Home Categories contemporary fiction miss wolf

Chapter 24 Chapter Twenty-Four

miss wolf 贾平凹 4874Words 2018-03-19
(... "Wolf! Wolf!" Rotten head yelled sharply.) We rushed out of the house, and nothing was seen outside the house. Rotten head took a gun and looked around. Where is the shadow of the wolf?Cursed: "It's a bitch playing with us!" Then both of them laughed like hell. This is our adventure in Beishan.The wolf didn't show up at the end. The more I boast about Cuihua's sense of smell, the more I feel that my face is dull. He admits that he can't do it. If the captain is there, the captain can smell the wolf's breath. This wolf It is difficult to escape from the tank again.Now that one wolf is found here, could there be others?We came down from the plateau and walked into a ditch. There were people digging pits by the side of the ditch, some of them had already been dug, and the tops were covered with branches. The rotten head said, "Is digging a trap a trap for wolves?" Said: "Isn't the wolf not allowed to hunt? I heard that there is no one. Everyone in the wolf hunting team has been arrested and sentenced!" "Which bitch made this rumor?" Digging a trap?" The mountain man said: "Look at the gazelle, the gazelle is just a spoil for the crops, last fall my family harvested less than 20% of the millet in the three acres of land, and they ruined it all, why didn't the wolves come to eat these scourges?" After walking for another five miles, I saw dozens of families forming a village along a narrow ditch, almost after a while, the chimneys of each family were emitting smoke, slowly growing upwards.Lantou said: "I will rest here today." I asked if there were any bigger villages and towns ahead?Lantou said that there is a stockade in the back ditch, but it is good to live here, and whispered: "I have been to this place before, there was a beautiful little widow, I almost married her back then, maybe now It’s still there, look, it’s so distressing!” After entering the village, he led me straight to the house at the back of the village, where an old lady was carrying a bundle of firewood to the kitchen.The rotten head said politely: "Aunt, who do you think is here?" The old lady said: "Who?" The rotten head said: "Me." The old lady said: "Who are you?" Can't you see me?" The old lady still didn't recognize her.Lantou said: "Where's Cuihua?"The old lady suddenly said: "I remember, I remember, your surname is Wang, the second child of the Wang family in Houlingkai Youfang!" The smiling face of the rotten head slowly stopped smiling, and he lowered his head and said to me in a low voice: "I am old. That’s how my memory is.” Although the old lady still didn’t know who the bad guy was, we still stayed and had a meal.During the meal, I still asked Cuihua. The old lady said that she was married, so she married the family at the front of the village. After the marriage, life was still not going well, and there was a lot of noise every day. It seemed that she was going to marry far away. I can't listen and I don't feel bothered anymore.The rotten head kept sucking and slipping his mouth.When the old lady heard that we were here to look for wolves, she said: "Is there any, why not? I guess it will come before going to bed. You have to help me catch it!" After eating, the rotten head fell asleep I'm tired of crying, I said, don't I still have to catch wolves, the bad guy said, this old lady is so old and confused, how many wolves can there be, she came as soon as she said it?I thought about it, so I fell asleep on the kang.I don't know how long it took, there was a rooster crowing in the yard, and then there was a clang, and the old lady shouted: "Young man, young man, come and catch the wolf!" The old lady and I put on our clothes indiscriminately and came out. The door of the chicken coop had just been opened two fingers wide, and something sprayed out from the ground, and landed on the thumping stone in the courtyard. Yellow mouse.

"Where is this wolf?" Rotten said. "A weasel is not a wolf?!" said the old lady. It turned out that this was a weasel!Why did the weasel look like a snake when it rushed out? Rotten said, this thing is so anxious that it can get through a hole the size of a wine cup.While taking a small linen bag from the house, the old lady counted the crimes of the weasel, and said that three of the five chickens were killed, and you drank my chicken's blood. She put her head in the back cage, and the weasel got into the sack again. She tied the mouth of the sack, slowly closed the bag, and finally pressed the weasel's head through the pocket, and stepped on the weasel's body with her feet, calling it a rotten head. The scissors cut the corner of the pocket, exposing the head, and then cut the neck with scissors.The rotten head said: I will come and I will come.Twist the bag and the weasel together until the weasel doesn't move. You can hear the squeaks and farts, and there's a bad smell in the yard.Rotten head cut open the weasel's neck, the old lady filled a bowl with some warm water, then took the blood, drank a few sips by herself, let Rotten drink it, and Rotten drank most of it in one go.In the end, the rotten head asked me to drink again, but I didn't drink it.The rotten head said: "This blood is good for the kidneys. Those suffering from kidney problems will be cured after drinking the blood of five weasels without taking medicine!" He drank the rest and licked the bowl with his tongue. Next, the lips and cheeks are red.

"Weasel meat is not tasty, throw it away, and give you the tail!" the old lady said to me. What do I need a tail for?Plan to catch a wolf, catch a weasel, the old lady is really good at teasing people.The bad guy said you don't want it, it can be sold for money, do you think the wolf pen is made of wolf hair, in fact, except for the wolf hair, it is mainly made of weasel tail.I still don’t want it, I went back to the room and fell asleep again, but my head was no longer sleepy, I asked what time it was, I looked at the watch and said it was nine ten, he said you go to sleep, I went out for a walk, and tucked me back Tucked in the corner of the quilt, and went out.

As soon as the rotten head left, I couldn't sleep anymore, and the old lady was spinning in the main room, humming very nicely, so I got dressed again and talked to the old lady.The old lady killed the old man the year before last. She has two sons. The elder son separated and built a new house, which is the one at the fork in front of the ditch. She lived with the younger son. Today, the younger brother of the daughter-in-law got married, and the younger couple went to the house. . "I gave birth to my in-laws," she said, fearing that she would not be able to return for three or four days.Of course I asked if there were any wolves here, and she said that there were indeed fewer wolves. When she got married, a wolf entangled her one winter. The wolf sat on the side of the road and blew at her, and then left. She didn't know why the wolf didn't eat her, but now she really didn't see one for a year or so.In the first month of this year, she went to the spring to scoop water, and saw a dog sitting by the spring drinking water. She really thought it was a dog, and said, "Dog, dog, you drank the water dirty, how can people drink it?"The dog looked at her, and drew its tail back to its buttocks. She saw that the tail was thick and hard, and barked, "Wolf!" The wolf was seen through, stood up and walked slowly. "The wolf is very clever. It saw me as an old woman, and walked slowly when I walked away. I wondered: "When I was young, the wolf would not eat me, but when I was old, the wolf would not eat me. ! "

I laughed: "Is there an old man living in the single house on the plateau?" "You mean Tiedun!" "Is it called Tiedun?" "Tiedun is old but not old, but he is a bachelor. He can eat enough for one person and the whole family. He lives there for convenience. The door is open day and night, hoping for a woman to come in! That old bachelor, as long as his tail is lifted, he is a Mother, he wants it!" "A wolf entered that house today." "Isn't it? The she-wolves are looking for him?" The old lady laughed ha ha ha, her face wrinkled like a walnut.

"He, he hasn't suffered from the door being open," said the old lady. "These four-legged ones can be guarded, but the two-legged ones can't be guarded." "Two-legged?" "People with two legs, a poor person came to the door the day before yesterday. My mother-in-law called out. I just said that the beggar was in panic. I scooped up a bowl of rice for him to eat in the house, and I went to the field to hug him." Take a bunch of firewood, and when you come back, the others are gone, the bowl is gone, and there is not even a single egg in the chicken coop!"

"Then you don't doubt that we are thieves?!" "A thief with a camera on your back?!" The old lady is interesting. I immediately asked to take a picture of her, and she happily agreed. She went to the bedroom and did not come out for a long time. When she came out, she changed into a new dress and combed her hair. Vintage chairs to sit on for my photo.But when taking pictures, she didn't smile at all. I asked her to smile, and the smile was very stiff.After taking the photo, she returned to being able to talk and laugh again, she was so nervous just now by yelling, she asked me to see her hands, the palms of which were really sweaty.At this moment, Lantou ran back, his face flushed, and the old lady said: "You are still familiar here! Whose family have you seduced, whose wife is seduced?" Old lady's eyes.

After sleeping again, Lantou said: "I will live in the village tomorrow, let's go to the nearby ditch to look for wolves." I said: "Didn't you say that you only stayed for one night, and there may only be that wolf here." After struggling for a while, I finally said mysteriously: "Do you know who I saw just now?" I suddenly realized: "You went to Cuihua's house?!" Lantou said: "You know this? Don't be arrogant. Sound, let me tell you, I found her home, she was going to pee in the latrine in front of the door, peeing so loudly, I waited for her to come out, and called her, she froze for a long time I held my hand and cried, look, look, I still have her tears and snot on my shoulder, I didn't wipe it off." I said, "Lan Ye, I have made an agreement with you for two chapters, This matter has come to this point, if there is any development, I know what to do, and you know what to do!" Rotten beat himself on the mouth and fell asleep.

It was another day, and we walked all over the ditches and ditches around us, but found nothing.When I entered the village in the dark, Lantou said that his head started to hurt, and he had to go to the village in front to see if there was a medical clinic. He wanted to buy some "Fenbid", so he asked me to go back to the old lady's house first.After dinner, the old lady was sitting in the courtyard spinning again, and the rotten head hadn’t come back yet, so I was bored in the room for a while, packed my luggage, and when I was changing my shirt, I suddenly broke out in sweat because it was hanging on my neck. Jin Xiangyu disappeared.I rummaged through all the clothes pockets for a while, and shook the bedding, but it was still missing.When the rotten head came back, I immediately stopped him and asked if I had seen Jin Xiangyu. The rotten head froze for a moment, and then denied it. Feeling hopeless, I fell asleep gloomily.There used to be electricity here, but the old lady spun yarn but lit a kerosene lamp, boasting that spinning is not embroidery, and she spun in the moonlight all night when she was young.The old lady was reluctant to turn on the light, so we also turned off the light. In the dark, there was the humming of the spinning wheel across the boundary wall. At first I felt it was noisy, but then I changed my mind and thought of it as music, and my mind gradually became confused.Lantou hugged the pillow and smelled it, and said that his pillow must belong to his daughter-in-law, and it had a different smell. I kicked him, and I fell into a deep sleep.Suddenly, he turned around a tree, an old tree with holes all over his body, lying on the ground alone, he looked like an uncle, ran over to see, his ears were pointed and flickering, it was indeed my uncle.The place where my uncle was lying turned out to be a cave. The cave was very big. I didn’t notice it just now. I looked into the depths and there was a light in the extreme distance. It might be another exit. There was a white circle on the top of the cave. There are countless bats hanging on the stone on the first floor.Uncle opened his eyes and looked at me. One eye was blurred because of a lot of eye mucus and finally he didn't open it. He wanted to sit up, but he moved his head and lay down again.Lantou walked in, holding Fugui in his left hand and Cuihua in his right, half kneeling beside his uncle, and said: Captain, do you want to eat?Uncle shook his head.The bad guy said: Captain, do you want to drink?Uncle shook his head.The bad guy said: Captain, do you want to x?Uncle still shook his head.Rotten cried, pulled me aside and said, "Your uncle is finished. If you don't want to eat and drink, then you will be finished!"I went to ask my uncle again if you were sick, and my uncle said that I felt weak all over, do you see if your wrist is thinner again?Uncle's arm and wrist are really thin.I said uncle, why are you lying here, let's go back.My uncle said, I am going to die here.I said why did you die here, and your family members won’t be able to see your body anymore.The uncle said: Which beast's corpse have you seen?The beast felt that he was dying, so he got into a hole and died quietly.My uncle's words made me very sad, so I decided to carry him back, but I couldn't carry him back. At this time, the bad guy pulled me hard, and I said angrily: "I want uncle!"I want to carry uncle!

"Secretary, secretary!" Rotten shouted loudly, and slapped me across the face. I opened my eyes, and the rotten head was hitting me, and the old lady was standing by the kang. "Wake up quickly," Rotten said, "Sleeping so hard, the thief won't know if he carried you away!" I didn't know why, so I was forced by the rotten head and walked out the door. I wandered around to the back wall of the house in a daze. There was a person lying there, with his head stuffed into the hole in the corner, and his arms and body were outside the wall.The rotten guy kicked that person's feet and scolded endlessly, and then shouted at the hole in the wall: "Get the stool!" The old lady in the room said: "Okay!" He threw the man at the gate of the yard like a dead dog, told me that he was going to call his daughter and son-in-law, and ran to the village road in a panic.

After pulling the man back to the old lady, I was fully awake. It turned out that the old lady was spinning in the middle of the night, and found that a thief was digging the back wall of the house. , Sitting on a small bench and watching the corner wall soil fall.Sure enough, after a while, a small hole appeared in the corner of the wall, and a thief's head poked in to see. The old lady pushed the small bench under the thief's chin, and the thief was stuck there, unable to move or speak. Turned on the light again, came over to wake up the bad head, and the bad head woke me up again. "You son of a bitch, did you come to my house as a thief?!" The old lady spat a mouthful of phlegm on the thief's face. The thief got down and kowtowed: "Grandma, uncle, I dare not come again, and let the wolf eat me again, until there is not a single bone left!" "It's a coincidence!" The old lady said, "Let the wolf eat you, you know that there are no wolves now?!" At the gate of the courtyard, three people came in with a bang, a man and a woman. The rotten head scolded: "No wolf? This is a wolf!" He picked up a stick from the steps of the courtyard and beat him. Blood poured from the thief's head. nasty.But the man went into the old lady's bedroom and asked directly, "Where's the piss bucket? Where's the piss bucket?" He picked up half a bucket of raw urine and poured it on the thief's head and body. The house smelled like urine. "Are you pouring thieves or smoking us?" the woman said. The woman is tall and thin, with a pair of almond eyes, and a white hairpin pinned to her hair. When she bent down to pick up an empty urine bucket, she passed me, and I suddenly saw that her collar was not buttoned tightly. , there is a rope around the neck for wearing a pendant, and the rope is black.My jinxiangyu rope is black!But I'm not sure that her black rope is mine, and I'm not sure that what she is hanging is my Jin Xiangyu. The urine and blood mixed together and turned the thief's face into a big face. The thief wiped it with his sleeve, and then hit the thief's butt with a stick with the rotten end, and the stick broke in two. "Uncle, Uncle, don't hit me," said the thief, "Does my baby know you?" "Know me? Who am I?" Rotten said. "You belong to the wolf trap," said the thief. "I saw your captain this morning." "Nonsense! Where is he?" "I dare not talk nonsense, I met you in the ditch below Hongyan Temple." We stopped the beating and asked the thief what the captain of the wolf hunting team looked like, and he answered exactly.So, uncle is at Hongyan Temple? !Lantou slapped his forehead and shouted: I'm so confused, why didn't I think of Hongyan Temple, Hongyan Temple is the place where the old Taoist your uncle knew lived, and the Sanchagoukou where your uncle got lost went north all the way to the ditch The brain is Hongyan Temple!I remembered the dream I was still having just now. I couldn't tell what kind of fate this thief appeared. I said, I want to see my uncle, let's go to Hongyan Temple.
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