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Chapter 16 fifteen

last lover 残雪 1965Words 2018-03-19
What Happened in the Rubber Plantation (2) Ali stood on the steps and watched. From yesterday to now, she has seen Lisa pass through the banana forest three times.It was her driver who told Ali who she belonged to.The fiery red-haired woman looked downcast, her brightly colored dress was covered with dust, and her face was smudged. "She stayed, and her husband went away," Reagan said dryly. "These two people must have been burned by the fire in their hearts. They left the family business and went to a place like ours to seek their dreams." Ali responded. "Of course, they didn't come here on a whim."

Ali looked back and saw that Reagan had already entered.There he was fiddling with his fishing gear.Ali saw sparks flickering in the depths of his cold eyeballs, so she thought in her heart that he has woken up, a 50-year-old man should have all kinds of desires, and he always completes his plans in a coma of. "Are you going fishing?" "Yes. I fished all night last night. I sat on the window sill and stretched out the fishing rod. Working at heights is really scary." "It always feels like that. So how to solve the problem of transportation?" "I don't care about that anymore. Let it be a mess. After all, wasn't the farm a mess to begin with?"

Reagan stood up and hung the red fishing rod high up on a hook on the wall.Ali thought, how could he paint the fishing rod red?Maybe he was trying to scare the fish away.Ali's eyes were a little dazed, and she saw that the fishing rod became a stream of blood flowing down the wall.She walked away in a panic.When she walked into the living room, she saw the driver Martin slipping out of Reagan's bedroom, wearing Reagan's hunting suit.It was almost an open secret that he was always stealing Reagan's clothes. Martin ran downstairs with a "thump, thud, thump", blocked Ali's arm blocking him, and ran outside.Ali heard the dog growling ferociously. Perhaps it took Martin for a thief or a murderer.Ali couldn't figure out why Martin had such a hobby.She once saw Martin wearing Reagan's black suit to a picnic on the lawn, where he looked out of place, not only did not have Reagan's stern demeanor, but even his usual quickness disappeared, he was like a humanoid puppet. Hanging around at picnics and making obscene jokes made everyone hate him.Did he think he was another Reagan when he put on Reagan's clothes?

"Mr. Reagan's thoughts are actually very dirty." Once he said this suddenly. "You are his worker, how can you talk nonsense about the character of the master." Ali said so, but in her heart she hoped that Martin would provide some information.But Martin stopped talking, and frowned gravely, as if thinking about the matter. When Ali reminds Reagan that someone took his coat, Reagan says he already knew. "I'd like to see how other people play my part, or I can't arrange my life. Mr. Vincent is very good at organizing. Look how well his wife plays!"

He went to the lake several times in a row, and sat all night each time.The forester always came to chat with him at two o'clock in the morning.The forester was not a forester, but a "savage" in this area, who lived in a thatched hut by the lake.At that time there were no farms here.His hair was snow-white, and his teeth leaked when he spoke.As soon as he sits down, he makes misanthropic remarks about how he's had enough.It's also strange that when he makes a "buzzing" sound, some small fish will come to take the bait, usually enough to catch a full bucket.Reagan looked past the red fishing rod into the dark reeds across the lake, but Ada never appeared, she hid.

"In this place before, it can be said that you have what you want. Those girls are all mixed with the sika deer. They ran down from the mountains over there in large groups. Are there people or deer in the shack over there? Engage in the war of the century with me?" Reagan felt that the old man had seen through him.He wished he would go on and talk about Edda, but he insisted on talking only about the last century. Ada had stepped on the little snake on purpose, and she had been bitten just last week.She saw a young man from other places was bitten to death by a snake before, how scared she was at that time.Gradually, she discovered that people on the farm were not afraid of snakes.Mina, who lives next door to her, always has bruises on her calves and arms, but she doesn't take a day off because of it.After being bitten by a snake, it was red for a while, swollen for a while, and then nothing happened.

After Ada left the dirty woman in the gaudy dress, the pain in her ankle eased.When she passed the plantain forest, the forest guard in the cabin greeted her there.Ada knew the old man very well, so she let him in. She sat on the bench and stretched out her right leg to show him, and he got some wet tea leaves to apply to her wound. "Ada has gradually become friends with snakes." He said inarticulately, "This is your hometown, right? You and that, what Mr. Reagan, you have sex every night in that kind of place, I I saw it all. That time, you sneaked into his house in black and fooled around with him for a week, and then... where did I say it? Yes, you are from the same place."

Ada was shocked by the old man's memory, and she couldn't think of words to refute him.Maybe the kind of thing he said happened, who knows?Ida was amazed and fascinated by the indiscriminate way in which the Foresters made things.She met the forester not long after she arrived, and he told her that he had seen her before, and that she lived with the deer and often came to his hut.Each time he referred to Mr. Reagan as her lover.Ada wasn't used to it at first, but because the way the old man talked about it was so special, she was also attracted to it unconsciously.He often said that Reagan changed everything here, that Reagan deprived him of his hometown, and he resented him.These snakes that can't bite to death, these rubber trees that don't even have a shadow, are completely strange to him.And Reagan swam around like a fish in water by himself. "You're different," he said, turning to Ada. "You're the same guy as this man. You're from the same place. Your hometown is connected to this place. There's waterwheels everywhere. I tell you, Reagan came. After that, no wild ducks came to this lake again.”

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