Home Categories political economy On American Democracy

Chapter 5 preamble

American democracy, the rule of law and people's sentiments make them have a democratic social environment.It is precisely because of this social situation that many new ideas and viewpoints that transcend the traditional European aristocratic society were bred among them.It not only breaks and changes various old relationships, but also establishes new ones, which makes a brand new democratic society emerge as the times require. Five years ago, I published the first volume of a book in which I researched and addressed the major problems of American democracy.This volume continues the discussion, focusing on the profound impact of American democracy on civil society.In this way, the upper and lower volumes will complement each other to form a complete work.

In the first volume I ascribed to equality the causes of various effects and phenomena in society.So some readers may think that equality is the only reason I use to explain everything that happens today, and think that my view may be a bit one-sided. Needless to say, many of the ideas, feelings, and dispositions of men today do not necessarily spring from equality, or are altogether contrary to it.I don’t want to deny these, but they are not the objects of my research. I am unable to seriously explore the attribution of all people’s tendencies and concepts, but only want to pay attention to the role of the factor of equality in the production of these tendencies and concepts.

Regarding this book, readers may have doubts: Since you firmly believe that the democratic revolution is irresistible, and it is hopeless and unwise to resist, why do you spend time and space criticizing the democratic society created by the revolution?My answer to this question is: I want to take democracy so seriously because I love it. In this volume, I will adhere to the consistent principles of impartiality, impartiality and objectivity.I will discuss a wide range of issues involved in a democratic society, including new changes in thought and ideas brought about by the new situation in the world.During the research process, I deeply regretted the questions beyond my abilities. I only hope that this book can play a role in inspiring others.

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