Home Categories contemporary fiction The Castle of the Soul - Understanding Franz Kafka

Chapter 4 Towards the Hometown of Art (4)--The Vagabond

Robinson and Delamash, the vagabonds with dirty appearance and unreasonable feelings, are spiritually higher than Karl, who has just stepped into the world.Their appearance educated Karl again.How did they educate him?To torture Karl with constant deceit and slavery was their method. First they cheated Carl of his coat; then they spent his money with peace of mind, ate his sausages, and used him as a servant; finally they broke open his suitcase and removed Carl's treasured photos in the box.They treated Karl so rudely and ungratefully that at last he lost his temper and broke off with them.The morality of Karl's hometown had no effect on them. The two men did not recognize the kind of warmth and friendship in Karl's mind. They had another set of standards of conduct that Karl was not familiar with.When Carl acts by his own standards, they act by theirs, no less forcefully than Cal.Who are these two people: why are they pestering Karl?What do they want from Carl?Throughout this passage, the intent remains veiled, the purpose of their actions ambiguous.

However, there are already indications that these are not two ordinary people.When Kazuki met him at the inn and Karl introduced himself warmly as usual, the two interrupted him roughly and continued to sleep.They don't like Carl's set, because they are two unidentified spiritual wanderers.They claim to be fitters, which is clearly a lie.The first thing they do with Carl is to strip him half-forced and half-deceived of his shirt, sell it and buy a drink.In his dealings with them, Carl has been careful to maintain his personality, insisting on a kind and honest character, thinking that "good things get good things".Unexpectedly, his morality was cruelly teased by these two people.Around Karl, they plotted a step-by-step robbery conspiracy.It seemed that they were going to enslave the boy so that he would end up as a slave to both of them.What happens after he defrauds and robs Carl of everything he holds dear?This planned robbery was very reminiscent of Uncle, as if the two men took over Uncle's duties and continued that educational lesson.Indeed, the morality Carl uses to contend with them seems so pitiful and vulnerable.The terrible thing is that this kind of morality can't prove his own identity at all, it just makes it difficult for him to move forward. "When a scholar meets a soldier, there is no reason to explain it."They are strong, Karl is weak, let them manipulate, and the basis that Karl uses to support himself is unreliable.So did Carl give up?Of course not, it was in Carl's nature to fight.Struggle is life, Karl can only understand the brutal and cold principles taught to him by these mysterious figures in the struggle, and gradually become independent in the torture.Had it not been for an unexpected opportunity that allowed Karl to temporarily leave his two eccentric companions, Karl would have immediately fallen into the abyss of darkness.He fled, and the disaster was foreshadowed here.

Just imagine that if my uncle learned of what happened to Karl on the road, he would definitely hold his moustache and nod thoughtfully.He had humorously asked Karl to keep his suitcase safe, but Karl threw away the most important things in the suitcase as soon as he was on the road.Take a closer look, isn't this exactly what my uncle expected and expected?Those who embark on a long journey, who will not throw away all the original and cherished things?The Tramps took the predatory way, a way that was both crisp and effective, and Karl couldn't have resisted it even if he wanted to.One by one, his own external regulations were lost, as if a devil's hand had stripped these things from him.There may have been sadness and pain, but the journey is not allowed to stop, he must hold his head up and move on.

The vagabonds are the messengers of the devil, they follow the inevitability to appear on Karl's journey, showing the truth to the child in a brutal way.The young and naive Carl didn't understand the truth rationally, but that didn't matter.Their presence creates an existential dilemma for Karl, inspiring him to resist and experience.The destiny ahead remains vague, and this vagueness forms the tone of the whole quest.Ambiguity and confusion represent hope, this is the hope of youth, the journey is infinitely far away... the principle of incommensurability Before the tramps had finished teaching Karl a lesson, the route changed.Suddenly a new hope appeared, and Karl changed his mind and fell into the arms of a kind protector.

I thought I would be treated kindly, but after entering the Western Hotel, I realized that this place is like a fortress like an ice cellar.In this place, all men alone bear all the consequences of their actions; facts govern men, and men must be careful to avoid danger;The motherly chef has had a long ordeal to get where she is today.Her life experience left her with serious sequelae, so that she could not sleep well every night and could only struggle with insomnia.She is kind, gentle, and can understand the difficulties of the weak.It was much later that Karl learned that these virtues of hers were of no avail when it came to matters of office (principle).So her protection of Karl is just a symbolic comfort, without any substantive content.Obviously, this motherly protector is someone who has experienced spiritual life.She used to come from Karl's hometown, so she recognized the dazed Karl from the crowd at a glance, and planned to cultivate him with her own hands, so that he could grow into a man as soon as possible.There may be an element of protection in her desire, but when it is carried out, all protection in the worldly sense is resolutely rejected in the well-ordered maze of Western restaurants.Of course, Karl, who is very independent, does not expect to be sheltered, he just wants to gain a foothold through hard work.However, the fact is that subjective efforts cannot bring the expected results at all, and there is a supreme invisible authority manipulating the fate of the little people.Sometimes, the effort is often inversely proportional to the effect.And fate, not based on his current efforts, is restricted by what he has done unintentionally in the past.No matter how self-abnegated and virtuous Karl is, the law of development of things is not affected in the slightest.Because laws and principles work in secret and cannot be seen, people are often confused by superficial phenomena and produce all kinds of fantasies. Until one day the consequences of the laws are revealed, people are still confused and cannot see the truth in front of them. Incredible.Karl is working hard in this maze, and the law is also secretly developing in the way of "good intentions, evil returns".He is isolated and helpless, struggling, clenching his teeth and struggling, and the disaster is quietly approaching day by day.Carl's desperate efforts to maintain his position in the Western Hotel can be seen as a symbol of spiritual survival and relative stability.What the hotel asked him to do without saying a word: cut off all social ties, work hard, abandon sympathy, and bid farewell to his past.Everyone in the hotel staff is his role model, and his girlfriend Therese presents the real situation of people to the world with her own experience and tearful memories.

The young typist Te Yingze was tired, pale and old-fashioned, and he was meticulous about his incompetent duties.When she first visited Carl, she told him how lonely she was, that she had no one to talk to here, and that her relationship with the head chef was basically up-and-down because western restaurants would never allow unprincipled warmth. The reason why she came to Karl to tell her was just to establish a friendly relationship with Karl within an extremely narrow range.They quickly became friends.No one can dispel the fear in Teyuze's heart, that fear is deeply embedded in her essence, prompting her to work crazily and torment herself with some dissatisfaction all the time, making herself restless.What kind of life did Teying Translation live in the past?How did she become like this?One day she told Karl about her life experience.

She was abandoned by her father and lived on the streets together with her mother when she was very young.After that, the mother who was in a desperate situation abandoned the young girl and committed suicide by herself.Teyingze was completely alone.Te Yingze did not talk about what happened later, but only described in detail the details of her and her mother's desperation, and those fragments of memories that could not be helped. It was the last memorial left by her mother and it was also fatal to her. of a lesson.This lesson laid the foundation for Teyingze's future adulthood.If a person survives such a situation without dying, he will no longer have any unrealistic fantasies.Therefore, Te Yingze, who looks weak on the outside, is actually very strong. She had an insight into the truth at a young age, and understood that people must struggle desperately if they want to survive.She is much more experienced than Karl. She knows the limitations of principles and how she should be patient.When Carl talked about his former friend, the tramp, Delamash, she immediately had a premonition of Karl's danger, and repeatedly persuaded him to sever relations with Delamash.She intuitively felt that this Dramash was Karl's disaster, because people who work in the Western Hotel have to make a clean break with their past; for example, she can only think about the past in the occasional free time; Another example is the female chef, who can't sleep every night because of the nightmares of the past, and still has to hold on.Western restaurants are a trap where you can only advance but cannot retreat, and any sentimental behavior will be severely punished.As an experienced person, Therese saw Carl's "weakness", but she had no way to convince him. Besides, she couldn't use reason to make Carl, who was kept in the dark, understand this kind of thing. He could only rely on his own experience, and no one else could do anything.Therese had persuaded Karl, which was tantamount to speaking to a deaf person, and Karl didn't understand it at all.This incident also embodies the principle of Western restaurants: everyone has to walk their own way, and no one can help others.Therese, as the survivor of the catastrophe, has long learned to cherish everything she has, suppress her own vitality, and integrate herself into principles.As for Carl, there is still a long, long way to go.

Life in a Western hotel is a hellish torment, all the strings are tensed all the time, and apart from the job, all other personal things will be wiped out.People here are seriously ill, tortured by inner conflicts, so Therese is always worried that she is going crazy.When Karl first arrived here, the conflicts in his heart hadn't had time to unfold. He was exhausted every day, judging everything around him ignorantly; he was completely lacking due vigilance, unaware that the shadow of the past was approaching him.Until one day the conflict broke out suddenly, which caught him off guard.
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