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Chapter 66 sixty-five

last lover 残雪 1632Words 2018-03-19
Reagan's confusion (5) "The figures vary widely, Mr. Reagan, and sometimes double. But this is normal. The measured area is not reliable, what do you think?" Reagan realized that his farm was immeasurable.He thought, this Jin Xia might have realized it too, but why did he take the trouble to measure it?Once, he woke up from a dream and walked into the woods, and saw his workers all wearing straw hats sitting in the moonlight, much like some statues.He passed by these motionless people, and immediately felt the realm in their minds, which was the infinitely extending space starting from the rubber forest.He called "Ada" abruptly, and someone answered him immediately, but the answering voice was a male voice.Seeing these woodcarved crowds, Reagan became frightened, and he walked out of the woods, trying to get rid of the heavy feeling these people brought him.However, the rubber forest seemed to be possessed by a demon. No matter how long he walked in a familiar direction, he could never reach the edge of the forest.That time he had worn himself out.

"It seems to me, Mr. Reagan, that the larger the farm, the more secure we will be." Jin Xia stood up and said that he was going to deal with a business.When Reagan saw him walking on the forked road, two men rushed out from the woods and carried him away. Reagan wanted to shout but couldn't, because he felt that the scene before him was too false.After a while, he gradually regained his sense of reality and saw the stains on his coat.He had worn this gray-blue jacket for a long time, and since Martin swept away his clothes, he had nothing to change, and everything seemed so ridiculous.The bigger the farm, the more reason the surveying work should go on forever. This is Jin Xia's conspiracy.

There was an unknown kind of small bird hiding in the reeds, and the number surprised him. When he passed there, the little birds rose from the grass like locusts and flew into the clouds.He opened his mouth and made a silly "ah! ah!" sound.Looking at the ground, there are black crows all over the place. It is obvious that these crows just flew from somewhere.where?Could it be that city?He once heard people say that in that city, the balconies of every house were covered with crows, wet crows. Someone was calling him, and it was Ali who came over panting.Ali said that he might be involved in a lawsuit and heard that Jin Xia used improper means to run the farm.

"What is this person's plan?" Ali said blankly. But Reagan saw that she was not nervous, and seemed to be looking forward to something.This, he thought, was the general mentality of the people on the farm, everyone was hoping for something to happen. "I don't really believe in this kind of thing. Is this a bitter trick?" Reagan said. "Yeah, isn't this a bitter trick?" Ali repeated his words excitedly, her eyes sparkling. "Jin Xia is an unpredictable weirdo." When Reagan opened the curtains and looked outside, the woman appeared in his field of vision for two consecutive days.She is Jin Xia's wife.The farm was filled with wind and sand, and rumors were flying everywhere. Several people had already told him about the auction.Jin Xia has been avoiding Reagan for many days.Now his wife is digging at the side of the road, what the hell is she digging?Ali came in.

"She has already dug several deep pits by the side of the road, and she said she wants to test the soil structure. This woman is a witch. I am not afraid of her husband, I am only afraid of her. Why test the soil quality? She wants to get to the bottom of it." Reagan was startled, and turned around to ask for clarification, but Ali had already taken his dirty clothes and gone out.Ali's words sent shivers down his spine. For many years, he had seen his life as a circle, and now this view was completely shattered.On the half-hillside over there, there are two pairs of eagle eyes watching the fragile existence of the farm. As long as they show their power, everything may return to the wild.

barren times.After such a distance, the sound of the woman digging the soil still reached Reagan, as if it was digging his homestead, and even the glass of the window was shaking slightly.Regan suddenly understood why she despised herself so much when he went to her house.Maybe in her eyes, she is just an idiot.What did she see in those layers of soil?Her gripping demeanor gave Reagan a vague sense of despair.He said to himself over and over, "Ada, Ada, we're done." This family is far-sighted, a kind of far-sightedness that Reagan's thinking is far behind.At this moment, his heart was beating wildly in his chest, and the woman's hoe raised angrily seemed to be full of hatred, digging into his heart one by one.He heard someone say outside the door: "Manila, Manila, the waves are rolling in the distance." He rushed to open the door, and there was Ali standing outside the door.

"Are you okay?" He asked her bluntly. "I'm worried that you need to find me, so I'll wait here." She seemed to be blushing, but maybe it was the light. "Someone was talking outside the door just now." "Impossible, I'm the only one here. Do you think I'm going to interfere in the past, and digging like this, won't all the old details of the farm be controlled by her? After all, we are old residents and should be respected." "Why do you care so much about the behavior of such a lunatic." He said angrily, and closed the door in front of her in annoyance.

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