Home Categories Biographical memories You are Jinse and I am Fleeting Years
You are Jinse and I am Fleeting Years

You are Jinse and I am Fleeting Years


  • Biographical memories

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 93749

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Meeting on paper

"Don't ask me where I come from, my hometown is far away. Why wander, wander far away, wander..." This song "Olive Tree" once became an irreplaceable classic of an era, and was brought to the world by Qiyu's clear and bright singing voice. Every free and vast place. And we all know that the woman who wrote this song is Sanmao.In her whole life, she did not admire the world's scenery and love, did not fight for the warmth and warmth of the world, and was not afraid of life's sorrows and joys.Just for the soul to be free to fly.Even if you and your beloved are lost in the strange wind and rain; even if you are separated from each other, you will never forget each other.She still chooses to go far away, to wander.

Some people say that she is an erratic dust, scattered in the desert called Sahara, without a trace.It is also said that she is a scavenger of the years, who has walked through thousands of rivers and mountains, seen all the waves of the world, and her eyes are full of desolation.Others say that she is a mystery, and no one else knows about her past and future, her ordinary age. All this is because she left too hastily.He didn't explain to anyone, didn't leave a last word, and didn't have time to make an appointment with Nianguang, so he just left in such a hurry.That's why her life is so unpredictable and intriguing.

In the world of mortals, some people practice life, and some people cultivate death.It's just that how many people live with peace of mind and die without worries.Regarding Sanmao's death, it is still a mystery. Some people have questioned it and some have pursued it, but there is still no answer.Because no one knows what reason San Mao, who is in his prime, is willing to die. In that year, because of Sanmao's death, the literary world, which had been lonely for a long time, disappeared in a flash, and the waves rose one after another.Since then, the name Sanmao has been shocking and resounding.If you have also heard her name and her story, you must be sad and tearful for her death.

I always thought that a free-spirited and casual woman like Sanmao should live a sober and transparent life.The reason why she returned her precious life and all affection to the years was not because she bowed to fate, nor because she was cowardly, nor because she wanted to exchange for the innocence of the whole life, but because she didn't want to set foot in the waters of time in the future. .I have seen all the scenery in the world, tasted all the five flavors of the world, and the love, hatred and resentment are over, so what is there to regret and cannot give up? Sanmao's sudden suicide made thousands of readers feel calm and turbulent.Every wave was asking why she was so decisive, so ruthless, and so relentless.I hope it was a misunderstanding. After the explanation is clear, life can be restarted.But above the sea, you can never catch the passing water of yesterday.

In this world, the most intimate person is only yourself.Sanmao's death left an unsolvable mystery to the world.It also leaves a wound that will never heal for the loved ones.In fact, she walked very quietly, which was a matter of course.From the bottom of our hearts, we think that spending the full moon is happiness, and parting from life and death is suffering.Don't you know, she is willing to be the wind that doesn't care about world affairs, coming and going, without disturbing any grass, tree, sand or stone. Sanmao once said: "A person's life is not about the length of a person, but whether he has lived happily." Compared with ordinary women, Sanmao's life is much more bizarre and shocking.She has always ignored the length of life and cared about the weight of the soul.She is unwilling to be an ordinary woman, guarding a moss-covered courtyard, caring for her husband and teaching her children.She longs for freedom, wishing that she could fly to every forgotten corner like gravel.

"I am a person who is as free as air, and I will never compromise when it hinders my spiritual freedom." This is Sanmao, a willful and determined woman, who lives a real and vivid life, lonely and full.She delivered herself to the distant place, to the desert, because she believed that there was a different kind of scenery waiting there. Fortunately, someone once joined hands to accompany her through the dusty desert.In that desolate land, they endured wind and frost, tasted pain, and planted life.It is precisely because of those years of desert trips that Sanmao's life, Sanmao's story, are more mysterious and confusing.

Over the years, although many people, like Sanmao, have walked side by side in this world.Now we have nowhere to find her, she belongs to the desert, belongs to wandering.There are many people who love Sanmao, and there are many people who yearn for freedom, but how many people are willing to cross the vast desert to meet her? Meet on paper.Yes, it was just a meeting on paper.Sanmao's anthology is still loved by tens of millions of readers.Whether it is, or, or, it truly records the journey she has traveled.Every word is affectionate, every sentence is life. Everyone who comes to the world of mortals has a confidant who stays with him, and the one who waits for Sanmao is a foreign man named Hexi.How fortunate, when she was walking the world, it was this man who accompanied her sincerely and walked through the wind and rain.And what a misfortune, after she had lived through thousands of rivers and mountains, it was also this man who left her far away, separated by yin and yang.

They missed each other for six years, fell in love with each other for seven years, and parted for a lifetime.Before meeting Jose, Sanmao wandered alone with her luggage on her back, looking down on separation and reunion, and not talking about joys and sorrows.After getting to know Jose, she resolutely broke into the Sahara, regarded the desert as her city, not afraid of ups and downs, and never spoke of vicissitudes. During this period, although Sanmao also encountered many unreasonable fates, even happiness within reach, and the opportunity to be happy with each other, but time was not fulfilled in the end, and he rubbed shoulders with it.It is said that weak water is three thousand, just take a scoop to drink.Jose is a ladle of clean water in the sea, a green grass in a rock, and an orchid boat in a thousand sails.Let her believe that there should be a thorough true love in life, so that it is not in vain.

But love is not Sanmao's destination after all. The most persistent and noble thing in her life is wandering.Therefore, when Sanmao was cruelly ransacked by fate and lost Jose, she still carried the loneliness of the prosperous age and continued to walk.She believes that there will always be a break in the world, and no matter whether it is complete or short, it must be done and cherished. Those who come come and those who go go go.San Mao and He Xi were forced to have a final fight, and He Xi's death was too hasty, and before San Mao had time to dodge, he was severely injured by the sharp sword.During that period, Sanmao had an unstoppable dream every day and every night, which was to say goodbye to He Xi.Countless times, she woke up from the dream crying, the pain pierced her lungs, and she dared not breathe.

She pretended to forget and pretended to be strong.The broken Sanmao walks alone with a kind of incomplete beauty.No matter whether you have heard her story or not and know what happened to her, as long as you pass by her, you will be able to see the vicissitudes on her face and the scars in her heart.This woman named Sanmao, with her sad roughness and the loneliness of the world, walks alone, wanders alone, and ends up alone. It's just that she has been cut down by time, a lot.This woman, who was not stunning in the first place, had gone through the separation of life and death, illness, and deranged expression, and she was already pale.But she doesn't care, her mission is to wander and exile.Even without loud applause and appreciative eyes, she is still tough and free and easy.

Sanmao is not a woman who came from the rainy alley in the south of the Yangtze River. She doesn't need softness, restraint, or promises.She once said: "Standing on tiptoes, can we get closer to happiness?" No, of course not, happiness is a misty wind, a misty fog, the closer you get, the farther you will be further away.Happiness is only given to those who are happy with the situation and eat fireworks.Sanmao has been dreaming all his life, walking in the wind and sand, and encountering all kinds of bizarre stories.How can those ordinary and simple happiness meet her unexpectedly? Yesterday's vicissitudes are already today's mulberry fields.When she ended her exile and returned to Taipei, the name Sanmao was no longer silent.She wrote down her mental journey over the years into words, in exchange for many admiring eyes and warm touches.After she calmed down, her heart became more sober. It was precisely because of her sobriety that Sanmao saw through the world of mortals and regarded prosperity as loneliness. Until later, Sanmao experienced a shocking encounter again.She fell in love with Wang Luobin, a folk song master who was dozens of years older than her. Perhaps it was Wang Luobin's artistic charm that infected and attracted her.Some people say that Sanmao wants to use a special love to temporarily forget the yesterday when she and Jose held hands and looked at each other.Some people also say that Sanmao is Sanmao, and her life is destined to be thrilling and extraordinary. I don't think so.In the face of love, all conjectures and predictions are not enough to be believed.Love doesn't need a reason, and it doesn't need to be explained to anyone. We don't need to bless, but we must know how to respect it.Sanmao did not hide her emotions. She said that Wang Luobin was the crutch of her life, and she needed to use this crutch to walk across the small wooden bridge in the future.It's just that Sanmao didn't get what she wanted, and Wang Luobin made her lose the crutch after all. Not all ships will have a ferry stop, or there will be a meeting place at the scheduled time.At this time, San Mao is already a tired boat, drifting to the point where no one takes him in.It is precisely because of this fruitless love that she once again clearly understands that some love can be deep but cannot be possessed.Some people can be replaced, but cannot be forgotten. In her world, thousands of mountains and birds have disappeared, and thousands of people have disappeared.I thought that Sanmao, who has been wandering for half a life and is used to seeing things together, would choose to live a peaceful and stable life.I'm wrong.She has never been able to accept the ordinary and weak time, and cannot be content with the indifferent status quo.She knows how to forgive others, but she cannot forgive herself.I thought that she could live proudly and alone by relying on the past years and the unforgettable love.she didn't. San Mao died, died of suicide.Unexpected, but also expected.No one can deliberately give her a perfect result for such a woman, or in other words, no one can make any arrangements for her.Her death is actually not a mystery, it is our reluctance to let her go, which hindered her too much. Cover up the warm and cold scroll of life, and don't complain about Lishang.Only after death can one sleep in peace and sleep with the years.Otherwise, in the future, thousands of mountains and snowy mountains, thousands of miles of journey, how can she go on alone.Otherwise, let her forget herself and reinterpret the beginning and ending in other people's plays. The rivers and mountains are cold and the years are quiet.No matter whether you are nostalgic or regretful, she is gone forever.This woman, in the world, is just a sad and lonely passerby.With a tall figure, loose long hair, and rough personality, she walks in the desolate desert. She is wandering alone, alone in the world.
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