Home Categories contemporary fiction Chinese medicine is not dead!

Chapter 12 fourth quarter

Chinese medicine is not dead! 罗萌 1507Words 2018-03-19
After James let Cheng Shaozhong sit in his car, he dragged him straight to the strip club.On the way, he explained to Cheng Shaozhong: Chuan Dao, Sophia and Mary were going to do something, and now he was going to pick up a female patient with him, and hoped that his Chinese medical skills could give practical help to the female patient ——Cheng Shaozhong, who had just learned English for half a month, had no way of understanding the full meaning of his words. He just generally understood that there was someone who needed the help of his Chinese doctor, that's all. James took the stripper to his and Chuandao's dormitory, then made a gesture of invitation to Cheng Shaozhong, winked meaningfully, and drove to the Big Windmill, Maryland, to find Chuandao and the others.

Cheng Shaozhong waited for James not to return for a long time, so he asked the stripper what's wrong?Since he spoke Chinese, the stripper instinctively thought that Cheng Shaozhong wanted her to take off her clothes, so she twisted her waist and took off her clothes one by one, then lay on the bed and pointed to Cheng Shaozhong to signal him to come up.Cheng Shaozhong thought that what the woman wanted him to diagnose was a genital disease, so he turned around and washed his hands, and then carefully examined the stripper. After this examination, he was shocked!It turned out that the dancer's vagina had been eroded in a large area, covered with turbid pus, and had an unpleasant smell.He remembered that his father Cheng Hanqing once treated a famous prostitute in the capital, and his symptoms were very similar to that of the stripper, so he immediately took out a small bottle and a ball of cotton from his pocket, opened the bottle cap, and poured some liquid medicine in the bottle on the cotton , soaking the cotton with the liquid medicine, and finally signaled the stripper to stuff the cotton ball into her vagina.At this time, the stripper also understood that Cheng Shaozhong was treating her for sexually transmitted diseases, so she actively cooperated and gently stuffed the cotton ball into her vagina with her long middle finger.

"OK!" Cheng Shaozhong said in the simplest English that the diagnosis and treatment were completed.Then he and the stripper went to wash their hands, and he said in Chinese: "This kind of erosive gonorrhea is easy to cure, just use propolis for a few days in a row." He took them all out and stuffed them all into the hands of the stripper, signaling that she should use up all the propolis in the bottle and she would be fine. Although the stripper couldn't understand what Cheng Shaozhong said in Chinese, she could guess what he meant, so she nodded frequently and said, "OK!" At the same time, she hugged Cheng Shaozhong and kissed him on the forehead to express her gratitude.

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and Cheng Shaozhong hurried to open the door. Tang Renjie, a Chinese youth who taught English to Cheng Shaozhong, came in. "Teacher Tang?" Cheng Shaozhong was a little surprised. "Cheng Shaozhong? You are here, where are Kawashima and James?" "They're all out." "Then you..." Tang Renjie looked at Cheng Shaozhong, then at the stripper. "I'm seeing a doctor for her." Cheng Shaozhong explained, "She is a friend of James and has a venereal disease." "Hmm!" Tang Renjie snorted, and then asked the stripper in English.

The stripper excitedly answered Tang Renjie's question. Her words were fast and rhythmic. Although Cheng Shaozhong couldn't understand what she said, he felt that she was very happy. "She said that she has been ill for a month or two and can't find an effective treatment. She is very painful. You can take the initiative to help her treat it. She is very grateful." Tang Renjie translated the words of the stripper to Cheng Shaozhong, and then , he said to Cheng Shaozhong: "Xiao Cheng, I have to remind you that you do not have a license to practice medicine in the United States. It is against the law to treat people like this. You should pay attention in the future. Otherwise, if you meet a bad guy, take the medicine you gave him To sue you and blackmail you, you will definitely lose."

As soon as the words were finished, the doorbell rang suddenly, and James, Kawashima, Sophia, and Mary came in like the wind. As soon as the stripper saw James, she rushed forward and excitedly narrated to him how Cheng Shaozhong treated her. Finally, she showed the propolis and cotton balls that Cheng Shaozhong gave her. Kawashima Taro seemed to have heard some questions. He asked the stripper in English, "You didn't have sex?" "NO! NO! NO!" The stripper repeatedly denied, and showed the propolis and cotton balls to Kawashima Taro. Taro Kawashima didn't expect this to happen, and he felt very unwilling. He complained to James, "James, your prank failed!" As he said this, his eyes suddenly fell on the propolis bottle and on the cotton ball.He suddenly had another malicious idea, took the propolis bottle and cotton ball from the stripper, and said to Cheng Shaozhong: "Mister Cheng, you don't have a license to practice medicine in the United States. It is illegal to practice medicine without permission."

Sophia snatched the propolis bottle and cotton ball from Kawashima Taro, quickly stuffed them into her pocket, then opened her eyes and shouted to Kawashima: "Where is the evidence that Mister Cheng went to the doctor without permission? Where is the evidence?" After shouting , pulled Cheng Shaozhong and walked out, and when he reached the door, he stuffed Cheng Shaozhong into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and sped away...
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