Home Categories contemporary fiction miss wolf

Chapter 32 Chapter Thirty-Two

miss wolf 贾平凹 3858Words 2018-03-19
(...I nodded and caught up with my uncle, but my uncle let me take the kitchen knife in his waist and said: Follow me!) From then on, the situation was like the chase scene in the movie. In the long and dark village alley, my uncle moved and flickered like a shadow, and every time he flickered, his body was stuck to the earthen walls on both sides of the alley, like The blowing wind stuck a leaf to the wall, making the body appear so thin and so tightly attached.I couldn't keep up with him, so I just ran clumsily. I was afraid of disturbing the wolf, so I stopped and stopped, and my hair stood up one by one.Uncle had no choice but to walk straight forward from the alley, walking unhappily, and coughing loudly, to encourage me, and when he found nothing unusual, he turned around and waved to me, and I caught up with him. I beckon.However, we searched four or five alleys and observed the crop fields outside the village for a long time, but there was no sign of the wolf.The shouts of beating wolves in the distance were getting closer and closer. It was those villagers who had entered the village. Three or five people with torches met us at the entrance of the village and questioned my uncle.

"Where did you go, everyone was waiting for you, but you disappeared without a trace?!" Uncle hesitated and asked, "Have you chased away the wolves?" "Killed four!" I was anxious, and said to my uncle: "Look, four of them were killed, how many are there in total, and four of them were killed in Xiong'er River?" Uncle didn't answer my words, he became irritable, and asked where the bad guy was, where did the bad guy take his gun?Uncle hated Rotten at this moment, he must have thought that Rotten killed the four wolves with a gun.He is now suffering from both ends.

"Thanks to that young man." The villager said, "but you disappeared without a trace. If you were here, your rotten fellow wouldn't have to suffer like that!" "What's the matter with him?" "He killed two of them. The third one was clearly on the cliff, but when the trigger was pulled, the bullet hit the stone on the left. The bullet bounced and hit his wrist! His marksmanship is not as good as yours. , but it’s also a strange thing, it was obviously hit forward, why did it hit the rock on the left and bounce back, even though it couldn’t hit anyone else, it hit him?!”

"Is he injured?" I called out, "Where is he?" "Send it to the town clinic." Uncle didn't panic. Under the moonlight, I heard him let out a long breath, his chest heaved, and he said, "Where is the gun? Who has the gun now?"Sure enough, another group of people ran over, the leader carrying a gun, and my uncle snatched it back angrily. "There are three more wolves." They quarreled, explaining that Mingming just couldn't catch up with them. These must be some newly introduced wolves, with illusions, and the rotten ones will suffer from the illusions.

"You didn't see the wolf enter the village, did you?" Uncle seemed to be too lazy to pay attention to them. He raised his gun and turned around to leave. I hurried to catch up, but those villagers were still there.We walked out of the village all the way to the edge of the ravine. Could it be that uncle no longer looks for the belly-hanging fat wolf that ran into the village? Perhaps the villagers have returned to the village, so there is no need to worry about the wolf suddenly appearing and hurting people. Well, he was striding forward anyway, not knowing where he was going.At the same time, I heard my uncle yelling something loudly. The uncle must have discovered the villagers who came back. The children in his family were reporting the encounter with the wolf, and the village immediately boiled like a frying pan.We can no longer pay attention to these things, because my uncle muttered on my grandfather's grave, stood silently, and then fell to his knees on the ground.

"Father, Daddy," he was saying, "I've got no strength in my leg, and I'm afraid I'm going to be paralyzed!" I could hear what my uncle said clearly, so I rushed up to help him and asked, "Uncle, are you sick again?" Uncle turned around and yelled at me fiercely: "What are you doing with me here?" "I was with you all the time!" I said. "Are you my tail?" he said, "you watch me, you watch me like that, you see, I didn't kill the wolf, I didn't kill the wolf, are you satisfied?! " Facing my uncle's scolding, I didn't speak, but sat down next to him.The wind is blowing slightly, and the spikes on the grave mound are clanking and shaking copper.I took a look, and dared not take a second look. The hunter grandfather of my first hero was buried in the grave, and now so many wolves are concentrated in Xiongerchuan, facing him is still the hunter's son, the grandfather's son. The soul must be sitting on the mound.The village was even more ablaze, shouting everywhere, and then a team of torches ran out from the entrance of the village.Uncle snorted for a while, he was crying, watching those torches coming towards Pogen, he said: "They found the wolf."

"Uncle, you said the wolves were gathering, how could they gather in Xiong'er River?" "Ghost knows," said the uncle, "I'm afraid you are in Xiongerchuan." "Because of me," I said, "don't they know I'm with you?" "What am I now..." When we say turtles, snakes come, and the rope is often broken at the thin point. When we talk like this, the wolf is not far from us.It's three wolves.Six green eyes flickering on and off in a clump of cypress trees in front of Pogen. The green dot first moved towards us, then moved to the left, but soon moved over again, and soon we could see it. It was two big wolves guarding a little wolf between them and running along a ridge, and the wolf chasing crowd had reached the bend of the ravine with shouts.Uncle raised the gun and jumped over me, and landed on the pile of rocks in front of the grave, letting out a long howl.This long howl frightened me physically and mentally, and the three wolves stopped at the same time. I saw the little wolf sitting on the ground, trembling all over, and screaming.

It was like talking in a dream, but it was actually happening. The two big wolves knelt down on their hind legs at the same time, and their front paws were raised in an arched shape.This is the wolf begging for mercy!The wolf on the left was tall, and the one on the right was slightly smaller. It was covered in mud, and the front paw that was arched was bleeding, obviously not being able to control it, and a bone was broken.The two wolves whined in a low voice, like a crying woman, and the wounded wolf held the cub's neck with its teeth, picked it up, put it down again, and howled brokenly and quickly.Uncle stared at them, and they could have turned around and escaped, because the field was huge, but they were docile in front of uncle, as if the way out was only narrow to a small hole, and uncle guarded Jali.I held the shovel tightly, and watched the confrontation between my uncle and the wolf. My uncle finally took a look at my grandfather's grave and fixed his eyes on me.

"Leave them alone." I said softly. Uncle's hand with the gun softened, and the tip of the gun touched the ground. His body swayed, and the gun supported him like a crutch. The crowd of chasing wolves had already appeared in front of the thousand-branched cypress. I saw the three wolves look at each other when my uncle's gun was supporting them like crutches, and then their heads collided with each other. Flee from us up the slope.However, the little wolf couldn't run fast. The two big wolves had already jumped onto a terraced weir. The little wolf jumped up, fell down, jumped up again, and fell down again.The two big wolves folded and jumped off the weir again, one grabbed the little wolf by the back of the neck and jumped up the weir.All this was clearly seen by the crowd chasing wolves, and they shouted, "Wolf!Wolf!And called my uncle's name.Uncle stood there dumbly, without moving.The injured wolf put the little wolf on Dengyan, howled, and rammed the other big wolf with force. The big wolf grabbed the little wolf by the back of the neck, but did not leave immediately. With a howl, he jumped off the weir and rushed towards the oncoming crowd, so that the people in front who were chasing hurriedly couldn't stop for a while, and fell to the ground, shaking the torch wildly, and the torch was extinguished.This scene made me dumbfounded, and I held up the camera and forgot to press the shutter. I waited until the wolf turned around and ran to the field on the left when the torch was extinguished. Then I took a picture of its back half, and turned around to take pictures of the wolf on the weir. , but nothing disappeared on the weir head.

Some people hurriedly chased the injured wolf, while others chased up the slope. It was very difficult for people to run up the slope with terraced fields, but the wolf's front legs were short and its hind legs were long, so it was easy to climb up the slope. If they were galloping, these people retreated from the slope and surrounded my uncle and me angrily. "Why didn't you shoot? Fu Shan, Fu Shan, do you intend to let the three wolves go?" Uncle's face was ashen, and he was pulling out a cigarette in his pocket. The cigarette was stuck in his mouth, but he couldn't find a match.

"He didn't want to release it! You arrived when we discovered the wolf. How can you say that my uncle released it?" When the villagers surrounded me in the afternoon, my uncle stood up to rescue me. Now my uncle can do it. Those who suppressed these people, but my uncle still remained silent.If Yingwu's uncle really didn't let the wolf go, he would argue vigorously, but if he didn't say a word in the face of the accusation, he would be guilty. The villagers must treat his uncle like this, so they became even more furious, almost Pointing to his uncle's nose to question, the saliva from his mouth splashed like rain on his uncle's face. "You stay away, city people, there is nothing you say here!" Someone slapped me hard with an arm, and I staggered and sat on the ground. "Where's your gun, where's your gun?" The gun was snatched away, and the muzzle of the barrel was covered with mud. "Didn't you let go of what a wolf is? You are a hunter. Can a hunter use a gun as a crutch like this? We drove the wolves here and stood in front of the wolves when we saw you. You let them run away. Are you a hunter, are you still from Xiongerchuan?!" I lit a cigarette for my uncle, but he didn't wipe the spittle from his face. "Certainly, he betrayed us. He must have participated in releasing these wolves from the outside. In order to get an official position in the state city, he let the wolves come and harass us!" An old man rushed over and grabbed his uncle by the collar, and asked, "Is that so? Why don't you speak? I watched you grow up, and I counted on you to protect our place. How could you be like this?" He shook his uncle vigorously, and his uncle was like a sapling in his hand. The fruits, leaves and even branches on the tree all fell off and broke.What the old man hoped was for his uncle to justify and resist, but the uncle let him sway silently, causing the old man to suddenly raise his fist and hit him, but the fist was about to land on the uncle's face, and he stopped again, kneeling down and laying on the ground outside. He patted on the grave of his grandfather and shouted: "Brother Demao, you have seen it, this is your son, this is our Xiongerchuan hunter, he has completely disgraced our ancestors!" Uncle raised his gun and walked back with his head bowed. "Fu Shan, you bastard, Uncle Ba is so old, you just left without giving him a hand? Where are you going? If you have the guts, get out of Xiong'er River. We will be killed by wolves." We don’t count on you anymore after we’ve eaten them all, so get out, get out of here!” Uncle didn't leave the village, he returned to his own home, and I was following him. The lock on the door of the house was rusted, and my uncle reached out his hand on the top of the door to feel for the key, but when he failed to find it, he slammed the butt of his gun on the door bolt. Crazy, he rushed forward and smashed continuously, bang, bang, bang, the sound was loud, and the rotten door leaf cracked and scattered piece by piece.This is a three-room earthen house without a yard. There is a board cabinet in front of the court, and a photo is placed on the top of the cabinet. This should be a portrait of my grandfather. On both sides of the portrait are seven or eight black clay pots. Cover the portrait like warp and weft knitted tulle made of pottery.In front of the cabinet is a square table with mottled earth paint and two wooden chairs with half-broken backrests on the left and right.To the east is a hearth, on which the earthen wall is nailed with three layers of wooden boards supported by wooden prongs, and dark bottles and pots are piled up.A white snake was coiled on the second wooden plank when we came in, and then slowly climbed from the wooden plank to the corner of the wall, climbed up the beam along the corner and disappeared.To the west is the large earth kang, on the top of the kang there are stacked quilts, the quilts may be sewn with large balls of flower cloth, the flowers are covered by a layer of dust, and the flowers are not very clear, while the paved herringbone grass There are bird tracks on the mat, which is a line of "ge".Looking up, the opening of the character Ji on the gable wall is not stuffed with straw, maybe it was plugged in before and now it has fallen off, the white flowers are shining brightly, and the character Ji can be seen clearly, as soon as my uncle came in, he lay down on the straw mat on the kang I fell asleep, and he didn’t talk to me. I didn’t dare to talk to him. I watched the kerosene lamp that was just lit, and kept turning my head to look at the roof beam, afraid that the white snake would suddenly fall from the wooden beam.
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