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Chapter 124 Preface to the History of European Woodcuts

Frost Red Chamber Essay 叶灵凤 917Words 2018-03-19
Preface to the History of European Woodcuts I have always wanted to read Arthur Hind's "Preface to the History of Woodcuts" (An-thur M. Hind: "An Introductiontoa History of Woodcut") haven't had a chance for years.until recently Bought a cheap reprint. Xingde's woodcut history is limited to Europe.He was originally a British Museum engraving and prime The director of the description department has always studied prints, and originally planned to write a complete history of European woodcuts.because The history of European woodcuts only began in the fifteenth century AD, and he started from this era.unexpectedly

It has already taken him many years to figure out the early history of European woodcut development. As a result, he didn't have the courage to study it so carefully.I have no choice but to end my work and write down what I have written. This part of the material has been sorted out and published, and this is the "Preface to the History of Woodcuts". This preface is actually a history of European woodcuts in the fifteenth century, and at the same time it is a history of European woodcuts. Engraved history of origin.Therefore, even though it is a "preface", after it was printed into a book, it was two huge volumes with more than 400 sides, with a total of eight volumes.

With more than one hundred pages and nearly five hundred illustrations, it is really a masterpiece.No wonder he wrote the preface After "On", I no longer have the courage to continue writing like this. In this history of woodcuts in the fifteenth century in Europe, the author prides himself on every existing European woodcut in the fifteenth century Woodcuts, woodblock printed religious tracts, and histories of these painters and engravers are detailed Given the introduction and explanation, it is really a rare work.However, since his research only Woodcuts from the fifteenth century in Europe are limited, and these woodcuts, whether single panels or book illustrations,

Most of them are religious, and they are not of great interest to ordinary readers.But if you want to know This is the authoritative and only work on the development of woodcut in Europe. China was the first to use woodcut as a printing tool.We were in the seventh and eighth centuries AD at the latest Woodblock printing has been invented since the early 1900s, in which images and text are carved on wooden boards for printing.This is compared to the European continent, seven or eight hundred years earlier.Therefore, in this "Preface to the History of Woodcuts", although Xingde specifically stated that he

The scope of his research is only limited to the fifteenth century in Europe, but when he talked about the origin of woodcuts introduced to Europe, and The origin of woodcut still has to be mentioned in our China, the early woodcut found in Dunhuang Thousand Buddha Caves and Japan The woodcut Buddhist scriptures and Buddha statues give a brief description. Since this book was published in 1935, the history of the origin of woodcut in my country used in it The historical materials, from the present point of view, are naturally a bit outdated. There is another part of the book which particularly interests me, and that is the fact that Europe has been

After the typography became available, the popular books such as, etc., were the first to be printed. First there was a typescript, and it was accompanied by woodcut illustrations.This book also introduces these illustrated books.
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