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Chapter 7 six

last lover 残雪 1669Words 2018-03-19
Joe and his books (5) When he was young, his father always looked at him without blinking and said: "Joe, Joe, what will you rely on to support your life?" When his father said this, Joe felt extremely ashamed, and he didn't know what he wanted How to survive.Daniel was much better than him, and he saw it in the way he pulled up the rose and threw it in the air, and he was a little envious.Maybe the son is more like the mother. Joe really wanted to draw a picture to outline the story in his heart.He conceived it over and over again, and toppled it over and over again.One day, he plucked up the courage to write, but what he drew in the end was just a line like an earthworm, completely meaningless.One day after finishing the Japanese story, he felt impulsive and wanted to go to school to talk to Daniel.It was Thursday, and he had to wait until Saturday to start, but by Saturday morning his resolve had been worn away by the waiting.Although he didn't see his son, the figure of his son sneaked into his dream quietly.It was a headless body with roses stuck around its neck.Joe clearly drew this image of his son appearing in the dream.He showed this painting to Maria, and Maria said, "I have seen the person you painted, and it is an uncle of my natal family."

The business of the "Guli" clothing company did not appear to be sluggish because of the entanglement of the boss Vincent's family affairs, but showed prosperity.Despite the complaints, Reagan's farm still needs the company's clothing, and not long ago Reagan signed Joe a sizable contract.Joe sat by the window of the office, watched Reagan disappear at the corner of the street, and imagined in his mind the natural scenery of the small southernmost place called "The Cape".Reagan was going back that day, and he always came and went in such a hurry, Joe felt that his life was full of vitality.There are people coming and going in the corridor constantly, making "buzzing" voices.Joe knew the boss wasn't at work today, and so did everyone in the building, but everyone seemed to avoid talking about it.

Shutting the noise out, Jo took a new book from her bag.After reading a page, Jo fell into a drowsy state.The beginning of this novel is very special. It describes a large palace with several guards standing at the door.The old man who picks charcoal wants to go in to deliver charcoal, but he is always driven out.The old man saw a man who looked like the manager running out, as if he was here to pick him up.But he fell down while running, and couldn't reach his side anyway.The guard stretched out his thick arm to sweep him, and he fell on the steps outside the palace gate with his body and charcoal.He vaguely heard someone calling inside, "The emperor is here."When Joe's thoughts stayed on the gloomy steps, someone knocked on the door twice.Joe didn't answer, and his eyes continued to stay on the page, because there was a small illustration on the left side of the page, which showed a cat. This cat is not an African cat, but a bit like a native cat in country F.When Joe went to that country many years ago, he saw it, because there were so many of these yellow-eyed cats, they came out of the ground in groups, and tourists who went there rarely encountered them differently.So what is the relationship between the native cat of country F and the old man who gives charcoal at the beginning of the story?The knocking got louder and the doorbell rang, why didn't this guy call and make an appointment?Joe put the book in the drawer helplessly, and went to open the door.

"Vincent! What's the matter?" Joe looked at the boss in horror. "It's okay, it's just that Lisa is paranoid, and I came to you to hide from her. My God, what are you thinking about shutting yourself in here?" He seemed to ask Joe, but also seemed to ask himself. "Me? I like to think wildly. It doesn't interfere with work, does it?" "Yeah, it's still helpful to work. You signed a big contract again. How can a company like ours leave people like you?" He looked at Jo sincerely, and Jo felt his eyes were menacing, but in the depths of his pupils he saw a similar gleam to that of the cat's eye in the book just now, a cold gleam of resentment.Perhaps Vincent had some connection to that old country?Maybe his Arab woman is not an Arab woman, but a more mysterious woman from Country F?Joe lowered his eyes and dared not look at the boss. The charcoal burner he had just read in the book became himself. He fell on the steps, and his ears were nervously listening to the group of people inside the palace gate. The sound of running footsteps.

"Well, how did things go on last time? I've been to one of those places, and I'm talking about a hut in the wilderness, and from the door you can see wildfires burning on the nearby hills. That sort of thing You have to think about it to the end, and don’t give up thinking about it just because the company can’t do without you.” The boss obviously spoke in front of Joe, but Qiao always felt that his voice was coming from another room. "You can be like me," he added. Qiao Yu was taken aback when he saw the boss laughing in a trance. "Lisa has been to my house." He struggled to get the words out.

Vincent stood up with a sigh of relief, walked around the room, and stopped in front of the window. "It seems to be raining today. Lisa went out with an umbrella. She has a foresight in everything she does. How does a person with such a wife live at home? I can't imagine how I can live without her. It's like a company I can't live without you." "Is that why you avoid her?"
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