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Chapter 12 Matthew: The Sermon on the Mount

Jesus the Son of Man 纪伯伦 1691Words 2018-03-18
One harvest day, Jesus invited us to climb a mountain with his friends.On that day, the earth was full of grass, just like the king's princess at the wedding banquet. She wore all the jewels to decorate herself, and the sky was the bridegroom of the earth. When we reached the top of the mountain, Jesus stood among the laurel bushes and said, "Rest here! Quiet your minds and tune your hearts. I have many things to say to you." So we lay down in the grass, surrounded by summer flowers.Jesus sits in the middle of us. He said: "Blessed is the man whose soul is at peace."

"Blessed are the immovable riches, for they are free men." "Blessed is the man who remembers the suffering and waits for joy in it." "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after truth and beauty, for they shall have bread to satisfy their hunger and springs to quench their thirst." "Blessed are the merciful, for their kindness will comfort them." "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will be with God." "Blessed are the merciful, for they are destined to be shown mercy." "Blessed are the peacemakers, for their souls shall prevail over weapons, and they shall turn the barren houses of the poor into gardens."

"Blessed are those who are pursued, for they will develop swift feet and fly high with wings." "Hai Xing, rejoice, for you have discovered the kingdom of heaven in your heart. The singers of the past were persecuted for singing of this kingdom, and you will be persecuted, but you will be honored and rewarded for it." "You are the salt of the world. If the salt loses its taste, how will the food of people's soul taste?" "Ye are the light of the world. Do not put the light under the bushel, but let the light shine on the top, to those who seek the city of God."

"Think not that I am coming to abolish the law of the scribes and Pharisees, for my days among you are numbered, and my words are few. I have but a few hours to finish another law and reveal new contract." "You were commanded, 'You shall not kill'; but I admonish you: Do not be angry without cause." "As the ancients taught you, you brought calves, lambs, and doves to the temple and slaughtered them on the altar, hoping that God would smell their ointment and forgive your mistakes." "I tell you: will you give to God what is His from the beginning? Do you want to please God, whose throne is over the deep, and whose bosom embraces the universe?"

"Before you seek your temple, seek your brothers, and live in peace with them; rather, show love to your neighbors; for God has built in their souls a temple that cannot be broken, and in their hearts he has planted The fallen altar." "You have been told: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you: Do not resist evil, for resistance feeds evil and makes it stronger. Only the weak avenge themselves. A strong soul is Forgiving. Forgiveness is the honor of the injured." "Only a fruit-laden tree is shaken or stoned by those who beg for food." "Don't pay too much attention to tomorrow, but focus on today, because today has enough miracles."

"In giving, do not keep self in mind, but think of the receiver's needs, for every giver receives in abundance from the Father." "Give according to the need of the recipient, for the father does not give salt to the thirsty, stones to the hungry, and milk to the weaned child." "Give not dogs what is holy, nor cast your pearls before swine. For to give these gifts to pigs and dogs is to mock them, and they will mock your gifts, and destroy you in hatred." "Do not store up for yourselves riches that will perish and be stolen; but store up for yourselves treasures that will not perish and will not be stolen, treasures that are made more beautiful by the sight of many. The place of your treasure is Where your heart is."

"You have heard that assassins should be killed with swords, thieves should be hanged, and prostitutes should be stoned. But I tell you, you are not innocent of the crimes of assassins, thieves, and prostitutes; The flesh is punished, and your souls are darkened." "Verily, no crime is committed by one man or woman alone. All crimes are committed by many. Perhaps He who was punished broke only one link of the chain that bound your ankles; perhaps, he Pay the price for your momentary pleasures with your own sorrows." When Jesus said this, I really wanted to kneel down and worship Him, but I was too shy to move or say a word.

But finally I spoke up and said, "I want to pray now, but I can't speak, please teach us how to pray." Jesus replied: "As you pray, let your thoughts speak. Now in my thoughts, pray as follows: Our Father between heaven and earth, holy is your name, Let your will be with us as it is in heaven. Provide enough bread for our day; Forgive us with your love, enlighten us for each other; Lead us to you, reach out to us in the dark; Because the kingdom of heaven is yours, only in you can we have our strength and satisfaction. " It was evening now, and we all followed Jesus down the hill.Walking behind Jesus, I repeated his verses and recalled all his instructions.I know that the words that fall like snowflakes today will condense and become solid as crystal; the wings that flap over our heads will shake the earth like railways.

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