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Chapter 43 Forty-two

last lover 残雪 1653Words 2018-03-19
boy daniel (1) "You always thought we were Vietnamese, but in fact, we came from the ancient country Z, where our palaces had red walls and green tiles, and white rabbits ran everywhere in the garden. Maybe there was an emperor wearing a royal blue satin gown, but No one has ever seen it. My home is probably thousands of miles away from the capital, so I can’t say for sure, because no one from our place has ever been to the capital.” The girl said these words to Daniel in a proud tone.She said her name was "Amei", and that all the girls in Country Z were called Amei, which was quite convenient, as she knew where she came from.

Amei stood naked among the flowers, her smooth body gleaming in the sun, only the triangle between her legs was dark.She stretched out her slender arms greedily, as if about to fly. "Amei! Amei!" Daniel dressed in a panic and grabbed one of her arms. He bent down to pick up her skirt and gave it to her, but she knocked him to the ground. She stood there with her hands on her hips and squinted, looking at the sky.Daniel felt that she was rising like a hydrogen balloon.So he put his arms around her body. "I saw our village on the back of the camel. Wherever the camel went, we took root there. Daniel, have you never ridden a camel?"

"No. Honey, I love you." Daniel murmured, kissing the back of the girl's neck. "I love you too, Daniel. But I'm going to fly away. You don't have camels in your country, and you can't see the scenery from a height. I can't stay here. Look, your mother is coming." Daniel let her go and turned to look home, and sure enough he saw Maria walking down the steps.When he turned around again, Amei was gone.There is a white line in the crystal sky.Daniel was annoyed.He stared at the ground and thought: Where are her clothes? Maria did not come towards him, she went back into the house, she was working.Daniel didn't want his mother to see him like this, so he slipped out of the yard quietly.

Daniel returns to the home of the Russian woman Zhenia.Zhenia, Maria's friend, a widow with a fat body and a warm heart, let Daniel live in a small room on the second floor of her house with a window facing the sea.Zhenia sells fruit for a living and her home is her shop.Daniel also helped her with business, and he started his own business among Zhenia's regular customers, since the families who lived here each had their own gardens to tend.Zhenia claimed to be forty, but Daniel thought she was at least fifty-three. Zhenia sat in the shadow of the fruit basket, thinking. "Renia, do you have a fiancé?" Daniel asked her.

"Ah, yes, he's in Siberia, we haven't seen each other in 20 years. He doesn't even have a phone there, we send messages through these business groups that come and go. You little guy, why ask?" "How do you solve the sexual problem?" Daniel blushed when he spoke, but fortunately the room was dark and Zhenia didn't look up at him. "This is a secret between us, and we can't tell others." "Are you still planning to get married?" "Of course! Otherwise, why do I work so hard to do business. He never came to see me, and I never went back. You see how hard we are!"

"Are you going to go to Siberia after earning money?" "It's impossible!" She stood up and looked at Daniel in surprise, "How do you talk about money! This kind of small business can't make money, he knows this very well..." Daniel lowered his head in distress, he felt that life was really a mystery.Zhenia was burning hot like a bread oven, and how miserable she was!However, even if they are as close as he and Ah Mui and meet every day, what is the difference in essence?A genius as capable as his father... He couldn't think about it anymore, because he admired his father so much.Now Daniel has five customers, and he plans to grow to ten, so that he will be too busy.He likes to work in the garden. He knows that every garden has its own secrets, and if you don't work there, you will never know the secrets there.This kind of thing was observed by Daniel since he was a child, so in the end, he chose the career of a gardener.In his own family, only his father didn't know these secrets, and his mind was elsewhere.

Today Daniel developed another customer when he was selling fruit.It was a disabled man with a handsome face and a golden beard.He lived in a white house in the middle of the street, and his family was very rich.His wheelchair was parked at the door of the shop, but he didn't buy fruit, he just looked there, as if waiting for Daniel to come and talk to him.Daniel came over and they chatted quickly. This young man named Nick seemed to be very violent in his heart. He spoke incoherently and waved his hand around, as if he was arguing with someone.It took Daniel a long time to figure out that Nick had insomnia and spent all night in his garden.But the pattern of his garden drove him mad, and he was determined to have someone disturb it.For a long time he had dreamed of a barren land from which a bright moon rose.He hopes that Daniel can help him realize his dream.

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