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Chapter 20 exchange

Gibran Essays - The Wanderer 纪伯伦 572Words 2018-03-18
Once upon a time, a poor poet met a rich fool at a crossroads, and they talked to each other.Everything they said was just to vent their dissatisfaction. At this time, the angel who was in charge of the road passed the crossroads, and he put his hands on the shoulders of the two men. You see, a miracle happened: the two men now exchanged what they had. So they broke up.However, it is strange to say that the poet looks left and right, but sees only moving dry sand in his hands; the fool closes his eyes, but feels that he only has moving clouds in his heart. The Exchange Once upon a crossroad a poor Poet met a rich Stupid, and they conversed. And all that they said revealed but their discontent.

Then the Angel of the Road passed by, and he laid his hand upon the shoulder of the two men. And behold, a miracle: The two men had now exchanged their possessions. And they parted. But strange to relate, the Poet looked and found naught in his hand but dry moving sand; and the Stupid closed his eyes and felt naught but moving cloud in his heart.
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