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Chapter 37 Thirty-seventh letter - enrich your soul

Motto: Even if you have to sell your heart, sell yourself. Let us learn to be both wise and humble, and both humble and wise. A great book is a great tree of wisdom, a great tree of the mind. (Let us then learn a wise humility, but at the same time a humble wisdom.) August 1, 1914 Dear John: Just as we have appetites physically, we also have appetites spiritually.But many people often use their lack of time as an excuse, always starve their souls, and only enrich it by accident or accident, but never forget to satisfy their consumption from the neck down. Maybe my view is a bit pessimistic, we are in an era of unlimited satisfaction below the neck but neglecting the needs above the neck.In fact, you often hear someone say: Skipping a lunch is a big deal, but you don’t hear: When was the last time you satisfied your spiritual hunger? Are we all spiritually rich?Obviously not.

In our world, spiritually hungry people can be found everywhere. Those who live in depression, negativity, failure, and depression. They all desperately need spiritual nourishment and inspiration, but almost all of them reject refilling their hearts. , let the soul dim. Wouldn't it be nice if an empty mind could, like an empty stomach, satisfy its master by filling something.It's a pity that there is no such cheap thing, but you have to accept the punishment of emptiness in your heart. The heart is the true home of each of us, and we are for better or worse in her care.Because everything that comes into this home has a utility, something that creates, prepares for your future, or something that destroys, reducing your possible future life achievements.For example positive.

Every first-rate person who is at or near the top is positive, and they are positive because they regularly fill their hearts with good, clean, powerful, positive spiritual thoughts.Just as food becomes the nourishment of the body, they do not forget the daily spiritual food.They know that if they fill up the neck up, they'll never have to worry about filling up the neck down, or even the financial problems of old age. One must find one's own home, so as not to be a vagabond or a beggar.First and foremost, even if you have to sell your soul, sell it to yourself.We have to accept ourselves.We must be clear that man was created with God's own mind, and his status is second only to angels.God does not set limits on age, education, gender, fat or thin, skin color, height or any other superficial restrictions, nor does God have time to create useless people, let alone ignore everyone.Second, we must have a positive attitude.

Two years ago, when Mr. Carl Jung met me unexpectedly, the psychologist told me a story: One man was trapped by the flood and had to climb to the roof for safety.Someone from the neighbors floated up and said, "John, this flood is really scary, isn't it?" John replied, "No, it's not that bad." A little taken aback, the neighbor retorted, "How can you say it's not so bad? Your chicken coop has been washed away." John said, "Yes, I know, but I've started raising ducks six months ago and they're all swimming around now. Everything's fine."

"But John, this time the water has ruined your crops," insisted the neighbor. John replied, "No, it doesn't. My crops are suffering from lack of water, and just last week I was told that my land needs more water, so that fixes it." The pessimistic neighbor said again to the smiling John, "But look, John, the water is still rising. It's going to your windows." The upbeat John smiled even more, and said, "I hope so, these windows are really dirty and need to be cleaned." It sounds like a joke.But obviously this is a state-decided to deal with this complicated and ups and downs world with a positive attitude.Once this state is achieved, we can make the mind automatically respond positively even when we encounter negative situations.In order to achieve this state, we only have to enrich and cleanse our hearts.

Everyone can change or be changed.Mr. Jung said that as long as a person's vocabulary is changed, his income, his enjoyment, and his life can be improved, and even his life can be changed.Take the word "hate" for example, remove it from your vocabulary, don't think about it, and write, feel and dream about the word "love" instead.Obviously, the removal and replacement of words is almost endless, but the heart will become more pure and active during the removal. Our heart acts with what supplies her.I believe that what I put into my heart is very important to my future.So the obvious question is: how do we feed our minds—and when to find time to replenish our mental food.

Have you ever heard of a lumberjack whose production drops because he doesn't take the time to sharpen his axe?We spend money, and a lot of time, on grooming the outside of our mind, shaving and cutting our hair. Do we need to spend the same amount of time and money on making up the inside of our mind?Of course there is, and it can be done. In fact, food for thought can be found everywhere, such as books.There is no book written through a great spiritual impact that is not food for washing and enriching our souls. They have already pointed out the direction for future generations once and for all, and we can choose what we want arbitrarily.The great book is the great tree of wisdom, the great tree of the mind, in which we will be remade.Let us learn to be wise and humble, and humble and wise.

We cannot, of course, read the books of those literary merchants, whose books, like the plague, spread shameless evil, misinformation, and conceited stupidity, and whose books deserve only to be held in the hands of shallow and vulgar people.What we need are books that will bring us the confidence and strength to act, that will push our lives to new heights, and guide us to do good.For example, "Strive Forward". It is a great book that stirs our souls and inspires our enthusiasm for life. I believe that the American people will benefit from its publication, and thus use their power in the most positive and effective way to reach the dream of life.I even believe that whoever misses the opportunity to read it is likely to miss a great life.I hope my children and grandchildren can read this book, it can open the door to happiness for all people.

The driving force that leads people to climb to the top is a driving force that is nourished and emphasized regularly and becomes stronger day by day.Those who have had a successful life undoubtedly recognize that there is a lot of room at the top, but not enough room for people to sit and stay.They understand that the mind, like the body, must be nourished on a regular basis, and that physical, psychological and spiritual nourishment must be taken care of separately. John, no one can stand in our way home unless we don't want to come back.Let the light of our hearts shine on our way forward.

love your father
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