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Chapter 12 Can martial arts enter the Olympics?

popular hero 孔庆东 2905Words 2018-03-18
In the early morning, I was awakened by the sound of trampling hoofs, thinking that Brother Zhang Yimou led the crowd to beat the fou under my window and held an opening ceremony.Listen carefully, it is heavy rain, like the sky is crying.Remembering that a divination master once predicted that Beijing "would have a big earthquake" in August, I couldn't help laughing.The theory of this great earthquake is actually a metaphor for Hua Guofeng's death.Although he has only been in power for three years, according to feudal superstition, he can be regarded as the emperor of one dynasty, and the death of the emperor means "heaven collapses and earth shatters".

In the afternoon, I went to China.com in the rain, and talked with Mr. Jin Can, a sports expert from the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, about the inclusion of martial arts in the Olympics.Teacher Jin Can mainly said that the Olympic rules are controlled by Europe and the United States, and they are not happy with China's expansion of the Olympic advantages. This is the biggest obstacle for Wushu to enter the Olympics. I mainly talk about martial arts itself. The core idea of ​​Chinese martial arts is self-cultivation, which has a natural conflict with the "gold medal consciousness".Furthermore, all the martial arts performed are the last stream of martial arts, and have all been transformed into "kung fu gymnastics".Jet Li Jackie Chan, in the real martial arts, is only a third-rate role.In a duel between real martial arts masters, the winner may be decided in a second, so what is there to watch?Even the referee can't see clearly, it is absolutely impossible to "resurrect from the dead" again and again after beating violently for three to five minutes like in film and television dramas.The routine is clear and looks good, not necessarily a master.Therefore, martial arts naturally contradicts the iron-blooded rule of "everything is for good looks" by Olympic sponsors.This is the same as learning. The so-called masters of Chinese studies who are enthusiastically touted by laymen, and who are proud of publishing papers in American magazines, may be half of them are cheaters. You think you are a serious scholar when you "sit on the bench" at home every day La?That's because there is no hot bench for you to sit on.Ma Di is a waste when he goes out to fight, and it is also a waste to stay at home and attack others.

Now people often compare taekwondo with martial arts. It must be known that Korean taekwondo successfully entered the Olympics because of a huge sacrifice.Taekwondo, as one of the "East Asian martial arts" systems, is originally the least practical form of flower boxing and embroidered legs. The base is unstable, and single-leg long-distance strikes. When encountering a martial artist above the middle level, it is equivalent to death.However, hot weapons are used in modern wars, and daily life is also a legal society. Fighting is not allowed. No matter how clever martial arts are, they are not very practical. Thus scored the Olympic family.Based on this, I think that Chinese martial arts should be divided into two groups. On the whole, we should inherit the profoundness of martial arts and let a hundred flowers bloom. We should not waste everything for the Olympics.But the martial arts world is so huge, the country might as well draw out a force to devote itself to the Olympic strategy, transforming it into a kind of stuff that is easy to watch and easy to score.Although Europe and the United States will block it 100%, and the Olympic events are "slimming down", they must always find the right time to occupy a place, and they cannot be satisfied with the "performance events" of this year.And once Wushu enters the Olympic Games, one must remember that one must not win all the gold medals by himself, but "the whole world is in the same mood".

When it comes to Europe and the United States, most of them are sports powers that Monk Kong really admires.But in the past two days, the American media has become a little bit sour.Probably seeing that the gold medal overlord had already been lost, American reporters began to calculate another account.Some people say that we should not only look at the gold medals, but also the total number of medals. The total number of gold, silver and bronze medals is combined. Today, the United States already has 12 more medals than China.Some people say that the gold content of the current gold medals is not as good as in the past. In the past, the United States and the Soviet Union fought tough battles. One gold medal is equal to two now.Others say that we should not just look at this Olympic Games, we should look at a century of Olympic history in its entirety. The sum of gold medals won by the United States in previous Olympic Games is much more than that of China!Therefore, the American people must cheer up and resolutely overcome "sinophobia" and so on.These words are all true, absolutely true!But these words would be appropriate if they were spoken by a Chinese, but now that they are spoken by an American, why do they sound so unpleasant?It sounds a bit familiar, as if it was said by a farmer in Shaoxing, China: "My ancestors are much richer than you." Monk Kong thought that the United States really didn't care about gold medals?Remind the American journalists to pay attention, you can learn anything from China, and you must not learn this kind of "Weichuang rhetoric".

Back home, I took the initiative to wash my hands, went to the kitchen to find a sauced pig's trotter, put it cross-legged on the floor, and watched TV while chewing.There is an advertisement of China CITIC Bank, in which there is always a saying: "Let the shrew remain unchanged." I still haven't figured out what it means. I also watched "I Love My Family" with great interest. Brother Gao Yuandong said that the play can be regarded as a classic, but for me, it is a warm memory of the silent life in the 90s. Today China won only one gold medal in diving, waiting for the United States to catch up.The women's volleyball team and the women's basketball team both lost, and they lost badly. They were chewed like rotten pig's feet, and every point I lost hurt my heart.Liu's big head said: must, must.The guest asked, "Is the spirit of the women's volleyball team still there?" The monk said, "Yes, in the American women's volleyball team, in Lang Ping's body."

A well-known professor at Peking University sent an email, highly praising Monk Kong’s blog, “I think it’s broad and profound, it’s a Marxist-Leninist line, Maolu style, Chinese style, Peking University’s articles. Congratulations.” It’s really an award, and Kong is ashamed.However, China really needs to publish such an article. Before it is published, we will make up the number. Organized the phone and deleted more than 150 text messages.But I wrote down some correspondence with Professor Xiaojing. Xiao Jing sent a text message saying: "The biggest difference between the field of humanities and the field of practice is that it is unverifiable, and it will never be possible to distinguish who is a real master. When the fake masters are still seen through, there is absolutely no risk for false masters. The more you pretend, the more you will be admired. Only true masters can see through them, so true masters will never escape the fate of being attacked and repelled.”

Monk Kong replied: "That's why we must adhere to the combination of theory and practice. Whenever there are major social events, many people will reveal their secrets." Xiaojing said: "It's still possible to tell a lie if you reveal your secrets, just be thick-skinned. Or simply refuse to admit it, and there will still be a market. Compared with other fields, it is simply ridiculous. This mentally handicapped circle is tiresome." Kong said: "Don't get tired of it, but make trouble with them. We didn't come here for personal gain, how can we let them deceive people at will?"

Jing said: "There are too few first-rate people in this circle, and second-rate masters are self-righteous. Everyone relies on this to make a living. I think it's ridiculous to be in the toilet." Kong said: "The science and engineering circles I came into contact with are similar. If half of the people don't die, it's at stake. They won't let the old man stand out." Jing said: "Why do the so-called elite scholars fail to see the fundamental purpose of the West to contain China's rise, and are still humbly discussing with others the issue of Tibetan independence, democracy and freedom? Is it a matter of position or level? Or both? Many people surprised me, no wonder Lao Mao wants to reform this bunch of intellectuals who don’t understand anything and talk about wronging the country.”

Confucius said: "There are both, but the more fundamental problem is personality." Jing said: "So now I doubt the personality of the person I once respected, and I feel a little painful." Confucius said: "If you do your best and obey the destiny, God will only save a boatload of people." Jing said: "In the past two years of correspondence with you, I have been growing. Now I can understand you better. I find it difficult to meet a good teacher and friend like you. I have pain in my heart and I always want to talk to you. Excuse me. Don't blame me."

Kong said: "I understand that I have experienced such pain a long time ago. Let me be sympathetic to it, tolerate it, and look for opportunities to enlighten it. This is the real revolutionary struggle. The books and movies of the hour were originally to teach us to recognize the bad guys and deal with them. The ability to destroy the world." Jing said: "But sometimes I feel resentful in my heart, and I regret that I shouldn't do certain things. Don't you resent?" Confucius said: "I came into this world with dystocia. I have suffered all my life, and I have no complaints. In my opinion, all the so-called sufferings are joys. The mediocrity is the great suffering. You have read my books and know me well. Things, who do you think I blamed? What have I regretted? Fan Zengshi said, the way forward has long been broken, and the way forward has seen great courage. For Monk Kong, every day is a good day, and everything is fun. Fighting against the reactionaries It’s a lot of fun. As for saving a few good people, don’t worry about it. Mao Zedong said it well, take care of your own body and mind, and the sun and the moon are always new and beautiful in your chest. In this troubled world, it’s useless to be anxious, and your own life must also be taken care of A few. The purpose of the revolution is to strive for real democracy and freedom. So in the end, we want to strive to be a living Bodhisattva of freedom and revolution that transcends elegance and vulgarity, and it is not in vain to come to this world. I'm going to drink and eat meat, let's talk next time."

Received a stereotyped wandering novel from Guangxi Normal University Publishing House, Xie Wanglin's "Turning the Mountain".The book was first published in Taiwan in January 2008, and is planned to be published in the mainland in September.This kind of wandering novel that advocates courage and challenges to the limit is worth advocating. But I thought, there is nothing wrong with not advocating courage and not challenging the limit, right?If the purpose of the Olympic Games is to blindly "faster, higher and stronger", isn't it a bit one-sided, isn't it a bit "fascist"?The significance of Wushu entering the Olympics is definitely not for China to win a few more gold medals. Now we just play games invented by Westerners, and they are still dizzy.Wushu's entry into the Olympics should be to tell all mankind that a person's bounden duty is not only challenging the outside world, but also self-cultivation, and the unity of man and nature is the "permanent change".
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