Home Categories contemporary fiction miss wolf

Chapter 35 Chapter Thirty-Five

miss wolf 贾平凹 2989Words 2018-03-19
(...But turned around abruptly, grabbed Wufeng by the collar, and shouted: "Are you sending the wolf away?!") "Where is this, where is this?" Wufeng's face was pale, "I have sent pigs for breeding twice, how can pigs turn into wolves? You go to my house to see, you go to my house to see Well!" Uncle picked him up and threw him on the muddy ground. Some people stayed to clean up the scene, and some people hugged their uncle and Wufeng to the streets of Zhongxin Village.But my uncle stopped and said to me, "Do you think we should beat wolves?" I don't know how to answer. Fifteen wolves have already been killed, so what's the use of me talking about protection? "Is this wolf really the wolf that gave you the dream?"

"I didn't recognize it during the census, and it still wanted to bite me, but I beat him to death!" "This wolf is evil." "Wolf is not evil?" Immediately the people around me scolded me. I didn't speak any more, went over and untied the belt around my uncle's waist, tore it open, and bandaged his wound.Uncle actually gave me his gun and let me carry it, and we walked to Wufeng's house.Wufeng was arguing all the way how he would send the wolf away. He was clearly carrying a pig, so why did he turn into a wolf, but there was a sow lying there at the bottom of the toilet wall in front of his house, Wufeng was dumbfounded up.

Wufeng said that he really got up in the morning to send the pigs to be bred. This pig was bred last year, but it was always not good enough. It took three times to get pregnant and gave birth to a litter of piglets.A few days ago, the pig kept barking at night, humming and humming, and he asked his wife if he wanted to be bred. The next morning, he tied the pig to the back seat of the motorcycle and took it for breeding. Station, the sow came back to rest for two days, and on the third day, she couldn't do it anymore. She still hummed non-stop at night, so he knew that the breeding was not suitable, and he had to go to breed again.Because a pig was bred and then bred, it would make the villagers laugh, so he didn't tie it up, wrapped a raincoat and let the pig sit on the back seat. prison.But only one day after he came back, he started moaning and chirping again at night. He was so angry that he said, "I'm telling you to breed, or prostitution, are you addicted?" !Don't bark, I'll take you to the breeding station tomorrow!The pig stopped humming.When he woke up this morning, he knew that the villagers were all looking for wolves. He also ran to chase wolves yesterday and afternoon. He said to his wife on the kang, everyone is chasing wolves, so we won't go to the breeding station, but the wife said pigs If you don't mate during the estrus period, what kind of piggy will you miss the day? Without the piggy, how can you make money?He was afraid of his wife, and what his wife said was reasonable, not to mention chasing wolves without him, so he got up and packed up the pack pigs and went to the breeding station.It was raining, so it would be a good idea to put a raincoat on the pig, but he went to the pen to drive the pig, but the pig was gone, thinking to himself, could the pig be carried away by the wolf?Looking back, the pig had already put on his raincoat and sat on the back seat of the motorcycle!He also scolded: Shameless!Push the motorcycle out.After pushing it out, he felt his stomach growling. He had diarrhea. He had been having diarrhea for three days. He leaned the motorcycle against the wall of the toilet and went into the toilet by himself. He came out and saw the pig sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle in a raincoat, so he rode away.

"Why is this pig still here?" Wufeng couldn't argue, "I'm telling the truth, the wolf is not my in-laws, I sent the wolf out of the village?! Look, if I lie, the pig is usually in the pen. Why is it here? Let’s go to the toilet to see, I’m pooping, see if there is any poop!” "It's the wolf dropping the bag," said the uncle. "Okay, okay, let's not talk about it. Now you can take the pig to breed." The crowd burst into laughter, and went into an alleyway in front of Wufeng's house to go to the street, while the rotten head was still making a fool of himself: "This time, you can't change the bag again, the pig is not worthy, and I will match it for you!" When I looked up, I saw a wolf running past the other end of the alley very quickly, "Wolf!" I yelled sharply.

This sound stopped everyone's laughter. I raised my gun and ran towards the entrance of the alley. It was indeed a wolf. It had already passed the dirt field at the entrance of the alley, and was about to pass the straw stack. , the wolf ran forward a few steps in response to the sound, staggered and fell down. "I hit the wolf!" I yelled loudly. "There are still wolves, why are there still wolves?" Uncle ran over, "Did you hit a wolf? Did you hit a wolf?!" When my uncle asked this question, I also realized why I shot the wolf, and I never fired a gun, but with just one shot, I hit the wolf? !

People rushed over to check on the wolf I had shot, but then they shouted from a distance: "I've got the root protection! I've got the root protection!" It was really a human, not a wolf, who was carried over. The human was not dead, and his butt was pierced. I left Xiongerchuan quietly, at midnight. It was my uncle who escorted me. He sent me twenty miles out of the basin, and he was still telling me not to be afraid.Genbao, who was shot by me, was not life-threatening. The bullet entered from the left buttock, then passed through the right buttock, and embedded itself in the persimmon tree behind the straw pile. Fortunately, no bone was injured, but the soft tissue was knocked out. Holes, bleeding and white flesh.But this incident was horrific. Genbao, who woke up from a coma for more than ten minutes, cried out for the pain, and clamored that he wanted to sue me.The people in the village did not stand by me at all, and encouraged Genbao, saying that I was intentionally hurting, because I have been against hunting wolves, why would I suddenly use a gun to shoot wolves?If it was true that there were fifteen wolves as my uncle said, and all fifteen wolves were dead, why did I insist that they were wolves and shoot?It was my uncle who finally insisted that Genbao was accidentally injured by him, and that he was holding the gun at the time. He was so nervous that he thought there were wolves again, and he came here privately.I don't know exactly how my uncle did it privately.But my uncle used crushed grate bud grass to compress the wound, which is a common method used by hunters, and it is also a folk remedy passed down from generation to generation by the mountain people.What my uncle said to Genbao was also telling me: It’s okay, it will be fine in half a month.Even the rotten head is comforting Genbao: As long as you don't interrupt your thing, what's the matter, lie down for half a month, and the old man will fall asleep while taking the opportunity!

No one thought that I would flee in such a panic when I returned to Xiongerchuan, which I had always dreamed of, let alone that the fabulous encounter with my uncle would lead to a fabulous departure.I hugged my uncle, who was not used to my behavior, turned my head and wiped my tears with his hands. "When will you be back?" he said. "Can I come back?" "It's all uncle's fault... please forgive your uncle." "Actually, it's all my fault," I said, "what are you to blame, because you are a hunter, but I caused all the wolves to disappear."

"But you want to come back," the uncle lowered his head. "When I finally shrank on the kang, I will bring you a letter. You want to come back to see me, okay?" "Uncle won't be sick, isn't uncle quite energetic now?" "But there are no more wolves!" These words made us all suddenly plunged into sadness, there will be no more wolves, the illusion of being a great photographer to build a file for wolves is shattered, and we will be even more bored in the provincial capital, and uncle will really be gone from now on Hunter, like Director Shi De and others, what is the meaning of his life?At this time, in my heart, and in my uncle's heart, we all really missed the wolf.

"Uncle," I said, "can you really identify the wolves that were killed? Surely there were fifteen wolves, and was there one you never saw?" "did you mean……?" "The villagers said that the government released new wolves..." "I don't know if it was put in or not. Those who were killed were all numbered by me." "So... maybe the government really released wolves?" Uncle smiled miserably. When a man sees a wolf, he has to fight. This is man.But humans cannot do without wolves, and this is human again.In the days to come, if we want to live and survive, we only have wolves in our hearts.

This time it was my uncle who hugged me, and our heads hit each other. The golden jade on his chest hit my button, and there was a loud ring. He asked, "Where's yours?" It was on Cuihua's neck, he was startled, as if he said something to himself, and he wanted to give me his Jin Xiangyu.I don't want it, but he insisted on unloading it and asked me to take it, but he didn't expect that when he handed it to me, before I caught it, he let go of it, and Jin Xiangyu fell, bang, it landed on the ground impartially On the stone, jade flakes splashed.My face suddenly changed, and he raised his head and shouted: "It's broken, it's broken, it's God's will, Jin Xiangyu will definitely break into two pieces, we should each take one piece." Looking down on the ground, it was broken into two pieces. blocks and are of the same size.We didn't say any unlucky words at all, but shouted that this jade was spiritual, and each put a piece in his pocket. He untied his little bundle and gave me the wolf skin again. "I have nothing more to give you. Looking at the wolf skin, you will remember that you have an uncle. Whether you think about it or scold, you have such an uncle anyway."

That's how we broke up.I staggered across a single-plank bridge. Looking back, my uncle was still standing on the other side of the river in the dim moonlight. shape, the moon is shining like an eye.The single-plank bridge collapsed all of a sudden, silently, like something made of wax disappearing in a high temperature. Sections of planks drifted along the water, and then there was nothing.At this time, I saw the rotten head who came running in a panic, as well as Cuihua and Fugui, who barked on the other side.
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