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Chapter 5 Fangmagou Brigade

big yard children 石钟山 3286Words 2018-03-19
Li Yaling was born very healthy, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a thick and black braid like Li Tiemei.Ever since Zhang Weiping became the director of the revolutionary committee of the brigade, he began to pay attention to Li Yaling. It can be said that Zhang Weiping came to the Fangmagou brigade like a duck in water, the sky is high and the earth is wide. Fangmagou is my father's hometown. My father joined the Anti-Japanese League at the age of thirteen and embarked on the road of revolution. He is a senior cadre of our party and our army.The people of Fangmagou are proud of it. In a small mountain village, there is a deputy commander of the military region. They attribute all this to the feng shui of Fangmagou.It's just that girls and boys get a lot of credit for finding a partner. Girls from other villages are very willing to marry in Fangmagou, because there used to be a deputy commander of the military region here.

Zhang Weiping's grandfather and grandmother are still buried on the mountain of Fangmagou, and the grandfather and grandmother gave birth to a son like Zhang Weiping's father.Now, Zhang Weiping came to Fangmagou to join the queue again, and the love and respect of the villagers in Fangmagou for Zhang Weiping's father was quickly transferred to Zhang Weiping. In the first year Zhang Weiping came to Fangmagou Brigade, he successfully became the commander of the militia.In the eyes of the villagers, this position can only be held by Zhang Weiping.Not only because he is the son of the deputy commander, but more importantly, Zhang Weiping looks like a militia company commander no matter what.Zhang Weiping wears authentic military uniforms all year round, which are straight, bright and capable.His mouth is full of some major events in the world and in China, from the atomic bombs of the US and Soviet hegemons to the raging Vietnam War, he speaks clearly and logically.In the past, the folks were ignorant and knew something more or less, but they had never heard it so vividly and concretely.

The former militia company commander was Er Zhuzi, and he also wore a set of imitation military uniforms, but the military uniforms worn by Er Zhuzi looked like they were stolen no matter what.Erzhuzi also has a four-year-old son. He holds the sniveling son in his arms every day, letting the son's snot all over his front and back.Erzhuzi led the militia to train, and sometimes he took out the guns in the ammunition depot. The gun was like a fire stick in Erzhuzi's hands.The villagers are not at ease when such an armed force is handed over to Erzhuzi. As soon as Zhang Weiping came to Fangmagou, the temperament and brilliance exuded from him overwhelmed the two pillars.Under the enthusiastic appeal of all the villagers, Li Zhishu had a talk with Er Zhuzi, and the branch secretary said: Er Zhuzi, look at you, why do you look like a company commander?Just stop doing it and let Zhang Weiping do it.

Er Zhuzi stuck his neck and said: What am I doing then? Li Zhishu looked at Er Zhuzi's snot marks all over his body and said: I think you should go home and pick up the child. Erzhuzi went home to pick up the child, and Zhang Weiping became the militia company commander of the Fangmagou brigade as everyone expected.After Zhang Weiping became the company commander of the militia, he was really different. He first let all the militia move around, must wear military uniforms, and used three nights a week for training. Zhang Weiping organized more than one hundred militiamen, each carrying a steel gun on their shoulders, and the steel gun was wiped smooth by the militiamen at Zhang Weiping's request.Zhang Weiping trained the militia in one way or another. He was very familiar with the training of soldiers. There were military trainings for soldiers every day in the compound of the military region.When he was a child, he imitated the training of soldiers with some children, and he was already familiar with everything about soldiers.Therefore, when Zhang Weiping trained the militiamen, he followed all the requirements of the army.In a very short period of time, more than one hundred people have been able to walk in a very neat pace.Not only that, Zhang Weiping also taught the militiamen to shout those loud slogans.For example: "One, two, three, four—" and "be vigilant and defend the motherland; keep your eyes open and prepare for war" and so on.These loud slogans spread far and wide in the quiet night of Fangmagou.

The folks lay on the kang, sleeping more solidly than ever before.Because there are militia guards, they are at ease. Zhang Weiping's sledgehammer test brought earth-shaking changes to the militia company, and also added a lot of scenery to the amateur life in Fangmagou.Since Zhang Weiping became the company commander of the militia, he asked the militiamen to bring their guns with them when they went to work in the fields every day.The militiamen held hoes in one hand and steel guns in the other.When working, the militiamen put their guns together. Those steel guns were wiped and coated with gun oil. So many guns were put together, shining under the sunlight.Zhang Weiping looked at those guns, and then at the lively militiamen, he felt a sense of accomplishment spontaneously. With his hands behind his back, he inspected the militiamen's guns and their labor.

Zhang Weiping organized the militia to shoot targets twice a year, one in spring and one in autumn.Before shooting, according to the regulations of the superiors, the militiamen had to train for ten or eight days off-duty.This is the festival of the militiamen, and it is also the festival of adults and children in Fangmagou. The day of shooting finally came. The shooting range was set up on the back hill of Fangmagou. Outside the cordon, there were men and women standing in Fangmagou. They were as excited as Chinese New Year.The sound of gunfire was so sweet and clear.No matter how many rings are hit, the onlookers will cheer for a while.Ever since Zhang Weiping became the commander of the militia, people liked everything. In the past, Er Zhuzi organized the militia to shoot targets every year. At that time, there were many people watching, but the gunshots at that time were not as loud as they are now to the villagers. so crispy.

One summer after Zhang Weiping served as militia company commander for two years, there was a sudden torrential rain for several days, and the old river loop west of Fangmagou suddenly flooded.From time to time, some agricultural tools or villagers' firewood stacks floated down on the muddy water, and they went down the river.During the days of heavy rain, Zhang Weiping organized militiamen to guard the embankment of Laohetao day and night. If the river overflowed and rushed towards the village, they would fire shots to call the police.The militiamen's work was hard work in those days, but it was also exciting.

That day, Zhang Weiping led the militiamen to patrol the river embankment. Suddenly, they saw a cow washed down by the water.This is a newborn calf. The calf itself is somewhat watery, but its strength is not enough to contend with the torrential flood, so it can only drift with the current. The moment Zhang Weiping saw the cow, he didn't seem to think about it. He threw the gun aside and jumped into the water.He quickly hugged the cow, but the current was too fast, and he and the cow couldn't go ashore for a while, and went down the river with the flood.The militiamen on the bank rushed down the river embankment, shouted on the bank, and fired shots at the same time.All of a sudden, people from the whole village came out, not only the whole village but also people from neighboring villages flocked to the river embankment, and they witnessed Zhang Weiping's demeanor of saving the cattle.Downstream, the river widened and the current became less urgent. People on the bank threw ropes into the water. Zhang Weiping tied the rope to the cow, pulled the cow's tail, and got ashore with the help of the people.

When Zhang Weiping did all this, he was completely subconscious. When he jumped into the flood, he had already disregarded life and death. He began to feel scared when he got into the water, but it was too late, and he could only share the risk with the cow. bear.After landing, he collapsed due to fatigue and fright. When he fell, he said like a hero in a movie: Is the cow still alive? The glorious deeds of Zhang Weiping's heroic cattle rescue spread quickly, first in the commune, and finally in the county, and the province The newspaper also sent a reporter, and the article praising Zhang Weiping was soon published in the provincial newspaper.

The secretary of the county party committee has spoken: such educated youths are worthy successors that we can cultivate. Soon Zhang Weiping became the director of the Revolutionary Committee of the Fangmagou Brigade.He had just turned nineteen that year. The seed of Zhang Weiping germinated and unearthed, and he found the soil suitable for him in Fangmagou.People also say that Fangmagou is a treasure land of geomantic omen. First a general came out, and then a hero came out, and this hero was only nineteen years old.Next, there was an even bigger news. After serving as a soldier for four years, Liu Shuanglin, a young man from the village, was honorably promoted and became a platoon leader in the army.

During that year, the happy events in Fangmagou were one after another, and people further verified that Fangmagou produced talents.In the autumn of that year, three beautiful and beautiful girls from other villages happily married to the Fangmagou brigade. He came to Fangmagou with a carriage and settled down. In Zhang Weiping's eyes, the lives of the people in Fangmagou are prosperous and meaningful.When he was the commander of the militia company, he only thought about building the militia company of the Fangmagou Brigade into an iron army, which would come when he was called, and whoever came would be able to fight and win.Now that he is the director of the Revolutionary Committee of the Fangmagou Brigade, what he considers is not only the issue of the militia company, but the livelihood and revolutionary drive of the entire Fangmagou people. Nineteen-year-old Zhang Weiping often frowned in later life, with "Yingchun" brand cigarettes in his hand, he smoked while thinking. The office of the brigade is located in a row of red brick and tile houses, including the brigade office and the clinic. A hand-cranked telephone is connected to the commune. The latest instructions of the commune revolutionary committee are communicated through this telephone.The telephone line is exposed, and the phone signal is very weak in the wind and rain in nature. The caller shouts into the microphone and the earth shakes, but the voice heard on the phone is like a mosquito humming.The communication between Fangmagou and the outside world is not smooth. In order to change this situation, Zhang Weiping set up a loudspeaker in the brigade headquarters, and then connected several high-pitched speakers. Any latest instructions from the brigade can be conveyed through the high-pitched speakers. The voice is louder than ten people shouting. It will be more than ten times larger.When Zhang Weiping was looking for a broadcaster, he fell in love with Li Yaling, the daughter of Li Zhishu. Li Yaling is about the same age as Zhang Weiping. After graduating from high school, she studied in the commune health center for half a year and is now a barefoot doctor in the Fangmagou Brigade.Villagers with headaches often visit the brigade health center and leave five cents for Li Yaling to get an injection or to prescribe some aspirin. This is the greatest advantage of rural cooperative medical care. Li Yaling was born very healthy, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a thick and black braid like Li Tiemei.Ever since Zhang Weiping became the director of the revolutionary committee of the brigade, he began to pay attention to Li Yaling. Li Yaling is now under his leadership, and the entire Fangmagou brigade is under his leadership. He firmly believes in this.He talked to Li Yaling about the idea of ​​letting Li Yaling be a barefoot doctor and broadcaster at the same time, and Li Yaling obeyed unconditionally.From then on, Zhang Weiping began his first love in Fangmagou.
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