Home Categories political economy Collected Works of Mao Zedong Volume VIII

Chapter 43 One level and two adjustments are never allowed[1]

(November 28, 1960) All central bureaus, provincial, municipal, and district party committees: Send it to the Gansu Provincial Party Committee's report on November 25, 1960[2], which is of great reference value and worthy of careful study once or twice by you and your prefectural and county comrades.The Gansu Provincial Party Committee is making self-criticism, and it seems that the criticism is quite realistic and serious.It seems that comrades in Gansu have already made up their minds to correct their mistakes.Comrade Mao Zedong read this report twice, and he said he wanted to read it again in order to draw lessons and experience from it.He himself said that he shares the fate and breath of all comrades who are willing to correct their mistakes.He said that he himself had made mistakes and must correct them.For example, one of the mistakes was that the Beidaihe resolution included the time for the transformation of the commune ownership system, which was too quickly imagined.There is a paragraph in that document written by him[3], which is correct in principle and stipulates the principles and conditions for the transition from socialism to communism, and is Marxist-Leninist.But the timing of the process in the opening sentences of that paragraph is too fast.The beginning of that paragraph says: "The transition from collective ownership to ownership by the whole people is a process. Some places may be faster and can be completed within three or four years; some places may be slower and may take five or six years or longer." This idea is unrealistic.It has been corrected now, and changed to at least (comrades, I mean at least) seven years from now on. The current ownership system of the commune will not change. Even if it changes in the future, it will still be the property of the team, not the team. .It also stipulates that the socialist system (from each according to his ability, pay according to his work) will remain unchanged for at least 20 years from now. Whether it can be changed after 20 years depends on the situation at that time.So say "at least" twenty years unchanged.The same is true for the three-level ownership system based on the People's Commune Team.Whether it can be changed after 1967 depends on the situation at that time, and it may take another seven years to make it 14 years before it can be changed.In short, at any time, the team's property will always be owned or used by the team, and one level and two adjustments will never be allowed.Public accumulation must not be too much, and public projects must not be too much.It is not a fixed number of years to change the appearance of the countryside, but to change the appearance of the countryside step by step according to the situation.The report of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee did not mention living arrangements, nor did it mention the investigation and analysis of the first, second, and third types of counties, communes, and teams. This is a shortcoming. These two issues are closely related. Please pay attention.

central November 28, 1960 Published according to Mao Zedong's manuscript. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ note [1] One level and two tunes, see note [1] on page 33 of this volume. [2] Refers to the fourth report issued by the Gansu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China to implement the Central Committee’s urgent instruction letter on the current policy issues of rural people’s communes to the Central Committee and the Northwest Bureau and issued to the local, city, state and county committees.According to the report, our province held a meeting of three-level cadres to examine in depth the root causes of the repeated "communist style", and believed that we should look for the shortcomings and mistakes in the leadership work of the provincial party committee.There are three main problems: first, with regard to the implementation of the central government's policies, there is not enough research, no deep understanding, weak implementation, and even some deviations.For example, eager to transition from basic team ownership to basic social ownership; ignoring small-scale ownership and team work; not paying enough attention to the economic development of production teams; inappropriate income distribution policies, etc.Second, in guiding the development of production in the people's communes and the arrangement of rural work, they did not combine the arrangement of work with the implementation of policies. The tasks proposed were large and the demands urgent, and they considered more needs than possibilities, and so on. As a result, some policies were violated. thing.Thirdly, with regard to the leadership style, the overestimation of agricultural output and the overly high and hasty demands were made, and some inappropriate propaganda was made, which encouraged the emergence of the "five styles".

[3] Refers to a paragraph added by Mao Zedong in August 1958 when reviewing the draft of the "Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Establishment of People's Commune in the Rural Areas": "After the completion of the People's Commune, don't be busy changing the collective ownership to the whole people's ownership. At present, it is better to adopt collective ownership, which can avoid unnecessary troubles in the process of changing ownership. In fact, the collective ownership of the people's commune already includes some elements of ownership by the whole people. This ownership by the whole people , will continue to grow in continuous development and gradually replace collective ownership. The transition from collective ownership to whole people ownership is a process, and in some places it may be faster and can be completed within three or four years, and in some places it may be slower and it will take five years , six years or longer. It has transitioned to ownership by the whole people, just like state-owned industry, and its nature is still socialist, each doing his best and getting paid according to his work. Then after many years, social products have greatly enriched The communist ideological awareness and moral quality of all the people have been greatly improved, education for all has been popularized and improved, and the differences between workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, and between mental and physical labor left over from the old society during the socialist period had to be preserved. Differences have gradually disappeared, and the remnants of unequal bourgeois legal rights that reflect these differences have also gradually disappeared. The function of the state is only to deal with the aggression of external enemies, and it has no effect internally. At this time , our society will enter the era of communism in which each contributes according to his ability and from each according to his needs.”

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