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Chapter 19 eighteen

last lover 残雪 1988Words 2018-03-19
What Happened in the Rubber Plantation (5) "Your diamond ring is in the snake's belly, I assure you." The girlfriend said these words to Ada in her sleep. At that time, she was still holding Ada's hand tightly, as if she was awake.Ada knew she was talking in her sleep, so she gently withdrew her hand and slipped to the screen window to look out.The sun in the afternoon is at its most poisonous, and the mosquitoes and flies set off a crazy chorus outside the screen window.On the road, an army of snakes was heading towards the apartment building under the scorching sun, and some had already entered the gate.Ada thought to herself that there must have been a large number of snakes in the building, so she must not go back to her room now, because she might be attacked as soon as she opened the door.The others must have been taking a nap too, and by this time everything on the farm was dozing except the snake.

Ada vaguely remembered the wild snake dance scene that night with Reagan.Memories of sexual intercourse are a bit horrific, because it is not clear whether it is a human or a snake, and the ground under the body becomes hot and swells and swells... Then it seems that she ran away first, because she was desperate, or because she wanted to get it.She heard Reagan grunt above her, "Mother orangutan in heat." After he said this, the head disappeared suddenly, and the headless body convulsed and trembled.The man was omnipresent, yet incorporeal, and Ada felt her gaping womb go crazy...

She doesn't want to relive the old dream, she knows that the old dream can't satisfy her, she knew this from the moment the flash flood swallowed her hut, so she couldn't figure out what happened that night.Unless a new dream is created, like these poisonous snakes full of tricks outside the door.On the first day she came to the farm, when she stretched her young body and stood under the tallest coconut tree, she saw the snakes flickering in the grass. At that time, her intuition told her: this is my hometown, It is also a place of burial.At that time, she didn't know who was in charge of all this, and she felt that everything would be self-explanatory.Ali once asked her: "How did you escape from such a place? It's unimaginable." At first she didn't consciously pay attention to Li, who had a pair of sinister green eyes.

Root, she thinks he's a dull old bachelor.It wasn't until she found him fishing by the lake once, and his motionless back became mottled in the twilight, that she suddenly realized that everything here belonged to this gloomy guy.So there was the scene in the bar.Reagan thought it was an encounter, but it was actually a thoughtful director.Looking at the fleeing man, Ada knew that her plot had succeeded.However, the approach to the goal did not make her feel the joy of victory.Those sleepless nights, those lascivious voices from the depths of the earth, and the violent spells from the center of the lake, sometimes almost destroyed Ada completely.She dreamed about the diamond ring, and she went out to look for it after the dream.She had found many of them, sometimes in gutters, sometimes beside coconut shells thrown by others, sometimes inside the petals of gladiolus, and sometimes embedded in the scars of tree trunks.At dawn, Ada recognized the man-made gemstones after putting them in the sunlight.Who is playing around with her so tirelessly?However, Ada still couldn't escape the temptation of discovering foreign objects.Besides, maybe at night, those diamonds become real diamonds.There are so many wonders in this farm.

Reagan did eat in the dining room, but he was also upstairs in the bedroom.He stood at the window with a Middle Eastern woman in black (this time she was from the Middle East) observing the movement in the grass downstairs.When the woman walked, the dress made a rustling sound, like light rain.They don't speak.In Reagan, it was because he kept hearing women talking non-stop. He heard everything, but he didn't understand anything. Reagan saw them when he was eating at the table. They had just sneaked into the dining room after being summoned. There were five of them in total.One was so presumptuous that it actually wanted to lock Reagan's throat. The black pattern on its body was the same as the pattern on the woman's skirt. No wonder it came when the woman summoned it.The egg in Reagan's mouth was hard to swallow because it was locked so tightly.The heavy footsteps from upstairs passed down, and the man seemed to be leaving in the air.He stood up from the table, and then fell down. There was a muffled "bang" when he fell, and the snake wrapped around his neck let go of him and flew towards the corner of the wall, disappearing after a while.

Disorderly footsteps descended the stairs. "Mr. Reagan fell down." Martin craned his neck to visit the restaurant. "Leave him alone." Ali said word by word. She looked at the distant figure of the woman in black and nodded thoughtfully. "You know that woman?" "How could I know her, she is not from the farm at all." They both saw snakes biting each other in the grass.Martin grunted: "It's a mess, it's a mess." What he thought was: "How can Ali let the master lie on the ground? She is such a cold-blooded old fellow. She could have poisoned her."

It was at this moment that Ali and Martin heard the cry for help at the same time.It was later learned that two female workers were drowned on the other side of the bay. One of them died immediately, and her heavy, seawater-soaked overalls killed her.There was a pile of blood foam in the dead female worker's nostrils. Reagan, who was lying on the restaurant floor, heard the death of the female worker in a dream.He was standing in the dark attic when someone came in and reported the incident to him.He heard the man with the mushroom head say that the deceased was Ada, a girl from an island in Southeast Asia.Then Reagan heard thunder outside, and then rain on plantain leaves.He thought, is flash flood possible in a place like the farm without mountains?The man with the mushroom head went down, but he didn't hear footsteps.There were some old books in the attic. Reagan grabbed a booklet with a colorful cover and opened the first page. He saw the owner of the attic printed on it—a portrait of a small proprietor. Deeply misanthropic, with arms covered in thick, animal-like fur.The owner of the attic had a deal with Reagan so he could build a house on Reagan's farm.Reagan remembers that deal being done in a dream, too.At that time, he felt vaguely that this man's house might become his refuge, so he agreed to let him build the small house on the hill near the bay.

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