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Chapter 23 twenty two

last lover 残雪 1668Words 2018-03-19
What Happened in the Rubber Plantation (9) As soon as he sat down, the woman came and hugged him and sat on his lap, and Vincent immediately became impulsive.When they were naked close together, he heard the sound of water flowing in her body, and then he was lost in the deep and throbbing water.This time, the desire in Vincent's body was finally released. This release did not come with the climax, but turned in the middle.For Vincent, it was a completely disorientating sexual act.When he was with Lisa in the past, he used to imagine himself as a tropical animal like a zebra, and he became very charming in that imagination.But it was another matter with this woman. He gave up his imagination of himself and followed her wandering in the water world.The two of them drilled into those

In dark ravines, in places like that.The same voice kept ringing in his ears: "Is this the sea or the lake? Is this the sea or the lake..." He thought it should be a woman talking, but the woman closed her lips and eyes tightly in the swaying deep water, completely Not going to talk.Vincent was so passionate that he felt like he was making love with his head.He tried his best to restore the former coquettish look, but he failed.The undulations of the water set the rhythm of his copulation with the woman, and his physical performance became completely unimportant.For a moment, Mr. Reagan's rhythmic moaning was heard from far away, and Vincent understood the meaning of that moaning immediately.Could this be the lake on the farm?Chinese women's bodies are flexible and constantly change their positions. Vincent's own body has also become younger through this peculiar exercise.Yet no physical orgasm came.He suddenly understood one thing: the reason why there is no obvious climax is to avoid the slump after the climax.

He didn't want to leave the bed, and he reached out and pinched the woman's breasts.But he immediately felt his hands slip, and the woman disappeared.He was the only one left on the empty big bed. He walked out of the building still too excited to think.But that passion isn't exactly sex.So what is this urge? When Vincent raised his head, he saw crows. What surprised him was that the crows were all wet. They stood in a long row on the railing of the balcony, combing their feathers with their beaks.Did they also go swimming in the river of love just now?A woman in a white dress appeared on the balcony, and all the birds flew away with a whoosh.The woman poked her head down and saw Vincent. She made a face at him and turned her back to water a few potted flowers on the balcony with a watering can.Apparently, she didn't notice the dripping crow.The woman's face was flushed and full of vigor, and Vincent noticed that her breasts were plump, which made people think about it.However, Vincent's fantasies were aimed at another woman. She was a heterogeneous woman who didn't look sexy on the outside. Only when she was in the water would she look different.To use Vincent's poor words to describe it is: "Bossy and ethereal, both hard to satisfy and pure in heart..." He suddenly thought of Reagan in the south, and remembered his painful and longing moan in the water .Is the scorching sun in the south healing the wounds in his heart?What kind of trauma was that?

When he arrived at the office, Reagan was already sitting in the reception room.He was greatly changed, his haggard face was sun-spotted, and one injured eye was twitching incessantly. "Mr. Reagan, your eyes..." Vincent looked at his friend worriedly. "It's a keepsake from my pet," he replied. Standing in front of the huge window of the circular office, his originally tall figure seemed to have shrunk a lot suddenly, and the leather shoes were covered with dust. "I'm not here for business." "Of course not." Vincent said understandingly, looking at him intently.

"The whole farm was on fire and I felt like I was out of control." "I saw a wet crow this morning..." Vincent brought it up hesitantly. "Of course, I saw it too!" Reagan became excited. "It was black like a dark cloud, piercing down into the lake from mid-air. It was a mass suicide. It's really spectacular. But they didn't die, right?" Vincent thought to himself that people and animals with amazing ideas would not die so easily. He suddenly asked Vincent to go to the bar.Vincent hesitated because he had never been to that kind of place.But he was immediately ashamed of his hesitation.

When they sat down on the bar stools there were young people arguing in the shop.Reagan took a sharp look at Vincent with his swollen eyes, and Vincent's cheek felt like he had been bitten by a snake, and he couldn't help but let out an "ouch". But Reagan didn't drink. Vincent had finished his two glasses of beer, and the brandy in front of him hadn't moved yet.Vincent thought, what is he doing here if he doesn't drink?Vincent saw his hairy palms swimming up and down the table again, as if trembling with anxiety.Suddenly, he remembered something and walked out without looking back.Vincent hurriedly paid the bill and chased him out.As Vincent walked alongside him, Reagan asked him:

"Do you know the cleaner on this street? She's a black beauty." "Georgina? Are you going to find her?" "No, not looking for her, just asking about her hometown. You are so near, you never dreamed of her?" "Why did you dream of her?" Vincent asked curiously.
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