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Chapter 174 174. The Fake Congress of the "Republic of China"

■Since democracy is a fake democracy, is it possible for a fake parliament like the Legislative Yuan to make it real? □I don't think so.Fake Congress presented: 1. This is a nondescript organization built by Sun Yat-sen behind closed doors, coupled with the bad provincials and bad Taiwanese trained by Chiang Kai-shek, and jointly processed and recreated freaks. Second, the so-called democracy that this freak grew up with is fake democracy. 3. There are many phenomena showing false democracy. The biggest feature is that the minority party, the Democratic Progressive Party, used violence to prevent the majority party, the Kuomintang, from voting, and the Kuomintang and others surrendered because of it. This is really a world-class anecdote.The Kuomintang is a party that makes you laugh and cry. Its greatest ability is to cultivate an opposition party that is worse than it.

4. The most ridiculous thing is that every time the Kuomintang holds elections, the reason it gives you to choose it is: if you don’t vote for me, it will be worse than me. Fifth, this is a place where the virtuous and the unworthy are mixed, most of them are unworthy, and occasionally there are virtuous people, that is to say, occasionally there are good people.But the good people help each other to do evil, which creates a situation where the good people do bad things, which is pitifully good. Sixth, from the perspective of world-class (including Chinese-level) standards, they are all ignorant of the general trend and general.They only have Taiwan in their eyes, but what they do is killing Taiwan.

7. Some members have an ambiguous relationship with the United States. Not only are they cheating on the American nationality case, they are even suspected of being involved in the CIA. Therefore, under the banner of military purchases in Taiwan, Taiwan has become an island that serves the interests of the United States, and the fake Congress has become a major exporter to the United States. Congress. 8. Finally, Taiwan is not a real country at all, and naturally there will be no real parliament. 9. The Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party are both "Leninist parties". Will "Leninist parties" produce democracy?

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