Home Categories contemporary fiction wandering golden triangle

Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty

wandering golden triangle 邓贤 11953Words 2018-03-19
1 Mount Khao Kho and Mount Khao Ya are two sister mountains, located in Thailand on the west bank of the Mekong River, and both belong to the largest Luang Mountain range on the edge of the Golden Triangle.Due to the steep mountains and sparsely populated areas, this area has always been a place where Miao mountain people live together, and it is also a place where drug cartels and anti-government armed forces haunt. The shapes of Khao Kho and Khao Ya are very similar to two majestic elephant legs. They step into Phayao and Nan provinces on the Thai border respectively, overlooking the plains and cities from a high position.In the late 1970s, a guerrilla group went deep here to open up a base area, frequently attacked the city, destroyed the transportation hub, and repeatedly interrupted the railway transportation.The name of the guerrilla commander is Wu Sha Shajin, a veteran international communist who once fought in Vietnam and Cambodia.The guerrillas led by him grew from dozens of people to hundreds of people at the beginning, and finally grew to two to three thousand people. They were known as the Khao Ke Military Region and the Kaoya Military Region, pretending to be 10,000 people.The guerrillas skillfully take advantage of the advantageous terrain with the horns of each other, and use flexible and mobile guerrilla tactics; , Burning so that the government army's buttocks smoked, turning into a tired army.If the enemy is tired, we will fight. If you can't move, it's our turn to attack. Concentrate our forces and eat the enemy piece by piece.The enemy retreats and pursues, which is tantamount to fighting the dog in the water, blocking the head and truncating the tail, blooming in the middle, mine warfare and tunnel warfare, chasing from the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and then hitting the outskirts of the city.In this way, the guerrillas repeatedly defeated the Thai government forces who came to encircle and suppress.

In the dry season of 1980, the Thai government made up its mind to open a strategic road between the mountains of Khao Kho and Khao Ya, which meant cutting off the guerrilla base.With this road, it is possible to mobilize and transport military supplies in time, encircle and sweep up saboteurs.Of course, the guerrillas understood the serious threat of the road, so they fought back desperately at all costs, trying to defeat the government army's road construction conspiracy.The battle for road construction lasted for two years. The government army dispatched American F-100 Super Saber and F-4 Phantom attack aircraft, as well as Cobra helicopters, and cooperated with the elite Black Tiger Division to sweep up the guerrillas.For Wu Sha Shakin and his guerrilla comrades, who had experienced the baptism of artillery fire in the Vietnam War for ten years, the three-dimensional offensive of the Thai army can only be regarded as a clumsy imitation of the US imperialist Vietnam War at best.What is the scene of the Vietnam battlefield?As soon as the air cavalry division, the elite trump card of American imperialism known as the world hegemon, was lifted into the sky, the sky was suddenly filled with darkness, hundreds of helicopters covered the sky, and the roar of motors was like thunder. . B-52 strategic bombers carried out carpet bombing, and there was a sea of ​​flames in a radius of tens of kilometers, even ants were not spared.Tanks, armored vehicles, rockets, missiles and incendiary bombs will simply wipe Vietnam off the face of the earth.In fact, Vietnam did not disappear, but the Americans failed, and the defeat was embarrassing and thorough.For the guerrillas, after such an earth-shattering super war has been fought, aren't the few broken planes of the government army a child's play?

Commander Wu ordered the troops to hide in caves during the day so that the planes could not find the bombing target, so they had to drop the bombs in the uninhabited mountains.Helicopters are even more paper tigers. The mountains are high and the valleys are low, the trees are big and the forests are deep. The helicopters buzz around and send the commandos to the top of the mountain.When the helicopter arrived for reinforcements, it fell into the trap of the guerrillas. One after another, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles flew out from the cracks in the trees, hitting the helicopter into a big ball of fire.As a result, the government army not only lost the battle, but also lost several expensive American Cobra helicopters.

Khao Ke and Kao Ya became the Waterloo of the government army, and Wu Sha Shajin became famous. The government offered a reward of millions of Thai coins to capture this mythical and legendary red guerrilla commander.Commander Wu and his comrades pursued the victory and almost captured Lieutenant General Mo, the commander of the northern military region of the government army.Out of desperation, the Ministry of National Defense had no choice but to ask the king to issue a letter, and flew to Messler with a telegram, and then called the Han Self-Defense Forces to fight against the Communists.

2 For the remnants of the former Kuomintang who had just exchanged war for peace and built their homes in peace and contentment, this royal edict from Bangkok is undoubtedly a talisman, and it heralds that many families will face catastrophe again. Everyone knew in their hearts that if the easy battle had been fought long ago, it would not be their turn to fight it. Of course, none of them wanted to fight it, and no matter how easy it was to fight, people would die.Only the most difficult battles will be left to the Han Chinese, and fighting tough battles will kill many people, just like throwing the hardest bone to the dog with the best teeth, even if you are an old dog.The hand of the successor commander Lei Yutian holding the king's telegram trembled slightly. The team is not what it used to be. Unknown!

The camp of the Han Chinese Self-Defense Forces was miserable, and everyone was in danger, as if the end of the world was coming.The shadow of war is oppressing everyone's heart, and everyone knows that disaster is inevitable. If you are a soldier, you have to fight, but who is willing to give up the peaceful life that has just begun?This hard-won peace is just the beginning. Who wants to turn the father or husband and son of the head of the family into a handful of ashes?So Messler almost turned into a collective mourning, shrouded in a sad and sad atmosphere everywhere.But the supreme king's order cannot be disobeyed.After the surrender of the Han army, an eye-catching placard was erected at the entrance of Mesle Village. This placard is still preserved today, but it is already worn out. On it are four oaths of allegiance written in red paint:

We should always think about: 1. Comply with Thai laws and obey national orders. 2. Love and defend the land we live in with our lives. 3. Loyally support the current emperor and royal family. 4. Defend the emperor and the throne with body and life. The oath of allegiance above is equivalent to a collective oath, reassuring all government officials who came to inspect that this once ferocious Chinese dragon has completely surrendered, just like a newly tamed wolf must wag its tail more vigorously at its master.The order to fight was given by His Majesty the Emperor to give the Han people the honor to fulfill their oath. What reason do they have to shrink back and not sacrifice their lives to fight to defend the king?

Lei Yutian convened a military meeting, which was dull and lengthy, like voting on who should go to the crematorium.According to the order of the Ministry of National Defense, the third and fifth armies should each dispatch 500 officers and soldiers to form a commando team of 1,000 people, and then cooperate with the four regiments of the Black Tiger Division to wipe out the guerrillas in one fell swoop.In fact, the Han Chinese Self-Defense Forces no longer have such strength. Excluding the old, weak, sick, disabled, women and children, the two armies made up a total of 800 people, and some of them were young people who had never fought.At that time, Lei Yutian was helpless, looking up to the sky and sighing: "In the Song Dynasty, there was a story about the twelve widows of the Yang family who conquered Liao. When the country was in crisis, they were loyal to the emperor and served the country. As a soldier, they had to wrap their corpses in horse leather and go through fire and water. How many people will go through fire and water? I am alone in the blood-stained battlefield, and my soul is broken in a foreign land. I hope the Ministry of National Defense will stop making things difficult. We have done our best and sacrificed.” General Lei was 66 years old at the time, and Li Wenhuan was 68 years old. The team went out, and the meeting decided that General Qian Yunzhou, who had just taken over as the chief of staff, would be the commander-in-chief of the front line, the division commander Yang Weigang would be the deputy, and the regiment leader Mi Zengtian would be the assault captain.The 800 people gathered in Maesleli, put on the new uniforms of the Thai military, replenished ammunition and weapons, and then drove out of the village amidst the howling of women and children.After changing cars and transport planes, we finally arrived at Phitsanulok Military Airport, the designated assembly point.The main force of the Thai army, the Black Tiger Division, has already assembled here.

This is a national defense force with formidable American equipment, 10,000 people line up at the airport, the flags are flying, and the horns are loud.If you look down from the air, you can see all kinds of powerful mountain warfare weapons covering the lawn: large-caliber mortars, shoulder-mounted recoilless guns, small rocket launchers, flamethrowers, and light and heavy machine guns. The killing props unfolded with the team. The soldiers wore black steel helmets, motionless like steel nails nailed to the ground, and the helicopters kept taking off and landing behind them, stirring up gusts of whirlwind and dust, making a deafening noise.

As the transport plane landed slowly, a group of Han Chinese self-defense personnel poured out from the cabin door in a mess. They were old and young, and their weapons were of different lengths and lengths.Because of the hot weather, some people opened their clothes with cigarettes in their mouths, some were barefoot, or simply hung their leather shoes around their necks. They didn't look like they were fighting, but rather like a group of refugees fleeing the war. Qian Yunzhou assembled the team and ran to report to the commander-in-chief, Lieutenant General Jian: "All the officers and soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces arrived on time, please give instructions from the general."

General Jian returned the salute, and only said yes, without a smile on his face, but the masseter muscle at the corner of his mouth kept squirming, that expression clearly said, I am going to laugh out loud.Think about it, how could this group of refugee-like guys be the ever-victorious masters of the Megatron Golden Triangle?Isn't this a funny thing?He taunted contemptuously: "General Qian, before you ask your men to go up the mountain, be sure to wear identification marks, otherwise my Black Tiger Division will take them as rebels and destroy them." Qian Yunzhou can only endure the humiliation silently. He can be regarded as a veteran Huangpu soldier. This Han army in a foreign land has long lost its prestige.Looking at the scene of this group of young and old lining up, it is really unbearable to witness.Of course he didn't need to fight for face. It wasn't someone's will but the hands of time and time that created this embarrassment, so he gave a military salute expressionlessly, and answered with a touch of his heels: "Yes!" Three days later, fierce fighting began. 3 A brutal tug-of-war is unfolding in the mountains. The Black Tiger Division covered the engineering team and advanced while repairing the road. The guerrillas attacked everywhere, exploded and destroyed, planted mines here, and fired guns there.The workers were not an army, they fled as soon as the gun was fired, and the road construction had to be paralyzed.The superior equipment of the Black Tiger Division cannot destroy the guerrillas, just like cannons and machine guns cannot kill mosquitoes. The mountainous terrain is complex and the guerrillas are flexible and mobile, so the equipment advantages of the Black Tiger Division are basically offset by the magical power of nature.After several weeks of fierce fighting, the government army's offensive could not be effective, but many officers and soldiers were lost in vain.It was April, and the rainy season in the Golden Triangle was approaching. If the fighting could not be ended in the dry season, the government forces would have to return without success, and the road construction plan would be declared bankrupt. General Jian had no choice but to order Qian Yunzhou to go into battle.Qian replied: "The Black Tiger Division has elite soldiers and strong generals. Frontal assault is still difficult to be effective. Our self-defense force has only a few hundred people. How can we break through the enemy's fortifications? ... Therefore, our department still plans to adopt guerrilla tactics, interspersed with detours, and infiltrated into the enemy's rear. Raid the enemy's command post, leaving the enemy without a leader, and they will be defeated without a fight." General Jian asked: "The enemy will definitely learn a lesson and seal off the detour route. How can you penetrate to the enemy's rear?" Qian Yunzhou replied: "The test area is hundreds of miles away, and even spider webs have loopholes. I use guerrilla warfare to deal with guerrilla warfare and make the enemy impossible to defend against. It is a blunt knife, but they are all good at fighting guerrillas in the jungle, climbing mountains and ridges, climbing cliffs and cliffs. So please continue to attack the black tiger division, hold the enemy for a week, attract the enemy's attention, and wait for me After all of them are successful, we will attack from inside and outside.” Qian Dayu said that his father was full of confidence when he said these words, a bit like teaching a Thai general a lesson in jungle tactics.General Jian naturally had nothing to say, because he was a regular soldier, not an expert in guerrilla warfare.He watched suspiciously as the mob of Han Chinese assembled in the twilight, then disappeared unevenly along the forest path. Qian Yunzhou divided the Self-Defense Forces into three groups. He, Commander Yang and Commander Mi each led a group of troops, detoured in multiple ways, and interspersed separately. The key targets of attack were the enemy headquarters, munitions warehouses, storage areas, rear hospitals and institutions. station.According to intelligence, the enemy headquarters is hidden in a cave behind a place called Ruodong Village. The commando must destroy it in one fell swoop, capture the thief first, and completely shake the morale of the enemy army. Qian Yunzhou warned: "The agreed time to launch the attack is five days later. All commandos must rush to the designated location to join the battle. If they encounter the enemy halfway, try not to get entangled." Master Yang looked at the military map for a long time, raised his head and said with a wry smile: "I'm worried that it's not the enemy who is entangled, but the mountain. Anyway, there is no way to go, it depends on everyone's luck." Head Mi asked: "How can I contact you if you need reinforcements?" Qian Yunzhou said: "Firing two red flares down the mountain means success. If artillery reinforcements are needed, send two green flares. To communicate with the aircraft, use a mirror to reflect sunlight into the air to indicate the bombing target." Before breaking up, he repeatedly urged: "If you miss the time of the general attack or lose your target, move closer to the north. To show your identity, don't misunderstand with the government forces." The task was assigned, and the three teams shot in different directions like arrows off the string. 4 Guerrilla Commander Wu is a staunch fighter for international communism. He was born in Laos and his father is Thai, so he can speak authentic Thai.Wu Sha Shakin devoted himself to the Vietnamese people’s Anti-French War when he was still a student, and later he joined the Anti-American Vietnam War, and later went to Cambodia to support the Khmer Rouge Revolution. In short, he devoted his life to the Southeast Asian revolutionary movement selflessly .Commander Wu is an unwavering advocate of armed revolution. He believes in the truth that "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun" and believes that the future of revolution lies in seizing political power by armed forces. Only the barrel of a gun can create a red communist world. To fight for this lofty revolutionary goal.He has been to Moscow to study revolutionary theory, received military training, visited and studied in Cuba, and met the famous bearded revolutionary leader Castro.He fought guerrilla warfare in the jungles of South Vietnam for a full ten years, and he can be regarded as an experienced guerrilla expert. At that time, the Communist Party of Thailand was divided into two factions: one faction advocated parliamentary struggle, legally entered the government, and realized the peaceful transformation of state power, called the "parliamentary faction".The other faction, with the general secretary of the Thai Communist Party, General Mithi, as the core, advocates the seizure of power by armed forces, the encirclement of cities by the countryside, and the establishment of socialist Thailand. They are called "hardliners."Wu Shashajin is a loyal supporter and executor of the hard line. He defeated the parliamentary faction in the party with his own actions and let the fire of armed revolution ignite throughout the country. The encirclement and suppression by government forces did not cause too much loss to the guerrillas.Although the Black Tiger Division attacked like a gust of wind, this did not show how many actual combat results the enemy had achieved.The planes are dispatched every day, flying around overhead, but the ground is full of cliffs and forests, and the planes can't find the target as if they were blind.Commander Wu hid his headquarters in a cave. Pointing to the foot of the mountain, he optimistically told his comrades that as long as they lasted until the rainy season, the government troops would have to leave, otherwise the heavy rain would wash them all into the Mekong River. The government army is like a big stupid bear, and the stupid bear is not scary, what is scary is the Han Chinese Self-Defense Force who specialize in sneak attacks like leopards.Drawing lessons from the failure of Mount Phra Meng, Commander Wu ordered a strict blockade of the rear trails, laying mines, and dispatching patrols.Surveillance posts were set up between the villages. Once the attackers were found, they would all be wiped out, and the corpses would never return in the wilderness. At the end of April, look at the end of the dry season, the wet rain clouds rolling over the Indian Ocean are faintly visible, and the rumbling thunder is rolling on the distant horizon. Team onslaught.Commander Wu concluded that the enemy was at the end of his strength, so he jumped over the wall in a hurry. He put the reserve team into the most critical front line, and then sent the reserve team to support the flank positions.In order to prevent accidents, he organized the personnel from the government agencies, hospitals, and headquarters into a temporary combat brigade. Although more than a hundred combatants were added in name, he knew in his heart that these people would not be of much use.He anxiously hoped that the rainy season would come soon, and only the rainy season was the savior of the guerrillas. But unfortunately things still happened. This morning the arsenal was suddenly bombed by planes.The arsenal was originally hidden in a hidden mountain depression with towering trees, and it was impossible for the plane to find the target when passing through the sky.The problem is that the bomb dropped by the plane directly hit the warehouse, causing a series of explosions and fires, which means that someone revealed the secret, or spies sneaked in to indicate the target for the plane.How did the spies get in?Thinking of spies, his nerves immediately tensed up. Could it be that Han people like leopards got in?Soon his terrible premonition was confirmed, and the sentry reported to him that someone saw a mirror reflecting on the opposite mountain to indicate the target for the aircraft.This time the plane bombed the hospital, and the bomb fell accurately. Many wounded who could not be transferred were burned to death by the fire.Commander Wu seemed to have been hit in the head. He suddenly realized that the Black Tiger Division's large-scale attack was a trap, to divert the attention of the guerrillas, to feign a frontal attack, and all this painstaking effort was to cover up a despicable conspiracy.Then he knew that this terrible enemy had come and lay in wait at his side, like the legendary devil, who turned people into cakes while they were asleep. Soon the enemy did show up.Despicable raiders swarmed like leeches out of flowing ditches and down cliffs where the defenses were weak.On the one hand, Commander Wu ordered tenacious resistance, and on the other hand ordered the front line to return for reinforcements. Unexpectedly, the reinforcement team encountered a sneak attacking enemy on the way, and the two sides fought fiercely and became a mess.By the afternoon, the resistance was over, and Commander Wu sighed, and had to order to break out of Laos separately.People are the resources of the revolution, if we keep the fire alive, we are not afraid that there will be no day of prairie fire in the future. The problem is that man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. In the words of materialism, chance is everywhere.Originally, the guerrillas were familiar with the terrain, ran away if they could not win, broke into pieces, got into the ravines and forests, crossed the border and returned to their hometowns, and only waited for the government troops to retreat and make a comeback.The problem was that the Red Commander was out of luck, and a little chance betrayed him.He originally had more than a dozen men and a dozen guns under his command, and rushed into the forest in one breath, throwing his pursuers far away, just like Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms time when he crossed Huarong Road, sat down and cried three times, laughed three times, It can be called Surviving a Catastrophe, Heaven Immortal Cao.But unexpectedly, a team rushed out from the diagonal stab, surrounded them and captured them alive. It turned out that the commando led by Mi Tuan lost his way in the mountains, and when he was dizzy, a group of prey hit the muzzle of the gun and picked up the biggest fruit of victory. The rear of the guerrillas was on fire, and the morale of the army was in chaos. The Black Tiger Division took the opportunity to attack Padang Peak and won a decisive victory.The guerrillas, excluding those who died in heroic battles, some became prisoners, some broke up and fled across the border. In short, the armed revolution entered a low ebb.Later, with the dissolution of the Eastern European Communist Party and the disintegration of Soviet socialism, the fate of these revolutionaries was like duckweed blown away by a storm, drifting with the tide without a trace. The biggest winner of the failure of the armed revolution is not the government, nor the Han Self-Defense Forces, but the parliamentary faction within the Thai Communist Party.Facts have proved that all countries have their own national conditions, and the road of armed struggle is not feasible in Thailand. Therefore, one year after the fall of the Khao Kho and Khao Ya revolutionary bases, the Central Committee of the Thai Communist Party held the Fifth National Congress and announced the abandonment of armed struggle. The bloody line of the Communist Party of China has changed to the peaceful path of parliamentary elections and democratic reforms. The civil strife in Thailand has completely subsided. 5 Head Mi couldn't suppress his excitement, and couldn't wait to use the radio to report the victory to the headquarters, and then escorted the prisoners back to the assembly point.The guerrilla commander was very stubborn and tried to commit suicide several times by grabbing his gun, so he asked soldiers to make a stretcher out of tree branches and tied the captives to the stretcher.Although Head Mi did not catch up with the attack on the guerrilla's lair, but the prey hit the muzzle of the gun by himself, and easily made his first contribution, which shows that people plan things and God makes things happen. God favors him very much, and he can be regarded as a lucky general. But things in the world are nothing more than misfortunes and blessings, and blessings and misfortunes.Commander Mi captured the enemy commander, which seemed to be a great achievement, but he couldn't hold back, and wanted to take the lead and report the victory to the headquarters early. In fact, this was the beginning of a tragedy. The vanguard of the Han commando and the search force of the Black Tiger Division met head-to-head. The search force kept a high level of vigilance and came prepared to stop Commander Mi and ask for an inspection.As allies, fighting bloody battles to kill the enemy together, joining forces on the battlefield is a joyful event worth celebrating. If it were Westerners, they would hug each other and shout "Woo!" do not match.Head Mi went to see the opposing commander to explain the situation.The other party is a major battalion commander, in his twenties, although his rank is lower than that of Commander Mi, but because he is a regular army, his speech and attitude are very arrogant.Head Mi was dissatisfied, and secretly cursed: You useless trash, if I hadn't joined the battle, you wouldn't know that this bird battle would have lasted until the year of the monkey?What son of a bitch! The major said that he had been ordered by the general to inspect the prisoners so that important guerrilla figures would not slip through the net.During the inspection, his eyes suddenly widened, as if he had turned on a searchlight. It turned out that he saw a group of dejected guerrilla prisoners carrying a stretcher on which was bound their highest officer, who was offered a reward by the Thai government. The famous guerrilla commander captured by millions! If Tuan Mi is older, don't be too impulsive, and don't be too aggressive, and understand that your arms can't twist your thighs, a hero doesn't suffer immediate losses, and the world will be wide if you take a step back, then there will be no suspense in the subsequent process, and everything will be logical , like any happy ending we could have guessed.The problem is that Mi Tuanzhang was only thirty years old at the time, a bloody man who went through life and death on the battlefield, just like pig iron being repeatedly quenched, making him not very flexible, simple-minded, impulsive, and not good at changing perspectives, which is what we often call The bravery of every man.So when the battalion commander of the major asked him to hand over the prisoners to the regular army, he flatly refused without even thinking about it. "No! I want to escort the prisoners to the headquarters myself." He shouted angrily, with a vicious glint in his eyes. The battalion commander ordered the captives to be forcibly taken away. Commander Mi has fought all his life. What kind of thrilling scene, what kind of robbers and bandits have not seen it?So he had blue veins on his forehead, loaded the gun with a bang, and slapped the pistol and shouted loudly: "×Your mother!... If you dare to fight, I will fight with you!" For a while, the two sides were at war with each other, and the air was extremely tense.Of course, the major didn't dare to take action easily. Although they were superior in numbers, the Self-Defense Forces were all glaring at them, and machine guns and submachine guns were watching fiercely.The stalemate persisted, and after requesting instructions from the radio station, the headquarters ordered the major to stand by on the spot, and the commando went down the mountain to return to the team. With the order from the headquarters, the government troops made way, and Commander Mi led the prisoners to continue down the mountain.It seems that the matter has come to an end at this point, and the suspenseful heart can be put down. Misunderstandings and frictions between friendly forces and on the battlefield are inevitable. Since the superior has an order, it means that the superior still upholds justice and does not approve of expanding conflicts between subordinates.So the commander Mi and the Han officers and soldiers were greatly relieved, or they didn't really believe that the friendly army would shoot at them. Who can ignore this kind of blood-drenched fighting friendship? Many years later, the local people brought up this historical case to me again, and their words were still very cautious, even a little guilty and sneaky.My question is focused on one point: Why did Commander Mi insist on not handing over the prisoners to the government army?I think the government army is mainly responsible for the war. The government army is the main force, and the self-defense force is just a supporting role. If there is no government army to launch a massive feint to contain them, can they touch it from behind?To use a simple analogy, it is like a striker kicking into the net and becoming the winning golden goal. Isn't this the result of the joint efforts of the whole team, the defender covering, the midfielder passing the ball, etc.?Would everyone be convinced if he became a striker and contributed to it all by himself?Won't there be infighting?Why doesn't Head Mi understand this simple truth?Didn't he destroy unity?Wasn't he the one responsible for the bloodshed? In short, this incident has always been a historical mystery, because the major and battalion commander, one of the key figures in the incident, was killed on the spot by the Self-Defense Forces, and General Jian later rose to the top and held important positions in the cabinet and held great power.Those who gave me the inside story warned that if the military knew the source of the leak, they would die without a burial.Did I say it's that serious?They stomped their feet resentfully, as if they hated iron but not steel. It is said that when the first burst of gunfire rang out, Commander Mi was shot in the shoulder, and at least a dozen self-defense members fell to the ground and died on the spot.Head Mi couldn't believe his eyes, someone shot them from behind?Looking around, I realized that the situation has become very serious. The opponent has quietly spread out, seizing the favorable terrain, baring their teeth like a pack of wolves, trying to put them to death.It can be imagined that this was a battle of great disparity in strength. The opponent had a large number of people and had an absolute advantage. The Self-Defense Force suffered heavy casualties from the very beginning, so the only way for Head Mi to see the team casualties increase was to keep the prisoners in exchange for a way of life. Unexpectedly, the other party refused to give up at this time. They seemed to be determined to drive out these Han people and leave no way out.There was the sound of humming motors in the air, and two armed helicopters rushed to help. These are the most perfect killing machines in the world today. In an instant, the rockets fell like hail, and the large-caliber machine guns beat the fragile limbs of the Han people to pieces. two paragraphs.Human beings are like ants, like flightless grasshoppers, like a pile of wriggling maggots, who are slaughtered by war machines.Head Mi led a few brothers to fight back desperately, and finally fled into the jungle to save his life. Most officers and soldiers died in the wilderness, with no place to bury them.Bloodshed ensued, and the commander of the Self-Defense Forces lodged a strong protest against government forces.The government army replied: The attack was carried out by the Thai Communist Party. Our side lost a battalion commander and many soldiers. We hope that the friendly troops will not fall into the enemy's tricks. On behalf of the Ministry of National Defense, the commander-in-chief, the lieutenant general, formally sent a note to the Self-Defense Forces. The government forces performed normal tasks to eliminate the remnants of the enemy.The officers and soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces must be loyal to the king, obey orders, and must not condone the instigation of rebels.and so on. The self-defense force originally won a complete victory in the battle of the test of science and teeth. They captured the guerrilla commander alive and hoped that he would be rewarded for his merits, which would lead to a happy ending for everyone.Unexpectedly, in the end, the situation changed from extreme joy to sorrow, and the commando was brutally murdered. Many officers and soldiers lost their lives for no reason, and their vitality was seriously injured. 6 The remnants of the former Kuomintang army were like a dying king of beasts: scrawny, toothless, and broken claws, covered with scabies, unable to open their eyes, sleeping all day long in the mountains look.Even with such a serious disease, the government still adopts strict control measures, stationing troops on all the main roads leading to refugee villages in the Golden Triangle, which is somewhat similar to military control.Refugees are only allowed to live on the mountain, and they must be approved to go down the mountain, and the army will issue a pass, and so on.So many people still recall that they are similar to the labor reform team. What's more frightening is that no matter where the Golden Triangle is fighting, if there is a war and the government troops are dispatched, everyone in the refugee village will be in danger, and every family will close their doors, as if the end of the world is coming.Lei Yutian said that in 1982, after the Kaoke Kaoya War, the Black Tiger Division surrounded and suppressed Kunsha and Zhang Suquan on a large scale next to the Stars after the Kaoke Kaoya War. He was afraid that the man would be thrown into the battlefield as cannon fodder to beat the Han compatriots of the Zhang family army if the king gave an order. I don't know if the government thinks that this sick bug really doesn't work, or the Black Tiger Division is afraid of being upstaged by the Self-Defense Forces, so they never called the Han Chinese Self-Defense Forces to go out.But this does not mean that Messler is calm. The Golden Triangle is always full of smoke and fire. The Self-Defense Forces have guns, are organized, and have combat effectiveness. They are connected by blood and have a large number of people. Drug trafficking and illegal business, they are inextricably linked with Kunsha and all local forces in the Golden Triangle. "A centipede is dead but not stiff." If the Thai government is determined to completely eliminate the future troubles and complete the true surrender of the Han people, they must also kill the killer, completely break the spine of this diseased insect, and pull out its fangs And sharp claws, gouged out the anti-bone, and turned it into a docile herbivore.Everyone knows the consequences of "raising tigers to cause trouble". If you keep a dog, of course you don't have any worries. Only the war dead ignored the worries of the government and the panic of the living. They lay quietly on the ground, their eyes staring at the deep sky for a long time.Thick weeds began to grow on their graves. Every year during the Tomb-sweeping Day, people seemed to remember that they were in a long sleep, and that they left their homes and went to the underworld, so the cries and the smoke from the candles lingered over the Golden Triangle. , refused to disperse for a long time. 7 Veterans Corps is the name in Taiwan, which means the nursing home for disabled soldiers. The common saying in mainland China is "Invalids Academy" or "Invalids Sanatorium". The name is different, but the essence is the same thing. There are many veterans in the Golden Triangle. It is said that there are three kinds in the Golden Triangle: many widows, many graves, and many disabled people.His words are correct.In addition, every Han refugee village has two special landscapes: one is the cemetery of fallen soldiers, and the other is the Veterans Army.The cemetery is the history of the dead, the veterans are the memorial of the living. The Mesle Veterans Team is at the foot of the South Mountain of the village. There are currently 28 Veterans’ families covering an area of ​​more than ten acres. They have built exactly the same iron houses, one by one, like those Shan soldiers in the past, standing crooked Several queues.There is a simple archway at the gate, and there are a few big black and red characters of "Maesle Veterans Team" on the book. The handwriting is not neat and has been blurred.Entering the archway, there is a concrete floor with a simple basketball hoop, which is the court.The big room to the west is the entertainment room, with the words "Honor Room" on the lintel, where people can play cards or smoke and drink tea for entertainment.The whole Veterans team is lifeless, and the chickens don't bark or bark, giving people a feeling of desolation. Regarding my going to the Veterans Team for interviews, Mr. Feng, the president of the self-government committee, sent me a message through the guide Xiaomi, that to those veterans, we must donate some money to show charity.Those philanthropists from Taiwan all do this, donating money, goods, houses and cars, etc.As for the amount I should donate, Mr. Feng opened a golden mouth, he said, just 1,000 baht. I asked Xiaomi whether it was 1,000 baht per person or 1,000 baht for everyone, but Xiaomi blinked and couldn't answer.At the exchange rate at that time, one thousand baht was equivalent to nearly three hundred yuan. Originally, in my situation, I came from mainland China, which is not very rich. I was a self-funded writer with a meager salary (700 yuan per month). There are endless philanthropists or consortium tycoons, if each honored citizen has to donate 1,000 baht, I'm afraid I have no choice but to apply to stay as an honored citizen.What's more, the trip to the Golden Triangle cost a lot. Every time I calculated the expenses, I felt that my pockets were empty, and I didn't dare to be extravagant for fear of running out of ammunition and food.However, the problem is that since I am the first mainland writer to go deep into the Golden Triangle for interviews, I have to leave a good impression on others.Neither should others be misled into thinking that mainland writers are stingy, lacking in sympathy, and breaking other people's rules, nor can they mess up their own affairs, causing them to lose all their money and horses, and have to ask for relief in the end.So I thought hard, and finally came up with a solution that I thought was the best of both worlds, so I readily agreed. My method is to choose someone to interview during lunch.I thought, since we have to eat at noon and take a nap after the meal, and the weather is so hot, and the veterans yawn and sleep in the dark, naturally there will not be so many people vying to be interviewed.In fact, I really don't want so many interviewees, not to mention that such paid interviews are of course few but good. The sun in the Golden Triangle made the air tremble, and the red land burst into bursts of smoke and dust.I called Xiaomi to go to the Veterans Team on time at twelve o'clock in the noon.In fact, it’s fine if Xiaomi doesn’t go. The Veterans Team is all Han Chinese and doesn’t need translators, but my experience is that it’s easy to have someone around to cover.The sun was burning on our heads and we were sweating profusely. Xiaomi complained that he was hungry and complained why he went to interview at noon?Of course, I can't explain the reason. I can only infer that the interviewees are at home at noon, and we have dinner after the interview. Captain Rongmin was not at home, so he went to the house of the vice-captain Zhao Jiawang.It can be seen that the deputy captain was surprised and unprepared for my arrival, and then became sincerely happy.He had already had his lunch, and he was sitting and dozing off, but suddenly he sat up straight, his hound-like eyes became alive and sparkled because of my presence.His mother was sitting at the door basking in the sun with dementia eyes. Zhao Jiawang said his mother was insane and told us to ignore her. Zhao Jiawang's hometown is Longling, Yunnan. He went to the Golden Triangle with his parents when he was two years old. His father was killed in battle with the Burmese government army in the famous Maoer River Valley battlefield.他长大后子承父业拿起枪杆子,属于残军第三代。他的命运比父亲稍好一点,打考牙山那阵他是班长,挨了一颗炮弹,两条小腿当时就不知去向,所以他现在安的是假肢。我看他穿着黑颜色长裤,就说能让我看看好吗?他熟练地把裤腿卷起来,我便赫然看到伤兵两条假腿,膝盖以下钉着一尺多长的钢筋螺丝,好像科幻电影中的机器人,叫人毛骨悚然。 赵家旺的住屋是台湾一个什么将军太太,名字叫做某某马莉的女人捐建,那个将军太太还在房门口钉了一块大铜牌,就像广告牌一样,记载许多歌功颂德的句子。我看了很反感,行善就行善,又不是立贞节牌坊,干吗弄得那么招摇过市? 以我眼睛所见,赵家旺家中基本上一贫如洗,没有任何财产。伤兵在屋子中央铺了一床席子,看上去就像展览伤口的专业户。我问他现在靠什么生活?他回答像他这样的A级残废,政府每月发给六千铢泰币补助。我飞快地心算一下,这笔钱相当于月收入一千七百元人民币,比我工资高一倍多。我问他太太做什么工作?他愁眉苦脸地说在外面做一点小生意,每月有一点收入,养不活一家人。 接下来我毫不客气地给他拍了许多照片,提出许多关于金三角和打仗的问题,尤其是有关帕勐山、考牙山的战场细节,他都努力地凭记忆一一作答,表情又殷勤又可怜,我看得出,他力图使我满意,就像水果商贩讨好顾客一样。估摸把赵家旺压榨得差不多的时候,该撤退了,我站起身来,这时候伤兵的脸上现出紧张的神情,因为如果我不给报酬,他也不能上大陆消协告我,这是一种自愿行为。我郑重取出一张面值为一千铢的泰币放在他面前,并祝他安康幸福。我当然知道他不可能幸福,战争注定使他终生痛苦,但是我的话还是要这样虚伪地说给对方听。他双手合十,低头念佛表示感谢。我在荣民队里转了一圈,拍了照片就来到荣誉室。在门前我稍稍犹豫了一下,因为我看见有几双眼睛从里面像猛兽一样炯炯有神地盯住我。那里四个玩牌的伤兵,他们停止玩牌,一齐转过头来把目光投向我这个陌生人,那种目光分明是兴奋和有所期待的。荣誉室最醒目的是两面旗帜,一面是泰国三色旗,与国王画像并列,另一面是国民党的青天白日旗,与孙中山头像并排。墙上还蒙着一匹红布,上面留着那些做了捐赠善事的男女签名。屋子另一头则供着菩萨,燃着香烛。如此组合看上去杂乱无章,不过稍有历史知识的人都知道,这种关系恰好构成金三角汉人难民的历史和现状,就像树根与枝干的继承关系。 四个伤兵,三个汉人,一个缅甸佧佤,都讲云南话。其中一个余姓汉人年纪较大,有五十开外,他自称四十年前就扛枪打仗,见过李国辉和柳元麟,其余都不过三四十岁,算是年轻一代。他们都是与反政府游击队作战受的伤,而且都被地雷炸断腿。我奇怪地问他们,为什么大家都伤在腿上?他们争着告诉我,游击队安放许多杀伤地雷,这些地雷是从越南过来的,塑料雷,专炸人腿。人没有了腿自然就打不成仗,也就消除战斗力。我回忆起中越自卫反击战,许多年轻战士躺在医院,他们也是被越南塑料地雷炸断腿的。然后他们又纷纷提起裤腿,向我展览伤口。 提到打仗,伤兵的话多起来,津津乐道,我理解这是士兵人生中最值得夸耀的经历。他们争相讲述打仗故事,讲述受伤和死亡的感受,以及战场亲见亲闻和逸闻趣事。我当然乐意他们争相表现,尽管我知道这是要付出代价的。 我问到他们是否每月也得到政府补助六千泰铢时,他们的态度发生明显变化。余老兵忿忿地说,补助定得不公平,他每月只得到一千铢,在座诸位,最多每月也就两三千铢,而那些军官定得就高。言下之意,都一样的伤兵,政府官员没有秉公办事。 我问他们日常都干些什么,做不做些力所能及的工作?他们互相望望,都提不起精神。余老兵怏怏地回答说,没有事做,女人在外面替人家干活,做点小生意。男人么,就混混日子。 往后的交谈就像白开水一样越来越没有味道。我看看表,觉得也差不多,该收场了,就向大家道谢,并赠钞票表示心意。 回到旅馆,知青朋友焦昆来看我,听说我给荣民队捐了钱,立即忿忿地说:那些人,不要信他们的话,他们别的不会,就会骗人同情!这些人都是懒汉,无赖,赌棍,他们拿着政府补贴,好吃懒做,不劳而获,吸毒,赌博,嫖女人,什么都干,就是不劳动……你不该给他们钱,不要同情他们! 我只好瞠目,无言以对。
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