the general army, the garrison in the city is more or less loose and has more free time.Especially in the next two years, with the qualification of an old private who has overdue his service, he can gain a little more freedom.The king spends all his free time doing one thing: reading.He finished reading the books in the reading room of the security area, and got a library card in the Xuzhou City Library, and finished reading the books there.At this time, he made a few local friends, and they then provided him with books. Once, they took him to a professor's house in a teacher training college to learn from his teacher, but he did not go a second time after going there once.Regarding the process of this apprenticeship, I will talk about it later.In short, the books he has read, both in quantity and quality, far exceed the level of the third grade of the rural junior high school he has received.If you don't talk about the miscellaneous and messy, it will surpass a college student or even a graduate student.It is precisely because of this chaos that the king reads a wide range of topics: novels, prose, poetry, philosophy, medicine, mathematics, geography, archaeology, military affairs, as long as he gets a book, he must read it from beginning to end. Finish.It's hard to say how deep the king's understanding is, but his memory is amazing.More or less consciously, he trained his strong knowledge and knowledge.The most typical manifestation is that he never buys a book, but only borrows it. If someone will give him a book, then he must read and tear a page. After finishing reading, the book will cease to exist , as if being eaten into his stomach, he memorized it all.It can be said that he absorbed the knowledge given to him not by understanding but by memory.So, his reading gave him two achievements, one was a quiz.First, they benefited from the self-entertainment party in the security area. The prizes were nothing more than small things like towels, notebooks, and fountain pens.Then, being recommended to the competition in the division, the prizes and reputation are more important.Then, he also won the first place in the knowledge contest held by the military region, and the prize was a copy of "Ci Hai".His Majesty's dream is to go to the TV station to participate in the competition, but he doesn't know how to go through it. It is said that he needs to pay a considerable amount of registration fee.In fact, the statement that the TV station collects money may not be convincing, but the king seems to like this kind of statement, which satisfies his competitive spirit, and shows that the reason why he failed to participate in the TV station's competition is not because of other reasons, but because he has no money; From this, he can draw the conclusion that "society is snobbish", both of which are the psychological needs of young people.This is the first achievement, the second is his eloquence.His eloquence continued to improve with the accumulation of knowledge.At the beginning, the king won by quantity, that is, he piled up his knowledge in one go.Due to the strong knowledge and rich records, the materials for the debate are very rich, and the supply is sufficient, and they come at one mouth. It seems to be analogous, but in fact it is very complicated.However, it created an eloquent impression and gained the upper hand in momentum.When these knowledges were turned into words, they seemed to flow out of the king's mouth automatically, and the king vaguely felt that there was a chain linking the end to the end hidden in it.It's this chain that packs up and connects those irrelevant links. This is logic.The primary education received by the king did not give him philosophical training, so he could only explore by himself.He was so excited by this discovery that, to use an irreverent metaphor, he sniffed the ground like a hound, trying to find this invisible clue that magically connected everything.Buried beneath his vast knowledge, the clue flickered.Sometimes he almost caught it by the tail, only to let it slip off before he knew it.Once he saw the college debate program on TV, he was fascinated.What fascinated him was not the different views of both sides, but that no matter which side he stood on, he had a chance of victory.He vaguely felt the chain again.The connection of this chain is actually extremely flexible. It can connect the knowledge that is beneficial to oneself according to the needs, so as to gather strength and play a role in promoting beyond the content of the viewpoint.With his keen sense of smell, he sniffed out the abstract theorems under the concrete things, and he was unable to describe the metaphysical existence, the messy and disorderly phenomenon-this phenomenon reproduced the phenomenon of phenomena due to his unrestrained reading, just like The chicken lays the egg, the egg lays the chicken, they oppressed his intellect.But he just felt that strange existence!In the debate between the two sides of the college students, he watched the loser climb up the invisible chain, gradually stand up and gain a firm foothold.The king, with his brute force, opened a logical path in the congested pile of knowledge, and he got the hang of sophistry.

The joy of debating soon replaced quizzes.And the debate is not like a quiz competition, which requires specific conditions. For example, in his words, you can only participate in the TV competition after paying the registration fee.Debates can be held anytime, anywhere, and any matter can be the subject of debate.For example, in a chess game played in the midfield, one can debate the outcome of the game; the function of chariots, horses and cannons can also be debated; the principle of pawns crossing the river can be debated again; , It is also debatable what wins and what loses.At this point in the debate, the matter of playing chess itself has become suspicious.And this is the result that the king is most proud of.That is to say, after rounds of debates, the subject of the debate is finally overturned so that it does not exist.When he took the initiative in the debate, led the development in the predetermined direction, and gradually approached the goal, he blushed with excitement, blood rushed to his head, and his eyes glowed brightly.He looked around for an opportunity to debate, it looked like a provocateur, and people were a little afraid of him.Before he could speak, the other party said: I admit defeat, I surrender!No one can be a match for the king.There are also those who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, but they come down after a few rounds of going up.The king gradually felt lonely, and he even became reticent. He had such wonderful eloquence, how boring and tasteless the daily speech seemed!As I said just now, it happened at this time that his local friends took him to the teacher's house in the Teachers College to have an apprenticeship. What he was thinking in his heart was not about apprenticeship, but debate.The teacher lived in the west of the city, in the faculty dormitory of the Teachers College, in a newly built apartment building.The teacher led them into a study room surrounded by bookcases. Because they were at home, the teacher dressed casually, with a vest and shorts, and a pair of nylon stockings on their feet as if they were afraid of the wind and cold.The teacher's age is about fifty years old, which can be said to be the prime of life for academics.Being able to be assigned to a new apartment shows that it is also valued at school.It is probably out of an ancient style of cherishing learning that they receive visits from young scholars like them who have learned from unknown teachers.The teacher led them into the study and sat down, both of them were speechless for a moment.They are naturally nervous and restrained, but the teacher probably doesn't understand their reason for coming, so he doesn't know where to start.After a moment of silence, the friend who introduced me said: "The teacher has so many books!"The teacher replied: not much, not much.The teacher is the father of the friend of the friend, and the friend of the friend is going to college in another place, so the subject and the guest are both students.Taking advantage of the topic of the book, the friend introduced Dawang to the stage: My friend likes reading books very much.The teacher and the king just looked at each other.Your Majesty didn't wear a military uniform that day, but a round-neck sweater, which was bundled into loose military trousers.The body is not tall or even strong, but there is a tension that shows the effects of drill and discipline.The hair is shaved into a flat top, showing a flat forehead, bright eyes, looking directly at the teacher.The teacher moved his eyes away and asked, "What books do you usually read?"The king replied: Just look at it blindly!The teacher gently taught: "You still have to read books selectively."The king asked: What do you think the teacher should choose?At this time, the teacher's eyes came back again, and he looked lovingly at the humble and studious young man in front of him: Yes!There are so many books, but life is limited, so choices are especially important, which means how much you may use your limited life.In this way, the topic changed from reading to life.As a teacher, he will always be bewitched by words and lose his way. He has also let down his vigilance against this young man.Originally, the young man's gaze somewhat made the teacher wary, but now, the speech occupied his attention.When he talked about the finiteness of life and the infinity of knowledge, unexpectedly, the young man brought the topic back: So how do we choose to study?The teacher was stunned and realized that he was digressing, but he was knowledgeable and self-cultivated after all, so he immediately picked up the topic: To know is to know, and the book we should choose is to gain knowledge from it, not knowledge.The young man asked again: What is knowledge?What is knowledge again?This obviously hit the teacher's muzzle, and the teacher smiled: knowledge is not telling you that you don't know, you know it if you tell it, but knowledge is, simply put, a word, just see, what do you see?How do you see it?Therefore, knowledge is second-hand, but knowledge is first-hand.Then, the eager young man asked again: What is first-hand and what is second-hand?The teacher smiled again. He almost fell in love with this young man. He didn't realize that he had already been drawn into an ambush circle by him.

The first-hand is what you see and hear, which is directly reflected in your brain and everything in your heart; the second-hand is the experience and conclusions that others have already obtained, which are in turn obtained by you——then, youth cuts off Dao, then, does this first-hand, that is, "what I have seen and heard" include other people's experiences and conclusions?The teacher stretches out a palm to temporarily block the youth—for example, water—the teacher lifts up a glass of water on the desk, the word "water" is knowledge, what is knowledge?It is a fluid, leaking, colorless, transparent, edible substance.The youth followed up at a lightning speed: what is "substance"?The teacher was startled, and put down the water glass in his hand: What do you mean - this little hesitation has already made the teacher start to become passive.I mean the word "matter" is knowledge, or cognition?The teacher couldn't help laughing, which inevitably contained a sense of ridicule, because he felt that the quality of the question was not very good.The young man happened to be very sensitive to ridicule, and he asked again persistently: Is matter, knowledge, or understanding?Because of the emotions, asking this time is a bit like an attack.The teacher also put away his smile, and his expression became serious: "Matter" is a concept, it is the general term of objective existence, and it is the object of knowledge; but the word "matter" is the result of knowledge. became knowledge.The young man moved a little, but it felt like his hair was fluffing, like a fighting rooster: So, "matter" is a name, and knowledge is a name?The teacher stopped and looked at the young man. He didn't know where the young man was going to lead the topic.The teacher at this time looks younger than his actual age, or he may be young, but his defeat makes him look like an old gentleman.The young people began to make big comments: According to the teacher, once the world is known, it becomes second-hand, that is, it becomes knowledge, and it becomes a name-knowledge is constantly developing, the teacher said in a daze One sentence is like commenting for the king.And the king is eloquent—so, in fact, we live in a world of names, which is the world of knowledge, the world of second-hand knowledge.Where is the world at first hand?I can't see it, and neither can you.Where is the flowing substance?We clearly see only the most common compounds of water, hydrogen and oxygen.Once this first-hand world comes into awareness, it has already become second-hand, knowledge, and name, and the first-hand world perishes.In fact, what you said is whether existence determines consciousness, or consciousness determines existence. This is an important difference between materialism and idealism-the teacher tries to distinguish the train of thought from the youth's speech.The youth smiled gratefully at the teacher. Now, their positions are reversed, the youth is the teacher, and the teacher is the student—this world is conscious, and consciousness is existence, isn’t it?Isn't consciousness part of being?Hearing this, the teacher smiled again, this smile was a relieved smile, and he relaxed, because he saw that the young man was untrained and his thoughts were confused.This smile once again angered the young man, his eyes became hotter, his words became more turbulent, he gained strength, and his winning mood made him irritable, and he began to deviate from the logical clues—existence and consciousness coexist and depend on each other, There is no existence without consciousness, and there is no consciousness without existence. This is like the chicken or the egg. Is the first formation of the chicken or the egg?This is also like the first push of the earth, whose hand is it?Who can answer whether consciousness or existence is formed first?The teacher felt that the young man was just a fool. He stopped speaking, withdrew from the debate, and was just a listener.This angered the young man again, and he stood up—so it is difficult for us to say what is first-hand and what is second-hand. The world we are based on may be in consciousness. Isn't there "Zhuangzi's Dream Butterfly"?What is real and what is a dream?We may be in a dream now, teacher, you, and I may not exist at all, just a kind of consciousness, however, we are talking and exchanging ideas, then we exist again, at least in the dream—the teacher is Deep down in his heart, he admitted that the young man had a well-developed mind, and even admitted that the young man had indeed read some books, but he still thought it was a nonsense, it was just a joke.He stood up and walked out of the study. In fact, he was just going to the toilet, but there was always an element of negligence involved. At least, he could say hello in advance!The young man's speech came to an abrupt end, and he also knew that he was a little confused, and in a hurry, he called "Zhuang Zhou's dream butterfly" "Zhuangzi's dream butterfly".

The debate with the teacher has become a shame.He can almost go through the entire process of the debate from the beginning, like a chess player replaying the game.He has clearly grasped the initiative, advancing steadily, and he has the upper hand in every joint, but the trend of failure is unstoppable covering the whole situation.He knew that he lost.In some key places, he almost slipped over and missed the mechanism.These organs are hidden among the overgrown branches, he just can't see them, he can't grasp them!But he is such a kind of person who is naturally antagonistic, how can he be told to admit defeat?It doesn't matter if he can't grasp those organs, he can open up a new path.To use the ready-made old-fashioned words, it is the king's methodology that has deviated.It would be fine if he was willing to be a mediocre person and be satisfied with the world of perceptual impressions; but he is not, he wants to climb to the abstract metaphysical world, but he lacks the physical strength of thinking and cannot cross the dividing line.He hangs in the middle.According to the most common saying, it means that one cannot succeed at a high level and one cannot succeed at a low level.As a result, there was no place to settle down.Who can see clearly the embarrassing situation of the king?In the rush of the world, everyone is running for their own livelihood, who can ask to understand the pain of knowledge of the king, a young soldier, or an old soldier?Those who are lower than him are in awe of him, as I said just now, afraid of him; those who are higher, like the teacher, don't like to talk to him, and think that he is wild and messy.Therefore, the king has infinite loneliness in his heart.

Serving as a soldier is treating him like oil again.The ambition when I first joined the army has been worn away without a trace in one dry day after another.He has a bit of high-sightedness and low-handedness, which is a problem that almost all thinkers have.In their view, the labor that must be performed to achieve the goal is ridiculous and even demeaning.Seeing people working hard and striving, the luckiest among them are just joining the party, being promoted, and entering the military academy. Their haughty eyes finally regard the goal as ridiculous.What's the point?This is what they say most often.Unknowingly, they walk out of the actual life, and life becomes nothingness.And they are not real thinkers, who can enjoy the pleasure of philosophy in nothingness; they are not even nihilists, so they can have another kind of fun, the fun of decadence.Half of them turned toward nothingness, and the other half toward reality.The real world is not insulated from them. In fact, to some extent, because reality does not satisfy their desires, nothingness is used to prevaricate.They said, "What's the point of this?" The original meaning was that such a small "meaning" could not satisfy their appetite.In short, they are not the kind of complete nothingness, nor are they complete reality. They have a little bit of both.They are, therefore, at the same time individualists.At this point - thank goodness they're really thorough enough not to split their personalities.And so—thankfully, although they have a bit of anguish, it is far from suffering, and they have no such noble emotion as pain.Individualists will have no pain, but no happiness either.

In this way, the soldier used the king as oil.But this "oil" is not on the surface. Like some veterans, they have lax military discipline and indulgent behavior, and are called "Qiu Ba" by the common people.On the outside, the king just maintained the rigor of a soldier, and this rigor even surpassed that of a soldier, and was approaching a politician.That is to say, his demeanor is not only in appearance, but also a kind of internal control.When veterans are demobilized and discharged from the army, the atmosphere in the army is the most turbulent time.In this ancient city where the nine divisions of the army were stationed and where military strategists have fought for since ancient times, there are many stories of military bombings, all of which happened during the period when the soldiers returned.Or use grenades, or guns, or even use sticks to break the glass windows of several barracks and civilian houses to vent the resentment in my heart-years of bleak management have failed.This mostly happened to rural soldiers. They came to the army with the hope of changing their fate. In the end, their hopes failed, but the time never returned.Haven't they walked the old path of a generation, married wives and had children, facing the loess and back to the sky!At the farewell banquet, everyone drank too much wine, took advantage of the wine, and said too much, some cried, some laughed, and some fought.Amidst the chaos, the king remained calm.He didn't drink a little wine, he knew the disadvantages of wine a long time ago.It seems that there is a meaning of "everyone is drunk and I am alone".He came with a backpack and went with another, and returned to his hometown, the mountain villa in the west of Zhejiang, on the border with Anhui and Anhui.He got married the year he came home, and his wife was a junior high school classmate who had been waiting for him for five years, and she taught in a rural primary school.A son is born every other year, and a daughter is born the next year.The livelihood of the family is to rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and grow vegetables and bamboo.Things like bamboo grow on their own, so you can just pick them in season, and there are vendors who come to buy them.A few years ago, his parents separated him from his elder brother. Each of them owns a piece of mountain land and several tile-roofed houses.With his demobilization fee and his wife's savings, he rebuilt a small building with cement prefabricated panels and a courtyard.There are half of potted plants in one courtyard, no flowers, all herbs.Backed by the green mountains and bamboo forests, there is some artistic conception of retreat.Every day, he uses a rubber hose to collect well water to water potted plants, sweep the courtyard, and occasionally go up to the mountains to look at bamboo. He doesn't even read books, but only reads a few newspapers brought back by his wife from school.Sometimes, in the twilight, you see him standing alone in the courtyard, looking up at the barrier-like mountain behind the house, and the last bit of afterglow falls on him, drawing a clear back.You can't help but be surprised, what is this person thinking?

As a demobilized soldier who has seen and read so many books, he seems to be too calm after returning from the big world outside to the isolated farming life.Underneath this calm, what kind of mystery lies?In the mountains in the west of Zhejiang, a mountain depression was sunken somewhere, and there was a small village hidden in the depression, with the first few families in the village.In this isolated life, the appearance of people is more or less strange, and they seem to be somewhat like beasts in the mountains.It is short in stature, but its limbs can be extended and bent as needed.The layout of facial features is compact, the outline is prominent, and there is an expression of observation.In short, the compressed energy far exceeds the volume, which is the result of natural selection and evolution to adapt to the environment.The king is different from the local life.He has been a fair-skinned child since he was a child, and he can be considered tall among the locals, which is probably a sign of his abnormality!Later, when he arrived in the army, his body and facial features underwent some changes, becoming harmonious and well-proportioned. This is the result of the self-regulation of skeletal muscles in an open social life.Between the brows, an expression of alertness derived from heredity is reserved implicitly.He returned to this mountain depression from the city of Xuzhou, a transportation hub, and he really sank down. Three years have passed like this.In the past three years, he hadn't been out, even if it was only in Yuqian County, but during the season of harvesting bamboo shoots, he had received a few merchants from outside, from Lin'an, Hangzhou, and even Shanghai.Like all the villagers, the king also invited dinner and wine at home, and the merchants naturally wanted to tell some anecdotes.For example, how did a bribery case come to light?One day when the Standing Committee was held, the leader sitting on the rostrum saw several Standing Committee members playing with a lighter.This lighter is very strange, no one can light it, only its owner's hand can.It turned out that it was specially made for him alone, and his fingerprints were made on it, so he was recognized alone.The leader thought, who made the lighter for him?They sent someone to investigate, but they found a case worth tens of millions.Another murder-for-hire case.A person was killed, but after checking and searching, he couldn't find any enemies, and his family had no money.If the motive for the murder cannot be found, it will be difficult to solve the case. What happened in the end?It turned out that the killer recognized the wrong person, so he killed the wrong person.The most strange thing is that a liar borrowed the first sum from the bank to invest in real estate; then used the real estate under construction as offset, and then borrowed the second sum to invest in the second real estate; and then used the second real estate As offset, the third loan came... At this point, the banks rushed to loan him, because his funds have been actively flowing, and his career is very prosperous.In the end, the matter came to light, and the liar sat in the classroom, but his real estate has sprung up in every corner of the city—because he is a businessman who sells bamboo shoots, he used the idiom "springing bamboo shoots after a rain", which has a kind of humor. laugh it out.

After three years of living in seclusion like this, the king felt a little loose.In the counties adjacent to them, there is a mountain, which should be the tail of the famous Huangshan Mountain in Anhui, and the tourism industry has recently been developed.During the peak season in July, August and September, he would go there as a bearer.Most of the bearers are villagers in the mountains. They used to rely on the mountains to eat the mountains. Now they sell the mountains to the tourism development group company. Since then, I have no livelihood.But the contract was signed in black and white, and there was no way to go back on it. The only way was for the village chief to sit in the company every day and ask for some compensation.A mountain person can say any reason, but it seems that he has made a mistake.

For the sake of life, please help.But he has the vigor of a mountain person, he goes out early and returns at night, like a worker at work, he comes down day by day, making people afraid of him and avoiding him one after another, but they will not give him a penny of compensation.Every morning, before the tourists go up the mountain, the village head has already walked to the door of the company office located in the middle of the mountain, and the bearers gathered on the platform of the mountain road call him: "Come on!"How many days will the payment be closed?How many meat and vegetarian lunches do you eat at noon?The village head held a bottle of Nescafé coffee soaked in tea leaves in his hand, with a black leather bag under his arm, just like he used to go to a grain collection and tax collection meeting, pretending not to hear people's scolding, and entered the gate without looking back. The meaning of lost dog.The bearers laughed together again.The king also laughed together inside.The work of the bearers is actually very simple, because it is not a famous mountain after all, and the tourists who go up the mountain are not very enthusiastic, and most of them are young and strong.Foreigners like Dawang, the locals will somewhat reject them, feeling that they are coming to rob them of food.Fortunately, the mountain people are very honest by nature, and their sense of competition is not very strong. After a few days, they get to know each other well, and they are like their own people.The king especially doesn't compete with others, and even gives way.In the past few years when he went out to serve as a soldier, the way to live on the mountain has been deserted, and the bearers are even more coolies. If he seriously wants to fight, he may not be able to win, and the king does not expect to rely on this to support his family.So what exactly is he here for?

The king looked at the mountain all day long.For those who grew up in the mountains, the mountains are associated with their livelihoods, so they would not have any pleasure in admiring the mountains.But the king looked at this mountain with a special mood.After sunset, the last tourists had descended to the bottom of the mountain, and the bearers went home, but he was still lingering in the mountain.The water in the pool is clear, and the pebbles in the water are almost crystal clear. Birds chirp in the empty mountain, and the leaves of the trees fall with a loud sound.The king is alone, facing the mountain, the mountain seems to be alive, and it seems that each other can hear the voices of each other.The king walked down the concrete steps taken by tourists, walked up the path stepped on by woodcutters and herb pickers, and slowly deviated from those artificially developed scenic spots, entering the hinterland of the real mountain.Occasionally, he would meet someone, move nervously in the twilight, turn his head suddenly, and both parties would be startled.I saw that man packed up his stuff, turned around and left, hiding in the bushes.It was a villager on the mountain, taking advantage of the fact that no one was secretly planting and harvesting some medicinal materials, they thought that the king was a tour company patrolling the mountain.This sudden encounter and swift escape did not make the mountain lively, but on the contrary made it even more deserted.The king swept the weeds by the side of the mountain road with a stick in his hand, and there were some insects running around in the grass. It can be seen that in this quiet depth, there is actually a very active driving force.The twilight gradually became moist and thick, and the broad and even sound of rustling all around was the sound of night dew falling.The king knew it was time to go back down the mountain, so he stepped on a downhill road.Looking back, I suddenly saw a barrier-like mountain, with a few pines and cypresses standing on the top, cutting the sky into uneven edges.The sky is the blue of crab green, and the mountains are black. The rest of the details are included in these two colors, and the world suddenly becomes simple and abstract.The face of a person almost appeared in front of the king's eyes, but it didn't appear after all, and it was still hidden in the depths of the historical tunnel, blending into the invisible.This person is infinitely far away from the king, but he is also close to him. This mountain is named after this person, and legends are left behind in this place and that place.Right on top of this mountain.It is unbelievable to say that the king has never been on that summit, what kind of mood is it?There are thousands of acres of meadow on the top.Back then Zhu Yuanzhang—yes, this person was Zhu Yuanzhang!Zhu Yuanzhang was pursued by Zhang Shicheng, led his remnants up the mountain, stationed troops here, and raised them for several years. Suddenly, like a tiger descending from the mountain, the dragon went out to sea, killed Zhang Shicheng, and conquered the world in one fell swoop.Now, the Millennium Meadow is the most important scenic spot of the mountain and the destination for tourists to climb the mountain.How many people go to the top of the mountain every day to watch the undulating grass waves.Several times, the king had already approached the top of the mountain, but he still didn't go up, it seemed that he was not ready yet, he thought he was not ready yet.The tourists who heard the word "Zhu Yuanzhang" on the mountain, whether they are old or young, women or children, have a sense of historical sadness of "how many things in ancient and modern times are being talked about", as well as a sense of humor, laughing at the frivolity of the world.He thought, how many people can understand the heart of an emperor?He also scoffed at those far-fetched legends, such as Zhu Yuanzhang once slept on a certain rock, and so on, which are also frivolous.Can mortals comprehend Wang Qi?These little bits and bobs are nothing but self-defeating tricks!He also suspected that someone was disturbing the weather of the mountain with noise.It was getting late and the tourists had gone away. He wandered alone in the mountains, and felt a kind of mist around him, which gradually permeated and closed up, filling the space between the heaven and the earth.Wang Qi is heavy and gathered again, and the true face of this mountain is revealed.In the darkness of twilight, no one could see the smile on the king's face. What he smiled was the ignorance of the world. If he insisted on going to the top, what could a pair of ordinary eyes see?And he doesn't need to look or listen, just—to be together.He doesn't believe in the "Bible" about the appearance of Jesus. He thinks that Westerners are a bit like children: one is one, two is two, nails are nails, nails are nails, they are too honest.If there is a god, the god will come in the form of a human being!He also believed in gods, but the god he believed in was invisible and exquisite. After autumn, the number of tourists gradually decreased. When it entered the off-season, seeing the leaves wither and turn yellow, a few plants turned into red leaves, like a few torches of flame.The bearers also dispersed, each looking for a livelihood for the next winter, and made an appointment to meet again in the coming year.In the coming year, the people gathered will change to some extent. A few old and frail people will not come, but a few young and strong young people will be added.No one will remember that there was once a silent man who didn't get along very well with others, but he was also somewhat popular.Ken suffered a disadvantage, and if there was a dispute between the bearers, he would mediate it with a sentence or two.Like a person who has read books, but he has never seen him take a book.People don't even know where he is from. They only know that he is not from the local area. He rents out half of an old house in the village and cooks for himself.Take a bath in the pond when collecting work, take the water and splash it on your face. If someone greets you, you will swipe it, turn your head, shake and smile, and your eyes will shine in the splashed water beads.Just as they didn't know where he came from, the bearers didn't know where he went. The king returned home, stayed for a few days, and set off again.His wife, a small woman known as Teacher Ye, asked him where he was going back, and he said Hangzhou, so Teacher Ye stopped asking.She is used to men's habit of coming and leaving as soon as they say it.They are classmates in junior high school, and their homes are in two adjacent villages.Teacher Ye is a good student in the class, while Da Wang can only be regarded as the middle class.Teacher Ye has never paid attention to Dawang. In her eyes, who has grown into a young girl, Dawang is just one of the little boys who have not taken off the body of a child.At that age, it is difficult for girls to notice boys of the same age. Who told them to be late bloomers?After graduating from junior high school in three years, Teacher Ye was promoted to high school as he wished, and Da Wang was drafted into the army.Two years later, Teacher Ye met a soldier on the county street, riding a bicycle, and suddenly stopped in front of her.Teacher Ye was very surprised. She didn't know who this person was. When someone came to report his name, she still couldn't remember such a well-proportioned boy with a calm attitude among her classmates.When they got to the side of the road and chatted, she found that this unremembered male classmate actually remembered many things about her: once she won the county Olympic mathematics award; Passed; another time, she wore a white dress bought in Shanghai.Time flies by in retrospect, and they chatted for two hours on the streets of the county town.The next time we meet is on Sunday.The male classmate came directly to her house and brought heavy gifts, cigarettes, wine, health care products, ham, and tea, so the meaning was very clear.In order to repay the generous gift of the guests, the Ye family's parents left lunch.Temporarily killing chickens, cutting meat, and borrowing a sheep lung from the neighbor who had just slaughtered the sheep.Teacher Ye felt that this former classmate was too hasty, but he was happy in his heart because he was actively pursued by others.This person is both an old acquaintance and a new friendship, acquaintance and freshness.The next day, Teacher Ye went to his house, met his parents, brother and sister-in-law, and also had a meal.After dinner, I followed the male students to visit the new house, which is the courtyard where they live now.At that time, it was just a one-story house, and it was a shell, with no walls, no floor, and no partitions.In the sloppy room, a bunk was set up, which was temporarily used by the male students who came back to visit the house.On the upper wall of the shop, a large map of the world was pasted.Just under this world map, the male student and Teacher Ye did the thing that all young people are curious about. A good student like Teacher Ye has always been a role model recommended by adults when teaching children. Even if he is good-looking or even charming, no boy will take the initiative to show anything.The pride developed by her superior position does not allow her to express herself to others.高中里,男女生,尤其是女生,大多谈了恋爱,成双成对的。老师批评起来,也总是拿她作正面的例子,她却不像过去那么喜欢老师的夸奖了。老师的夸奖非但不使她骄傲,反而感到自卑。乡下的女孩都成人早,她也知道,有些女生都有过了和男生的经验,甚至有一二个悄悄去了邻县医院堕胎。宿舍里,女生们因要避着她,用暗语交流避孕的措施。她们的表情并无半点羞耻,而是一种得意。她心里,其实是相当落寞的。现在,简直就像是从天而降白马王子,那样坚决,肯定,甚至带些蛮霸地,攫住她了。当他扶她坐在床沿,从口袋摸出两片药片,用矿泉水喂她吃下,她没有一点疑问,也没有抗拒。凭她从同宿舍女生隐晦的只言片语,她猜想这是避孕药片。她也知道大多数男生不喜欢用避孕套,避孕套而且也不安全。她顺从地由大王摆布。有几次,两人的眼睛上下相对,竟然都很平静,也有一种陌生,好像在问:你是谁?这初次的经验并未达到她原先预期的,出自一个爱读小说的女学生的浪漫想象,以为的如胶如漆,相亲相爱。其中似乎有太多的技术和操作的成分,占去了大半的注意力。他们并没有因此而亲密起来,甚至于未来的叶老师都不大能确信,他们的关系就这么决定了。这个人,自从与她有过这样的肌肤接触后,就变得缄默起来,再没有头一次在县城街上邂逅时的滔滔不绝。她发现,他们彼此远远谈不上了解。可是,她依然对这个经验感到满意。尤其是在事后的回忆中,这个经验又渐渐填入了她的那些浪漫想象,变得亲密了。 大王探亲结束回部队,就没有来信。她不是牵挂,也不是想念,而是觉着做了一场梦。这个人倏忽而来,倏忽而去,显得那么不真实。等到她差不多把这个人放下了的时候,他就又来了。她坐在他的摩托车后边,随他来到他家,又到了那个属于他的院落里。房子还是畅荡荡的一座,孤零零的一张铺,墙上的世界地图还在,略微黄旧一点。他们依然是在地图下面做了那事。这一回,他们彼此都比一年前激动了些,因为动了欲念。紧紧箍着对方的身体,从男欢女爱中生出了些真情。可是大王回到部队上,依然没有信来。对于他在徐州那边的生活,叶老师无从想象,于是也不去多想。到了再下一次探亲,大王又出现在跟前,虽然是有意外的惊喜,但似乎也在预料之中。直到他正式退伍,将房子翻盖,装修,不等涂料干透,便将她娶进了门。此时,她已经从二年制的师范专科毕业,在镇上小学做一名公办教师。她对他依然谈不上有什么了解,但四五年的等待有了确凿的结果,就可证明这是个一诺千金的人。于是,再无他想,铁心跟定他了。
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