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Chapter 45 January 29

corrosion 茅盾 789Words 2018-03-19
I suddenly received a letter from my father, which disturbed my mind for several days. The past that had been locked away in the corner of my heart for a long time suddenly came up again; and finally I met my father, and finally I could not restore the relationship between our father and daughter. It was especially conceived before my eyes. I closed my eyes, and the scene at that time suddenly unfolded: my father was pacing in the living room with an angry face, swaying, every step seemed to smash something.I was packing my luggage in the wing room. I was very calm, but I felt empty in my heart; I knew that my father hated me at that time, and he was somewhat unwilling to let me go away. He will definitely take advantage of the situation and step down.However, the concubine spoke sarcastically and provocatively: "Master, you are outdated. Don't you know that the second young lady is capable and has many friends, are you afraid that no one will take care of you? You don't have to worry about it anymore, old man. When you become an official, we will return to you." You want to talk about Second Miss!" This vicious woman!At that time, I will never forget her gloating eyes and cold and vicious tone.However, now she is dead after all!Enmity and resentment are all like absurd dreams!

I can imagine my father's state of mind at this time.The death of his concubine made him lonely, but it also brought back many bitter memories in him. He remembered that he still had a daughter——this girl was once his favorite before the age of fifteen.The father's letter also mentioned that general manager Zhou, it seems that this old uncle mentioned my recent situation in the letter to my father, and probably said something good for me; I really don't know what good things I can do. To make this old man so concerned?After all, is life not as cruel as we think?I really want to catch everyone I remember, hold him in my arms, and tell him in a low voice, "Well, there is cruelty in this world, but there is still warmth. Anyone has his share, as long as he doesn't cut himself off from it." A person, as long as there is a kind light shining in the depths of his heart."

My father wanted me to go home. Although my father didn't say it explicitly, it can be seen from the tone of the letter.He knows I'm still single. My father hinted to me this way: Yu is sixty and three ears this year, and his energy is exhausted. I don't know how many years to live.I only recall your years and years, and you were still as delicate and innocent as a child; now that you have grown up, people say that you are more dignified and beautiful, but Huier in my mind is still the same as the delicate and foolish child who danced around her knees in the past and also. ...

Alas, the innocence of the 15th and 16th, probably only my father has seen it, and only my father can remember it! My father wanted me to go home, although he never said so.
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