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Chapter 23 twenty-three

end 石钟山 889Words 2018-03-18
After the old man settled down, Yang Wuyue took Wang Changgui to another room, closed the door and asked: What's going on? Wang Changgui let out a long breath, and said as if he had completed a major mission: They are my parents, and I lied to you when I said I was an orphan. Yang Wuyue stood there with a pale face, she was going to re-examine Wang Changgui now.In order to make progress and achieve his own goals, Wang Changgui did not hesitate to describe himself as an orphan, and even tampered with his files before he joined the army.At that time, Wang Changgui didn't leave any room for himself. He must continue to work in the army, and his status would win the sympathy of many people. Because of this sympathy, Wang Changgui worked hard all the way, and was recognized by leaders and colleagues.Yang Wuyue now understands everything. Wang Changgui had a purpose in not bringing his parents here. It was too early, they didn't have a house, and Yang Wuyue's father hadn't retired yet. Now that he has a house, his father has retired. There was nothing he could do about Wang Changgui's future and destiny, so the truth about Wang Changgui was revealed to the world, that is to say, Wang Changgui was about to return to himself.After Yang Wuyue realized all this, she shuddered all over.She understood that Wang Changgui had been planning to realize his life according to his goals.

Wang Changgui's parents are still kind, they have always respected Yang Wuyue, saying that it is a blessing to their family that their son found a high-ranking daughter, and so on.They scrambled to cook and buy vegetables, but Yang Wuyue's food was really unpalatable, and it was completely rural. There were two more people in the family all of a sudden, and life and burdens increased. Wang Changgui's mother was not in good health, and she had to go to the hospital every other day, all of which became a burden on Yang Wuyue.What made Yang Wuyue even more unbearable was that over time, Wang Changgui's parents treated her as an outsider. Wang Changgui often shut himself and his parents in the hut to mutter, but in fact they didn't say anything, they were completely from the countryside. As a habit, the daughter-in-law has a foreign surname, and there are some things to be carried on her back.

Over time, Wang Changgui's parents no longer regarded her as a high-ranking official's child, and lived behind closed doors, daily necessities, very ordinary. They gradually felt that Yang Wuyue was a daughter-in-law, and a daughter-in-law should do what a daughter-in-law should do.The food was indeed unpalatable, but they didn't make it anymore, and they didn't wash the clothes themselves. Everything had to wait for Yang Wuyue to come back to wash.They went to the city to enjoy the blessings, and the son was finally in the city. The rural practices of the two old people have not changed at all. They sat in the living room, spit on the ground, and then wiped it with the soles of their shoes, thinking that it would be clean.These were not enough. In front of Wang Changgui, they began to point fingers at Yang Wuyue. They judged Yang Wuyue with the eyes of rural people and demanded Yang Wuyue.Whether you will live a life, whether you are filial or not, and so on.

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