Home Categories contemporary fiction last lover

Chapter 103 one zero two

last lover 残雪 1689Words 2018-03-19
Vincent and the Five Dragons Tower (1) Joe had traveled through so many Eastern countries that he could not remember where he was now.He stood in front of this stone tower, which was on the plateau, and beside him, a native yellow dog followed him.He stayed overnight in a small town, and the yellow dog followed him everywhere.Maybe it wants to lead the way for him, but Joe has no destination, he just walks around, and the yellow dog seems to be very happy with this way, barking for a while when he reaches a place, very excited. Inside the stone pagoda, there are spiral stone steps for climbing. Because of the age, some parts of the stone steps are missing.

It looks dangerous to go up.The yellow dog kept barking, urging Joe to climb quickly.Joe looked up and saw that there were many round holes on the high top, which were designed for people to lean out of the tower from there.He estimated that the stone tower was about 30 meters high, and the terrifying stone steps looked very weak.He hesitated for a while, then decided to leave.The yellow dog barked angrily behind him for a long time, and he felt guilty. At night he slept in the hotel in the small town.This is a relatively high-end hotel. The rooms have floor-to-ceiling windows with bamboo curtains. Outside the windows, natural mountain springs flow into the yard.But there are a lot of mosquitoes here, even with the windows closed, there are still a lot of mosquitoes in the room, singing and dancing, making Joe very irritable.Unable to sleep, he opened the door and went out into the yard.The yard is very large, full of podocarpus and hibiscus.Not long after he walked, he heard someone talking. It was a man and a woman sitting under the Podocarpus pine. They were not afraid of mosquito bites at all, and the topic they talked about seemed very important.

"That's how Vincent came. How did he find out where I live?" the man said. "You are his elder brother, of course he will try his best to find out, where can you hide?" The woman smiled softly, she spoke slowly, looking very comfortable. Joe's heart pounded in his chest, and he stared at his shadowy figure in the grass, trying in vain to remember where he was.During this journey, planes, wooden sailboats, trains, and long-distance buses, he changed from one means of transportation to another, from one country to another, and those boundaries gradually melted in his mind, so that He completely ignored it.The old stories had dissipated within him, and his eyes were empty except for the yellow dog running beyond the horizon.These days, he was used to the life of traveling alone on the earth, and now he suddenly heard a familiar name, it was like bad news from another world.

"Someone saw him climb to the top of the 'Five Dragon Pagoda', just yesterday." The man said again. "At the highest point in the world, anything is possible. As the saying goes, 'Stand tall, see far'." The woman's voice dropped, as if lost in thought. "It's terrible. We shouldn't have come here in the first place." "Do you regret it?" "No, never." The mosquitoes bit so badly that Joe had to leave.He took off his jacket, covered his head, and then put his hands in his pockets and walked back and forth.The mountain spring rustled through the rockery, and from the garden you could see the outside, where there were dots of light floating in the darkness.Will this place be the "roof of the world"?Joe couldn't believe it.He remembered that the "roof of the world" was in China.He made up his mind in his heart that he would go to the "Five Dragon Pagoda" again tomorrow and climb up to have a look.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the hotel building, all the lights were turned on, and someone was yelling "it's on fire".People flocked to the garden, and there were so many people.Joe was carried away by people, and everyone rushed into the street.Joe looked back and saw that the five-story building was already in flames.The people around are all talking in a hurry. "It's dangerous!" Everyone exclaimed in unison. "Could it be a conspiracy?" A man asked this question, and the noise around him drowned out his voice again.Only then did Joe remember his luggage. There were several books in it, the most important of which was the one about Tibet.Fortunately, he still had some cash with him, otherwise it would have been a disaster.The small building was still burning, and the people gradually dispersed. Joe didn't know where they went.The streets became deserted.A dog came rushing toward Joe from the street. It turned out to be the yellow dog that had been following him.

The yellow dog came up to him, grabbed his trouser leg with its mouth and dragged him to the left.Joe had to follow it.They came to a quarry where some workers were working in the dark.The yellow dog walked around to the shed behind the quarry, and Joe saw that the door of the shed was open, and there was an oil lamp inside, and a man was sitting at a table with his head clasped in his hands, and there was a great pile of something on the table. "Joe, you're here, sit down." The man was actually Vincent. Joe saw clearly now that the pile of human skeletons on the table turned out to be.

"This is Lisa." Vincent looked up and seemed to be smiling. "Lisa arrived here along the road of the Red Army's Long March and fell into the Grand Canyon. It's really unexpected." Joe's body trembled for a while, and he didn't dare to sit down at the table, so he just stood there.The dog groaned at his feet, as if crying. "Vincent, we meet again," said Joe, his teeth chattering. Vincent held a bone against his face, showing a look of intoxication. Joe felt that a party was surrounding the shed, stalking in the dark, talking excitedly in whispers.

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