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  • war military

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 27101

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Chapter 1 one

end 石钟山 1006Words 2018-03-18
It was the eve of an open-air movie, the screen on the playground was pulled up, and the autumn wind made the white screen tremble slightly.The trumpet for dinner in the compound has already blown, the sun is only one edge in the west buildings, and the playground is still very empty, only some half-grown children gathered on the playground in groups of three or five to discuss excitedly Talking about something, maybe talking about the content of tonight's movie. Ma Bayi appeared at this time, with his hands in the fat military trousers, a tight sea soul shirt on his upper body, and a military uniform on his shoulders. no content.He didn't intend to watch this movie at first, but he has seen it many times, so what's the point of watching it again.He went for a walk in front of the screen on the playground, and he had nothing to do, just walk here.

During dinner, I quarreled with my father again. My father is the head of the war department. No matter what time it is, he always has a face of class struggle, as if the war will start at any time. Room for empathy.Since graduating from high school, Ma Bayi has nothing to do at home, and the Minister of War dislikes him everywhere.Especially when eating, Minister Ma talked a lot.Minister Ma always drinks two sips at dinner time, "Zi Liu" a sip of wine, "Bada" a sip of tea, and then there is no one else in the eyes of Minister Ma, only Ma Bayi is left. At that time, Ma Bayi He became a thorn in the flesh of his father, no matter how he looked at it, he was not pleasing to the eye.Ma Bayi was most uneasy during the dinner time. He held the bowl, lowered his head, and ate like a charge, and then he fled the house, doing whatever he wanted.He had just put down his job that day and was about to escape from Minister Ma's sight. After taking another sip of wine, Minister Ma put the glass heavily on the table and sternly said, "Don't go, you haven't finished your business yet."

Ma Bayi is afraid of his father, he has been afraid since childhood.When he was a child, his father didn't talk about him, but beat him, and he was left with sequelae. When he heard his father's footsteps coming from behind, he felt like he was going to pee.He is getting older, and his father is also getting old. His father seldom beats him, but reprimands him instead. He is still afraid of his father. He has a lot of his own ideas in his heart, and he also hates his father, but he can only pretend in his heart. , the expression did not dare to bring out the slightest bit.His father wouldn't let him go, so he could only stand there.

My father said: You have been graduating for a few months, and you are so idle, what do you want to do. Ma Bayi didn't want to do anything. Before he graduated, his parents had discussed countless times what he would do after graduation. According to his father, serving in the army was the most ideal.My father has been a soldier for so many years. It can be said that his comrades-in-arms are all over the world. In any army, there will be comrades who will take care of him, Ma Bayi, and worry that he will not make progress.The second choice is to go to the countryside. This is a result that his father does not want to see, but it is not unacceptable to settle for the second best. His father has already found the place for him to go to the countryside.That is to go back to my hometown, Kaoshantun. My father came out of Kaoshantun, and my father has always missed Kaoshantun.The third is what my mother said, that is employment, find a job, earn twenty or thirty yuan a month, and that's it.This is the last thing my father wants to see.

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