Home Categories contemporary fiction miss wolf

Chapter 30 Chapter Thirty

miss wolf 贾平凹 4334Words 2018-03-19
(...However, while eating breakfast, someone in the village shouted out of tune: "The wolf is coming!" The wolf is coming--!) The cries that the wolf is coming quickly spread throughout the village, and the cries that had not been heard for a long time trembled, stammered, and were very stiff when passing each other.Everyone in the village ran out into the alley, eagerly asking where the wolf was?Older people held shovels, hammers, wooden sticks and pillars in their hands, banging on the wall and the tiles on the top of the wall to encourage themselves.But the children were extremely excited, such as monkey jugglers or yangko teams coming to the town street, gathering to go to the public trial and shooting some criminals, such as running back and forth on New Year's Day, blushing and yelling "Wolf!" The wolf is coming!" The wolf finally came. My first reaction was to grab the camera, but there was no film in the camera box.The uncle was so nervous that his face was pale. He first took a grinding stick and swung it in the air a few times. He felt that the stick was too thin, and then he unloaded the cymbal knife from the cymbal in the cowshed, and then stood it at the gate of the courtyard. He yelled at the children: What are you shouting for?What are you shouting for?The children said: Are you scared?The uncle said: Fuck your mother's feet, I'm afraid of wolves?When have I ever been afraid of wolves? !But the cry of wolf is still being passed on. This strange sound came from Southeast Village, then from Southwest Village to Northwest Village, and then to Central Village and Northeast Village. It appeared in the depths of my memory. The story of "Wolf is Coming" that I read in elementary school is about a child herding sheep on a high mountain and shouting mischievously: "Wolf is coming--!"

However, what happened in Xiong'erchuan was not a prank. The cry of the wolf has stirred up all the humans in the basin. In the chaos, they finally found out that the wolf had indeed appeared in Southeast Village.It was in the middle of the night that one family heard a rooster crowing, and another heard a pig crowing. The crowing of chickens and pigs was different from the sounds they used to make for eating or estrus. It was only a cry, it was so terrifying and stern.First, the owner of the rooster crowed, an elderly old lady. She looked through the window to the chicken shed, and under the moonlight a black shadow was at the door of the chicken shed. The rooster had stopped crowing, and a black shadow stretched out The arm was there, and one rooster obediently came out to stand on that arm, and another one obediently came out to stand on that arm.The old lady shouted: Who stole the chicken?The black shadow suddenly stood up, it was a thick and big man, and then it fell horizontally, it turned out to be a big wolf with four legs, and the two chickens stood on the back of the wolf, their claws tightly grasping the back of the wolf, the wolf He turned around and walked out slowly from the gate of the courtyard.The old lady had seen countless wolves in her life, but this was the first time she encountered a wolf catching a chicken. She felt weak on the spot and shouted "Wolf is coming!" But her cry was only heard by her.At the same time, the other wolf entered another family in another alley. The courtyard wall of this family collapsed in the previous rain and a gap was filled with a fence made of bamboo. Jumped in over the fence.The pig was in the pen, and an abandoned mill fan was leaning against the door of the pen. The wolf moved the mill fan away, and when the mill fan was moved, the pig let out a cry, and the owner woke up immediately. The master slept on the roof of the hall that night. The one in the shade looked at it with a flat head and almost fell off the roof.When the wolf heard the pig screaming, it let out a harsh sound, turned around and swung the dirt with its hind paws, and the pig didn't say a word.The wolf squatted there shaking its body, and went to bite one of the pig's ears with its teeth. The pig was really fat. The wolf let go, and began to lick the pig's neck with his tongue, and his own tail was on the pig's buttocks. Pat, and the pig staggered out.The master yelled loudly on the roof: The wolf is coming!The wolf is coming!Climbing to the edge of the house, he wanted to come down the ladder, but the wolf overturned the ladder. The wolf jumped over the fence without a sound, but the pig couldn't jump over. The upper fan gave a paw, and to his surprise, the pig also jumped over the fence.The stupid pig can jump over the fence and follow the wolf so willingly, as if it was rescued, "This bastard!" The owner on the roof was stunned. When he lifted the tiles and beat the pig, the wolf Driving the pigs has disappeared into the alley.

How the wolves captured the chickens and pigs, someone was talking vividly at the entrance of the village, and I heard someone calling my name. "Ziming! Ziming! Where is Ziming?" "I'm here!" I said. "How dare you say that you are here?! You said you didn't release new wolves, why didn't you release new wolves? You are a liar, you are harming us! Now the wolves are coming, what do you say when the wolves are coming?!" "Even if a wolf comes, it cannot be a new wolf!" "We have seen wolves eat chickens and pigs before, but where has the chicken crawled on the wolf's back obediently? Who has seen such a 150-60-jin pig jump over the fence? Not yet A new wolf has come, could it be that the devil has come?!"

We quarreled, and the more I argued, the more they believed that the wolf that came was a new breed, more ferocious and seductive than the native wolves. Just wet my face.More people came around, and I became afraid, and I said: Now the wolf is coming, you don’t chase the wolf, but you blame me, am I a wolf?When I said this, someone in the crowd yelled: He is really a wolf, look how big his cheeks are, and his mouth is long and sharp. If he is not a wolf, he has become a wolf!The more people looked at me, the more unpleasant they became. They gritted their teeth and raised their fists, almost wanting to beat me, the person who had cast wolves and lied to them.At this time, fortunately, my uncle ran over.

"He's Ziming, he calls me Uncle, he's Xiongerchuan's nephew!" Uncle shouted while running. But the crowd continued to gather around me, and someone's finger started tapping on my nose.Uncle took off a hemp shoe just ten meters away, and Hidi threw it over, and it landed on the head of the person who knocked my nose impartially.The crowd moved away. "What's the matter with my nephew? My nephew is the dog in front of my uncle's door. When I'm full, I'll walk by the door!" After all, my uncle pushed them away, he pulled me out of the corner, and pushed me back to my uncle's house, when the angry crowd rushed over, my uncle stood between me and the crowd, yelling with a black face When I got up, he proved for me that there would never be a new species of wolf. Even if it was a new species of wolf, he would have to see it himself.He said that he had conducted a census of wolves, and there were only fifteen wolves left in Shangzhou. Ming is not only our Xiong Erchuan's nephew, he is also from the city, he is the special commissioner of the commissioner, whoever dares to hurt a finger of the special commissioner will be unable to eat and walk around!

"Fu Shan, you are from Xiongerchuan, what you said is true?" "When have I cheated on someone?" Some people shouted, "Hurry up and beat the wolf!" People spit at me, and then ran to the southeast village with a whimper, with the sound of "Hurry up, beat the wolf". I also ran, but my uncle stopped me. "Don't go!" said the uncle. "If you can find two wolves, I guess it's a pack of wolves. When a man fights with a pack of wolves, he will become jealous. If you go out just to take pictures, you will easily cause public anger." Get beaten."

I regret to stay at my uncle's house.My uncle was carrying a cymbal knife, but he didn’t follow the people to hunt wolves in the end. He said he had to protect me and put wolf traps at the base of the courtyard wall. The pigs were thrown into the pigsty, and all the chicken coops and pigsty doors were covered with big stones.Of course I can't sit quietly in the house, worrying about whether people can find wolves, and whether they will kill wolves if they are found, and where are uncle and rotten head, where are Fugui and Cuihua?I forcibly walked out of the yard and looked at the entrance of the village, and my uncle followed me all the time, carrying the cymbal knife.Throughout the morning, clouds and mist filled the basin. In the wheat fields outside the village, there seemed to be countless old smokers hiding in the woods, sucking and exhaling huge pipes. A stream of thick smoke stuck to the ground and entered the village alley. It went up and down, and I watched the smoke curling up from the hair in my uncle's clothes, as if the whole thing was being burned.The uncle said that this is really strange. In the past, there was always fog in the early morning, but there had never been such a big fog, and the fog was not so big at dawn. Why did it get thicker and thicker? "Wolves are sensitive to the weather," he said sadly, "they must have chosen a special day for them to enter the village." There are people running back and forth between the villages to communicate, and the contacts are also three or four. Dude, every time someone came, my uncle would ask if there was a wolf, and the answer would always be that the fog was so thick that it was difficult to see clearly from ten paces away, and he cursed that all the shotguns in the village had been turned in, even if the wolf was found, it was impossible It can be solved in one go.

"When you meet a wolf, just drive it away, you can't kill it!" I said. "What did you say, say it again!" My uncle pulled me behind him, and those people ran away again. My uncle was urging: "Be smart, wolves pounce straight on, and when they meet, turn around and run!" At this time, there was a clear gunshot in the direction of the far river beach. Only my uncle had guns. Could it be that my uncle shot and killed the wolf?I became a little anxious. When I came out to take pictures this time, my uncle had already killed several wolves. If it was really a pack of wolves, then the rest of the wolves were all gathered here. Hunting can make people crazy. If you kill them One is very likely to kill not one!I took two cameras and ran towards the river beach. Unable to stop me, my uncle followed closely. We ran across the ridge in the field, passed through a windbreak forest, and another large field with a horizontal line. canal.The ditch was too wide to jump over, and to run to the right along its rim, where the stubble of reeds cut in the winter made it difficult for me to gain speed, and my shoe was punctured.Panting and running for a while, the canal became wider and wider. The uncle scolded himself for being dizzy and should run to the right, past a higher field, where there was a stone arch bridge over the canal.We ran to the right again, and the fog was still very thick. Although it was not as full as before, it could be seen a hundred meters away in the thin part, and it was like flying through the clouds in the thick part. Once inside, no one could see anyone, and the wet fog His face and neck were cold, but he was holding his breath.There was another piece of reed stubble, and there was indeed a stone arch bridge under the three old willow trees in front of it. On the head of the bridge stood a wolf and a cow.

We stood still.The uncle first pushed me behind the willow tree. He held up the cymbal knife and shouted loudly, stepping back while shouting, trying to let the wolf and the cow hear the shout and escape.But the wolf didn't move, and neither did the cow.The uncle waved the cymbal knife, and knocked the cymbal knife on the willow tree on his back, but the wolf and the cow still did not move.The uncle tried to walk closer, and kept telling me if I could climb a tree, I should climb up the tree first.I was so nervous that I didn't dare to go forward, and I didn't climb the tree, but I heard my uncle greet me happily: "They are dead!" Dead?I approached, and sure enough, both the wolf and the ox were dead. The wolf's head was pressed against the ox's neck, so that the ox's head was upside down, and the ox's left hoof was stuffed into the wolf's mouth, sticking to the bottom of the throat. The horns were torn, and blood coagulated into a black-red paste on the bridge surface.

"They are fighting to death!" said the uncle. "It's dead." I said, and at the same time, I found dozens of sparrows dead on the stone railing of the arch bridge, all of which had their heads broken. The wolf must have come running from the river, and the cow was grazing by the bridge. They met on the stone arch bridge, and a silent but fierce fight took place.They were evenly matched, and they were facing each other like that, so that both of them exhausted their last strength.And the sparrows perched on the willow tree witnessed the war, were they frightened by the tragic scene, or felt a kind of inexplicable despair, so they fell one by one from the willow tree and committed suicide?Standing on the bridge, I was shocked by the heroism of this pair of soldiers. The rushing water under the bridge took away the heat from my body, and I shivered and felt cold.I took out my camera and wanted to take pictures of the combination of wolves and cows. I wanted to stand beside them and ask my uncle to take pictures for me, but my uncle kicked them, and they fell across the ground. But they didn't separate when they fell down, and they each maintained their inherent postures.

There was a bang on Ma'an Ridge in the lower bay of the basin, and then two more bangs. Undoubtedly, it was Uncle and the others who encountered wolves at Saddle Ridge.When people have guns, the tragic fate of the wolf who has been fighting against people for thousands of years begins.And how many wolves can there be in Xiongerchuan? So many people have gone, and what is more serious is that they have gone to uncle. Uncle is a famous hunter and has a gun. If the gun is opened, will there be any way for wolves to survive?I hissed and shouted: Don't shoot!Don't shoot!But my voice is too weak.For the first time I really hated my uncle, and called him the most savage words.I crossed the canal and ran to the lower bay of the basin. My uncle hugged me and called me by name, "Ziming, Ziming, you can't go there!" He became so big that he was able to drag my uncle away. My uncle's feet caught a boundary stone by the side of the canal, and his body became thinner and longer as I tugged on the boundary stone painfully, as if it was about to be broken. I was stunned for a moment, and my uncle rushed over and pressed me firmly under his body.The uncle said: You are crazy, you are like this, not only can't stop them, but unexpected things will happen!When the fire is ignited, it can be extinguished with water if it is too small, but if it is already too big, splashing water is like pouring oil!But I shouted: "It's not that I'm crazy, it's that uncle and the others are crazy. What am I here for? I'm here to protect wolves. I'm here to take pictures of wolves. I can't just watch the wolves being killed one by one while I'm taking pictures." kill!The uncle scolded: "Who do you think you are?!" He punched me on the chin, boom, my mind flashed like a power outage, and I passed out.
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