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Chapter 2 Jacob

Jesus the Son of Man 纪伯伦 1952Words 2018-03-18
——His words and deeds, told and recorded by those who knew him (1928) One spring day, Jesus stood in the market place of Jerusalem, proclaiming the kingdom of heaven to the crowd. He accuses the scribes and Pharisees of setting snares and digging traps in the paths of those who seek heaven; he denounces them. There was a group of people in the crowd who defended the scribes and Pharisees, and they thought about harming Jesus and us. But Jesus avoided them, and walked around to the north gate of the city. He said to us, "My hour is not yet come, and there are still many things to be preached to you, many things to be done, before I give myself over to the world."

He added that there was joy and laughter in his voice: "Let us go to the Northland to welcome the spring! Come up the mountains with me, for the winter is over, and the snows of Lebanon are melting and flowing down the valleys, singing with the streams. " "Fields and vineyards have awakened and greeted the sun with green and tender grapes." So, he took us ahead and walked for two days. On the afternoon of the third day we reached the summit of Mount Hermon.He looked down upon the cities of the plain, and his face shone like molten gold, and he stretched out his arms, and said, "Behold, the earth is clothed with green, and the brooks have trimmed its garments with silver." ."

"Verily, the earth is beautiful, and everything on it is beautiful." "However, beyond all that you have seen, there is another kingdom, and that is where I will rule. If you choose that kingdom and truly desire it, you will rule with me." "There will be no mask on my face and yours; neither sword nor scepter will be in our hand; our subjects will love us and not fear us in peace." Jesus said so.As a result, all the nations on this earth, all kinds of cities, walls, and high pavilions disappeared from my sight.From the bottom of my heart, I am willing to follow the Lord to His heavenly kingdom.

At this time, Judas Iscariot stepped forward. He came to Jesus and said, "Look, how great is the kingdom of this world, and the cities of David and Solomon will conquer Rome. If you want to be king of the Jews, We will stand by your side with sword and shield in hand, and we will conquer the alien race." Jesus was furious when he heard this. He glared at Judas and reprimanded with a voice like thunder in the sky: "Go away, Satan! Do you think I have spent all my life just to be the king of the ant family for a day?" "The throne of drama is beyond your sight. Will the one whose wings cover the earth seek refuge in abandoned, forgotten lairs?"

"Will the living be respected and praised by the shrouded corpse?" "My kingdom does not belong to this land; my throne does not rest on the remains of your ancestors." "If you want anything other than the kingdom of the spirit, you'd better leave me and go down to the tomb of your dead; where the Vung Tau who once wore the crown are gathering, and may give your ancestors honours." "Do you dare to seduce me with a crown made of waste residue? My forehead yearns for either the seven stars in the sky, or the thorns you prepared." "I would not have your sun rise above my endurance, nor your moon cast my shadow upon your paths, were it not for the dream of some forgotten people."

"If it wasn't for a mother's wish, I would break free from my skirt and flee back into the sky." "I would not have stayed and wept had it not been for the sorrow of you all." "Who and what are you, Judas Iscariot? Why are you tempting me?" "Have you really weighed me in the scales, and found me to be at the head of an army of Lynd, and command invisible chariots; while the enemy, encamps only in your hatred, and marches in your fear?" "There are so many worms crawling at my feet that I disdain to fight them. I am tired of such gimmicks, tired of pitying the reptiles who, seeing my inaction on the walls and towers they guard, assume that I am coward."

"It's a pity that I have to pity to the end. I wish I could turn around and go to the big world where giants live. But how do I do it?" "Your priests and kings want my blood, and they want to be satisfied before I go away. I will not change the law of the commandments, I will not rule the foolish." "Let ignorance breed ignorance until it tires of its own offspring!" "Let the blind lead the blind into a trap!" "Let the dead bury the dead till the earth chokes with these bitter fruits of itself!" "My kingdom does not belong to this land. In my kingdom, you will meet three friends and two friends, with friendship in your heart, with admiration for the beauty of life, with joy, and with love for me miss."

Then he turned back sharply and said to Judas, "Go away, man! Your kingdom will never exist in my kingdom." It is dusk now, and Jesus said to us, "Let us go down the mountain. The night is coming, let us go with the light that illuminates us." We followed him down the hill, Judas following far behind.It was dark when we reached the foot of the mountain. At this time, Thomas, the son of Orphans, said, "Lord, it is dark now, and we cannot see the road clearly. If it pleases, please take us to a village with lights in the distance, and we may find food and lodging." "

Jesus answered Thomas, "When you were hungry and thirsty, I brought you to the heights, and with greater hunger and thirst I brought you down to the plains. But I cannot be with you tonight. I want to be alone." At this time, Simon Peter stepped forward and said, "Lord, don't let us walk alone in the night; promise us that even if you spend the night with us on this lonely road, as long as you are with us, this night and its shadow will not last long." , the morning will come soon." Jesus replied, "Tonight the fox will find his den, and the birds of the air will have his nest, but the Son of Man will have no place to lay his head on the earth. Now I am really alone. If you miss me, will find me by the lake where I found you."

So we left him with heavy hearts and reluctance. We stopped many times along the way, turned around and stared at him, alone and majestic, heading west. Judas Iscariot did not look back at the lone Jesus. Since then Judas had grown gloomy and indifferent, and I felt a menacing look in his eye sockets.
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