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Chapter 100 Ninety-nine

last lover 残雪 1552Words 2018-03-19
Edda returns to the farm (7) "I really want to go, Uncle Reagan. Dad said he would never come back. Now my heart has flown to that place. It is a place far, far away. In the mountains, I heard that the houses are hanging on the cliffs. My dad is a hero, right?" "That's right. Is your wolf going with you?" "Ok." Depressed, he kicked the stool Reagan was sitting on so hard that he couldn't fish.Reagan didn't know why he was upset, maybe he shouldn't have mentioned the wolf just now?He still didn't understand why Jin Xia limped the wolf's leg.He put away the fishing rod, sat on the ground with the child, took his little hand, and wanted to talk to him.The child's hands were very thin, which gave Reagan a strange feeling.He remembered that the child had been living in the open air these days.

"Uncle Reagan, am I going to die?" "No, no, you are a child." "Children die, too. I was thinking, the house hangs over the cliff, and when our wolf howls, the house will fall down. The last time our house was mostly destroyed, it was our wolf who made it, and it wasn't a storm at all. My dad is lying when he says it's a storm. Uncle Reagan, do you think I should go? I want to stay on the farm with my wolf. I've got a spot in the woods over there. I can Build a room there to live with it, and don’t live in that termite nest anymore. But, I thought, wouldn’t it be more interesting to live on a cliff, as long as it doesn’t fall. I can’t make up my mind after much deliberation. I still A little kid, I don't want to die. My dad is a hero."

Reagan rubbed the child's little hands with pity, although he knew in his heart that the child did not need pity at all. "Little wolf, you don't have to go. You can live with me in the woods. What do you think? When you grow up, you will be like your father and help me manage this farm." "Of course it's very good here, but I want to live on that cliff. Uncle Reagan, what do you think I should do?" He looked at Reagan seriously and asked. In the moonlight, Reagan felt that his eyes were like two deep holes, as if there were no eyeballs in the eye sockets.A chill passed through Reagan's heart, and he couldn't speak for a moment. Someone was swimming in the lake, making a splashing sound, and Reagan could tell that it was not Ada, but another person.Ada was rhythmic, but that person was beating randomly, as if he was deliberately angry. "It's the Woodsman," the little wolf told him.

The forester came ashore naked, and his clothes were laid on the embankment, and he went to dress them.The old man's silhouette looked very vigorous, not at all like the down-and-out look he saw during the day.Reagan thought to himself: Maybe the forest ranger thinks this lake and this farm belong to him?See how confident he is, how graceful his movements are.The little wolf ran over and put his arms around the forester, and they whispered affectionately and walked away. Reagan looked at the backs of the old and the young leaving without blinking, feeling some kind of regret in his heart.For some reason, he felt that Shoulin

Talent is the real landlord, every plant and tree here is probably in his dream, and this child is a free bird flying around.It is said that the forester's family has lived here for several generations, and it used to be a real wilderness.Suddenly, the silhouette of a deer appeared in his field of vision. There was a large herd of deer on the embankment on the opposite bank.He had never heard of deer in this mountain before.What kind of monk did Jin Xia call to manage such a large farm for herself?Looking at the deer on the other side that suddenly emerged from the ground, Reagan felt that his future was uncertain.At this time, Jin Xia might have already packed her luggage.

He went back to the trailer and lay down listlessly, closing his eyes in the stench. "Mr. Reagan, I'm taking office today." The forest guard's voice sounded from inside the car. "you?" "Ah, it must be Jin Xia who didn't tell you, this guy!" He slammed the car window. "He was talking about a monk." "I turned out to be a monk. This guy is playing tricks!" "Come in and talk." "No, I'm going to work. Mr. Reagan, yesterday I dreamed that our farm expanded to the east coast. Jin Xia is a very imposing person."

After closing his eyes and imagining for a long time, Reagan still couldn't think of the forester as a farm manager.All these years, everyone saw him as a dirty, eccentric old man who lived alone in the wasteland.Countless times over the years he had felt the urge to talk to him, only to be overwhelmed by fear the moment he reached his door.Wasn't he Reagan a predator?The land turned out to be wild land, where the forester's family had lived for generations, and the forester himself, the only descendant of that family, took it for granted that the land was his.Now that Reagan has transformed the land into a farm and made him a forester, he doesn't know what kind of vicious resentment he harbors in his heart.Looking in through the open broken door, Reagan always found a shiny triangular scraper on the table.

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