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Chapter 31 thirty

last lover 残雪 1566Words 2018-03-19
rancher gold (7) "Your house is beautiful, and it's like magic in that place," said Jo. "That's not my house, I'm just a tenant." Jin frowned thoughtfully. "I told you a house has no foundation. That is to say, it's not built, it's there. Like you, you can be a tenant if you want." "But I have my own family. My wife's name is Maria and my son's name is Daniel. I have to sell clothes every day to make a living." Joe felt his voice was false when he said this. Kim took one look at him and said, "That doesn't stop you from doing that. Haven't you learned how to read at work? I used to have a job, too. I'm an expert gardener."

Joe thought of those moths, and felt numb for a while, and finally couldn't help asking him. "Those little things are there in the seeds of flowers. I just used a special method to make them develop. I love working in the greenhouse. When I was a gardener, all I did was superficial work. , Now this kind of work is getting more and more interesting. Have you seen the hare? It is fighting wits with the eagle. I have searched for the eagle's home, but I have never found it. It can be seen that it is not on the cliff of that mountain, but on the A place that no one can imagine, for example, the East."

"Where do you get the seeds of the flowers?" "I don't know, I found out about the nursery from the local newspaper. But the address is fake, there is no place like that. The strange thing is that I wrote to them, and they sent all kinds of seeds. These kinds of things have to do with my hometown, I think so." Another day passed.There was no twilight here, but night came suddenly, and for a moment Joe could see nothing.Jin dragged him into the car.The headlights cut through the darkness around me and drove forward, and I was home in a while. Kim hurried into the restaurant, and Joe followed.They saw the cook still lying on the ground.King stooped to look at her, and said to Jo, "She's badly hurt." Then he went to the liquor cabinet himself to get the kind of wine they drank, and he poured Jo a big glass.Joe drank a few sips, and then saw dark figures appear in the room. They were all extremely tall men, their heads reaching to the ceiling.As soon as one of them reached out, he slammed the basket containing the wasps on his head, and the room was filled with bees.Joe quickly took off his coat, wrapped it tightly around his head, and squatted against the wall.He heard the man beside him say:

"It's so comfortable, why would someone refuse this kind of happiness?" Jo guessed in her mind that the people in the room must be covered with the vicious bees, for they were all moaning and seemed to be in pain.Someone is yelling "Mommy is up", which probably means the chef.It was she indeed, Jo heard her roar, like the roar of some unnamed beast, full of pain and longing.Joe was deeply affected. He took off his coat and stood up.There was no one in the room, only black bees flying around.After a while, his face became very swollen, and his head began to feel dizzy.Then a pair of hands dragged him out of the restaurant.His eyes were swollen into a narrow slit, through which he saw the disheveled cook.

He was taken to the guest room and a scented lotion was applied to his face. "People who come here are not afraid of the wasp attack." It was gold who spoke.How strange, it was the chef who led him into the room just now. "Where's the cook?" he asked. "She's still sleeping on the floor of the dining room to be comforted by the wasps." Joe touched his swollen face, and heard the roar of that beast again, and the scream was different from before, as if it was biting.Jin is also listening. Jin said: "The cook is the kind of woman who can risk her life. The hometown left her a nightmare. She has lived in the nightmare for decades. She told me that she will always be I don't want to wake up." He added: "It's not that she can't speak, she doesn't want to. Would a person who can call like that still be willing to talk? That's why she became a tenant here."

Jin asked him to lie on the bed, but the bed was already occupied by those black cats. There were more than a dozen of them, all squatting on the quilt. "You can't pick and choose in life." Jin said as he pushed him onto the bed.After he fell, the cats gathered around and licked the stung places on his face. The hot, prickly tongues made him very sick.He wanted to yell too, so he yelled twice. "That's right." Kim said next to him. He heard Jin go out quietly, closed the door, but did not leave, talking to someone at the door.Every time King's voice rose, the cats licked his face, and two tried to bite his cheeks and wrists.So he roared twice more.Joe had always disliked getting too close to cats, and at home he felt that the dour animal concealed an inscrutable will.But now he was so weak and sleepy that he had to let them have him.He's getting the benefit himself: the pain from the sting is lessening.

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