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  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 117780

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Chapter 1 Chapter One

violent 大薮春彦 11986Words 2018-03-18
In autumn, Yokohama Port is at dusk.The surface of the sea, which had looked filthy during the day, now reflected countless lights, making the soft waves appear to sparkle like jewels. At the Yamashita Wharf, the "Hibiscus" of the Japan Car Ferry Company is docked.The aft hatch of the ship's car deck was open. This car ferry has a displacement of nearly 10,000 tons and can accommodate 60 large trucks and about 100 small passenger cars at the same time. It regularly travels between Yokohama and Miyazaki, Kyushu. However, tonight, at least half of the cabins on the car deck are empty.No wonder, this regular ferry takes 26 hours to sail at a time, so it is not always fully loaded like the nearby inland ferry.

Five or six minutes before leaving the voyage at seven o'clock, a car drove up to the pier with a screaming exhaust sound. It was a Colt Blue GTO.MR sports car with a green body color. Yes, when the sports car drove up to the ferry, the staff of the ferry company stepped forward and stopped it. Inside the car, a man holds the steering wheel.He wore a derby hat with the brim pulled down, a stern face, and a cigar dangling from his mouth.Perhaps because of this, he made people feel a bit like a gangster. He was wearing a black suede suit, a silver floral shirt inside, and a silver tie. This man's surname is Xicheng and his name is Xiufu.He opened the window and showed the reservation card to the clerk.

The cost of transporting a car with a body length of four to five meters like Jialan is: 18,000 yen one way including a driver, but at this time, the driver has to live in the ordinary passenger cabin .Western-style rooms accommodate four people each, and Japanese-style rooms accommodate six people each.If you want to live in a superior room, you must pay the difference separately. Xicheng reserved two berths in the stateroom.Because even if it is a state class, the occupancy of a Western-style room is two people. If you only book one berth, you have to share a room with someone else. , is simply unbearable.When the staff saw the reservation card, they immediately became attentive.

He bowed and said: "The sailing is about to start, please get on board, please be careful..." "thanks!" With a cigar in his mouth, Xi Cheng said in a dissatisfied voice, then put the car in gear and drove the car into the car deck in the belly of the ship. After Xicheng parked the car under the guidance of the staff on board, he got out of the car with a suitcase in his left hand and a windbreaker on his right arm.He looked at the wheels. There were anti-skid devices on the deck, so there was no need to put anti-skid wooden blocks under the wheels. When Xicheng came to the stairs, a waitress wearing a crew uniform, a cap, and a miniskirt bowed deeply to him.

Xicheng went up the stairs, passed through the C-floor cabin of the ordinary cabin, and came to the B-floor cabin.There is a hotel-like lobby on this floor. Xicheng walked to the main service desk, handed over the reservation card, and after filling out the boarding book, took the room key. The lobby is surrounded by restaurants, bars and lounges.There are many people who look like newlyweds. The room in Xicheng is in No. 12, cabin A on the top floor.After he entered the room, he looked out the window. There was no tall shelter outside the window, and the view was very wide. After reading, he drew the curtains.

There are two single beds in the room, and a sofa and coffee table are placed between the beds.There is also a television set, a telephone with landlines, and a bathroom. Xicheng sent him away with a tip to the waiter, and then took out a holstered pistol from the bottom of the suitcase.It was an American Tiger Beretta self-loading pistol; holstered and blanked with a pouch in which the suppressor was inserted. Xicheng took out a switch knife with ten special tools from his trouser pocket, pulled up one of the switch blades, and moved the TV and the large stereo radio underneath from the window, and then used the switch blade to remove the rear of the radio. The cover came off.

Westworld stuffed the pistol in the holster and the ammo pouch with the reserve magazine into the case, closed the back cover, and moved the radio back to its place. After Xicheng washed his face and hands with hot water in the hot tub, he left the room.At this time, the sailing announcement sounded, and the ferry slowly set sail. Xi Cheng went down the stairs and came to the lounge of the B-floor cabin. He found a high stool in the corner of the bar counter and sat down. He showed the room key and ordered a gin cocktail. Looking out from the ship window, you can clearly see the night view of the port.The ferry moved slowly out of the harbour, passing among heavy but powerful tugboats, nimble motorboats, and foreign freighters at anchor, and then picked up speed.

Xicheng ordered the bartender to make another gin cocktail, then lit a cigarette and started smoking.He was very disturbed.When he thought of the extremely dangerous task waiting for him in Kyushu, he felt uncomfortable in his stomach, and the hard lump in his stomach, which was almost relieved by the alcohol he drank just now, curled up tightly again.In the lounge, the faces of the couples of young lovers and newlyweds were all brimming with happiness.Sweet, sweet and friendly, laughter and laughter are endless.Seeing this, Xicheng felt more hatred than jealousy, and his face full of high-level hooliganism became more gloomy.

There are many coal mines in Kyushu, and it has always been a place where violent gangs are rampant.They extract oil and water by engaging in mediation and labor management of coal mine labor disputes.Some even seized coal mines for themselves after mastering the coal transportation industry in one hand. When cheap oil from the Middle East poured into Japan, the coal industry slumped.When various violent groups in Kyushu saw that there was no oil to extract from the coal mines, they extended their black hands to the cities headed by Hakata and the hot spring area headed by Beppu, fighting each other for territory and interests.

In the 39th year of the Showa era, before the Police Agency cracked down on gangs for the first time, the gangs in Kyushu had more than 700 organizations with nearly 20,000 members, and they were at their peak.Among these organizations are: the Yamano-gumi, a giant violent organization based in Kobe that attempts to dominate the country, and its subordinate organization, the Ishida-gumi; and the mob that attempts to curb the expansion of the Yamano-gumi, that is, the coalition of local violent groups headed by the Dashan-gumi. Since the 40th year of the Showa era, the police have cracked down on violent gangs vigorously.Most of the violent groups seem to be defeated, except for the Yamano group, almost all violent groups have announced their disbandment.

However, since the revision of the Japan-US security treaty in 1970, violent groups have fully resumed their activities. When the police persuaded the leaders and cadres of the violent gang to go to prison, they said: "Please be patient until the 70-year security treaty is renewed. When the revolutionary movement is on the rise, you will be released immediately, and let you form an anti-communist breakwater..." Sure enough, These people were all released from prison after 1970. They regained their strength and engaged in bloody battles for territory while extracting oil and water from the local residents. Kyushu is no exception. In addition to the past gambling, prostitution, terrorism, drug trafficking, transportation and handling, decency business and collection of businessmen's bodyguard fees, check mortgages and guarantees, debt collection, civil engineering contracting, etc. In addition, they have opened up some new ways of making money, such as closely colluding with large enterprises, providing them with labor, taking a percentage of labor fees, or being entrusted by large enterprises with large sums of money to destroy local residents' anti-pollution campaigns, etc. After sailing for more than an hour, the radio rang.The announcer reported: "The ferry is traveling at twenty knots, and has sailed out of the Uraga channel." The indicator light on the route map came on, pointing out the current location. The vehicles running on the city island on the shore looked like fireflies, and the lighthouse was blinking. Xicheng was moved by the scene and remembered some past events.He is a sailing enthusiast and often goes out to sail. He often passed by Huiyouhu Harbor in this sea area in the middle of the night to avoid storms.This sea area is the throat of the U.S. Seventh Fleet entering and exiting Yokosuka Port. I have encountered American gray warships and nuclear-powered aircraft carriers heading to the port under blackout many times, and was almost knocked over.Thinking of the scene where he was desperately fleeing with a flashlight on the sail, Xi Cheng couldn't help but smile wryly. Xicheng drank his third glass of wine, put the empty glass on the counter, and signed the bill. At this moment, he noticed a young girl looking at him in the corner on the other side of the counter. The girl looked about twenty-three or fourteen years old, with a delicate appearance, but her eyes full of autumn water seemed a bit melancholy.A vine-colored dress wraps her plump body. The bust, arms and waist are in sharp contrast with her waist. The hair is thick and dense, dyed a brownish color, and spreads over her shoulders in waves. When her gaze met Xicheng's, a smile appeared expectantly on her face, but she turned her head away immediately.She doesn't seem to have a partner by her side. Xi Cheng immediately walked towards her. "I'm sorry, if you don't mind, I want to have dinner with you... It's so boring to eat alone." Xicheng said with a wild smile. "Very happy, I'm alone too." The girl looked into Xicheng's eyes and said. So, Xi Cheng graciously took the girl's arm and walked towards the restaurant.I found a seat in the corner of the restaurant so as not to get too busy, and the two sat down facing each other. Xicheng first asked the waiter for champagne wine, and then said the alias used for this mission: "My name is Tashiro... Tashiro Kenji." Then he introduced his occupation in a serious manner: "I run hotels in Izu and Hakone, and I plan to open one in Kyushu this time, so I want to do some research first, and also take a look around." "Your status is really enviable. My name is Akiko Kiyoka, and I run a boutique in Nagasaki." The girl said.Her accent does have a bit of a Nagasaki accent. "Are you driving in Miyazaki? Where's your husband?" "I'm a leftover that no one wants." Akiko said softly, laughing like a silver bell. The two ate abalone, lobster, and steak, drank champagne and wine, and had dinner in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.Before I knew it, two and a half hours had passed.Akiko said that she was getting hot from drinking and wanted to go to the deck to enjoy the wind, so the two boarded the deck on the top of the A-floor cabin. The ferry sailed smoothly, and it was almost impossible to feel the shaking of the hull. The two leaned on the railing to the right and looked into the distance.In the distance, the snow-capped summit of Mount Fuji can be seen. Akiko's long hair was blown by the wind, sweeping across Xicheng's face with a charming fragrance from time to time, Xicheng couldn't help being shaken, stretched out his left hand without saying a word and gently gathered Akiko's long hair, and held Akiko's face with his right hand. around the waist. Akiko looked up at Xicheng in surprise, her delicate and ruddy mouth was slightly opened, revealing her pearly teeth.Xicheng kissed her lips without hesitation, and wrapped his right hand around her slender waist even more tightly. Akiko moaned, wrapping her arms around Xicheng's neck.The two kissed passionately. After a while, Akiko broke free and said out of breath, "Go to the room..." Xicheng gently picked up Akiko, kissed Akiko's lips, and walked towards the stairs.Akiko closed her eyes tightly, her eyelids trembling slightly. When entering cabin A, a middle-aged male attendant blocked the way. "You..." He stared at Xicheng. "My wife is drunk, please open the door for me." Xi Cheng raised his head and said with a wry smile. After the waiter opened the door, Xicheng carried Akiko into his room, put Akiko gently on a bed, and then drew the curtain in front of the bed. "Thank you. You're not a child, are you?" Xicheng stuffed a five thousand yuan bill into the waiter's hand. "If you call, I'll bring breakfast to your room." The waiter left knowingly after speaking. Xicheng took off his clothes in three steps and five times, and opened the curtain in front of the bed to see that Akiko was covering her blushing face with her hands. ... At about nine o'clock the next night, the ferry arrived at Hyuga Port in Miyazaki City.Before this, Akiko and Xi Cheng had been spending time in the room inseparably. "If there is a destiny, we will meet again." Xicheng bid farewell to Akiko. After seeing Akiko off, he returned to the room and took out the pistol and ammo pouch from the casing of the stereo.The gun holster was worn on the trouser belt and fastened to the lower waist, and the ammo pouch was tied on the left leg. After paying the bill at the main service desk, Xicheng went to the deck cabin where the car was parked.At this time, most of the cars had disembarked through the front doors.Xicheng's Jialan GTO sports car was the last to board the ship, and it was also the last one to disembark. Xicheng drove the car ashore and parked beside the warm rock wall.He remembered that Akiko had said that her car was a Little Sun, but he couldn't find it after searching for a while, and it seemed that she had already left. Xicheng drove on National Highway No. 10 and headed for Beppu.He feels a little tired.National Highway No. 10 is very narrow. Like most national highways in Kyushu, there is only one lane for up and down traffic. Because of this, it is very suitable for the Jialan GTO sports car in Xicheng.This kind of car is small in size, excellent in overtaking acceleration, and the operation of the clutch at full speed is also very light. The car drove through a bend in the suburbs and entered a wider road, and Hyugatan could be seen on the right side of the road.Xicheng shifted to first and fifth gears and kept the speed at an average speed of 120 kilometers per hour.The announcement on the car radio said that 12 homicides occurred in Kitakyushu alone today.What a savage place. Take a shortcut through the industrial city of Nobeoka and into the mountains.Xicheng reduced the average speed to 80 kilometers and drove the car on the winding mountain road. Every time we turned a sharp corner, the wheel lift would emit blue smoke and make a sharp sound, and the pointer of the oil temperature gauge pointed to a place beyond 100 degrees. After passing through Oita City, Beppu Bay is on the right side of the road.It took more than two hours to get off the ferry, and finally arrived in the city of Beppu, which is full of neon lights.Xi Cheng stopped the car near the city hall. He decided to just go shopping on the main street tonight, so he walked along Rukawa Avenue towards Ginza Street, which connects Station Front Avenue and Shifumae Avenue.On both sides of the road, bars and nightclubs are next to each other, and every family is full of customers, which is very lively.Hordes of tourists roam the streets, looking for a place to spend the night, with pimps trailing behind them to drum up business. In the alley from the back street of Ginza to Ginza, there were three hooligans chatting against the wall. Seeing Xicheng approaching, they showed cruel smiles on their faces. The three of them blocked the way to Xicheng.On their collars, nickel badges gleamed. "Hey, Old Shi, what are you looking at here? If you keep poking around like a policeman, be careful not to get beaten!" said the hooligan in the middle. His face was marked by acne, and it was pitted like the surface of the moon. Xi Cheng stretched out his left arm and grabbed the man by the neckline, lifting him up.The secret investigator of the Metropolitan Police Department's Criminal Bureau, who is in charge of destroying gangs, can easily lift two such guys horizontally with one arm. The pockmarked face of the Gutian gangster who was hung up by the collar of Xicheng's collar soon swelled and turned purple.He grabbed Xicheng's left hand with his fingernails, and wanted to kick Xicheng's leg with his knee to relieve the pain. Xi Cheng's body dodged the man's knee, and he slammed twice with his empty right hand, crushing the bones of the gangster's left and right wrists. The people on the left and right sides of Liufan stood dumbfounded for a while, and then they suddenly came to their senses. They hurriedly took off their suits with badges pinned to their collars, and threw them on the ground. They wore a wide colorful belt around their waists. Inside was a dagger with a white sheath.They wanted to draw their daggers. With a sarcastic smile on the corner of Xi Cheng's mouth, he swung the hooligans hanging from his hands like a waterwheel, and the two were swept to the ground as soon as they pulled out their knives, and the daggers flew from their hands.The two rolled on the ground. Xicheng threw away the hooligan in his hand, and kicked each of the fallen two on the head, knocking them unconscious. The thrown hooligan lay on his back on the ground, sucking in gulps of air until his throat rang, and his protruding tongue swelled and turned purple. At this time, a pedestrian was about to walk into the alley, but when he saw this, he turned around and walked away as if nothing had happened, probably because he was afraid of getting into trouble. Xicheng picked up a dagger from the ground.The dagger was sharpened and smelled of clove oil. Xi Cheng pressed the dagger on the panting hooligan's neck, and said mockingly, "Sure enough, you are the ones who got beaten, right?" "If you dare to oppose the Ishida group under the Yamano group, you don't even think about leaving Beppu alive!" Although the hooligan was trembling, his mouth was still firm. "I'm a lone wolf. I don't know if the Ishida group is Shan Ye's death squad, but I'm not afraid at all," Xi Cheng said. "You... which group did you hire to grab the territory? Is it the Dashan group?" "Shut up!" Xi Cheng gently cut the skin of the hooligan's throat. The hooligan rolled his eyes and passed out.Xicheng searched his pockets, found out his driver's license, and knew his name was Shiro Shimizu. Xi Cheng broke the dagger with his foot, threw it away, and walked through the alley to Ginza Street.There are bars, nightclubs, and dance halls lined up on the street. There are several prostitutes soliciting customers, and hooligans are watching everywhere. Beppu City has a population of only 150,000, but it receives 10 million tourists every year.Last year alone, the police arrested 500 people related to prostitution and 200 people who made and sold obscene videos and nude photos. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Xicheng walked slowly, when a few pimps and people selling pornographic photos came up to answer the question, they all told Xicheng to send them away. "I'll come to you later if I'm interested." Xicheng said to those people, and then walked towards the avenue in front of the station. The situation on the avenue in front of the station is similar. Xicheng walked towards the station for a while, and when he turned left into Yintian Street, he saw a group of hooligans with Ishida-gumi badges pinned to their chests running murderously. With a short knife. It must be because of the beating of the three hooligans in the Ishida group just now, the entire Ishida group has been mobilized.Xicheng lowered his head and hurried into a bar with the sign of "Perfect Palace". The store is dimly lit, but quite spacious. In order to facilitate lovers' rendezvous, the backs of the sofas are all high, so that the head cannot be exposed when sitting, and the situation in other seats cannot be seen. The waiter guided Xi Cheng to an empty seat.At this time, two "sexy girls" wearing transparent blouses and super miniskirts walked over and sat down beside Xi Cheng, one on the left and one on the right.They wear false eyelashes that are two centimeters long. "Bring us a cocktail." The girl begged delicately. "Okay, two cocktails, let me have a beer." Xicheng said to the male waiter who brought the towel with a smile. After the waitress left, the two waitresses reported their names.Mimi with dyed blonde hair on the left and Emma on the right, both wearing nothing under miniskirts. "This store is so satisfying." Xicheng said with his arms around the two. At this time, the male waiter brought drinks.The big Mimi unbuttoned her clothes, exposing her breasts, then hugged Xi Cheng's head and pressed on her breasts. "Hey, give me some pocket money." Mimi said softly. "Me too," said Emma sweetly. "I know, I know." Xi Cheng let go of the two of them, wiped his hands with a towel, then took out three pills from his thick wallet, put them in his mouth, and fed them into his stomach with the taste wine. Then, a 5,000-yen bill was given to each person.The girls hurriedly called the waiter to change their towels, and Emma sat on Xicheng's lap, while Mimi kissed Xicheng's neck. At this time, Xicheng had no intention of fooling around with these two waitresses at all, he remembered the matter of the Ishida group. It used to be the Iguchi group, which controls the city council, that ruled Beppu's nightlife.However, the gangsters in the Shenshen area who come and go freely on the Beppu route are very unwilling to let the Iguchi group monopolize the oil and water. After the war, when the tendency of the underworld to prey on the weak became increasingly obvious, the Kobayashi group in Kobe took the lead in breaking into Beppu. The Iguchi group resisted desperately. As a result, the Kobayashi group severely injured the leader of the Iguchi group. As a result, Kobayashi was pursued by the police and had to withdraw to Kobe. In Showa 30, Ishida, the former death captain of the Kobayashi group who was imprisoned for injuring the leader of the Iguchi group, was released from prison and challenged the Iguchi group again. Ishida established the Ishida Group in Beppu, and took away the sites of the Jingguchi Group one by one. The Jingguchi Group was cornered, so they shot Ishida. Kill the parallel port group. The main leader of the Iguchi group was finally killed by the Ishida group, and was completely defeated by it. Then the Ishida group mercilessly wiped out the Xiao Zhang group based in Oita City. In Showa 33, after the Ishida Group captured Oita City, he worshiped under the third-generation leader of the most powerful Yamano Group in the country and became a direct member of the group. After the Ishida Group and its backstage Yamano Group conquered East Kyushu and Southern Kyushu, the next target of their attack is, of course, Hakata, the largest consumer city in Kyushu. In response to the conspiracy of the Ishida-Yamano group, the various violent groups in Chikuho united around the Oyama group and established the Eryehui. In the end, even the violent groups in Kyushu City also joined the Chikuho Defense Coalition. In the 37th year of the Showa era, the Ishida-Yamano Group and the Chikuho Allied Forces each assembled hundreds of combatants with weapons in Hakata City. Just as they were about to fight, nearly four armed policemen from Fugang County surrounded them. Obviously, in this case, if the two sides continue to fight, both sides will suffer a devastating blow. They quickly reconciled on the surface, and the mountain and field coalition forces withdrew from Bofeng in order to preserve their strength. However, Yamano Kuni, who wanted to dominate the country in vain, did not give up their ambition to conquer Chiufeng. In Showa 38, the Yamano Group took the lead with the Ishida Group and acquired Nozaki and Hakata after Southern Kyushu. On the eve of the police's crackdown on gangsters in the 40th year of Showa, they went to Kitakyushu and Hakata to be second only to Yamano Kuni; with Kobe The Futaba Society allied with Kidakai launched a fierce attack... Today, when violent groups that were disbanded in name have been revived one after another, the Yamano Group operates in as many as 33 prefectures and counties, with 450 groups and 10,000 members. Among them, after the resurrection of the Ishida Group directly under the Yamano Group, which was disbanded in name during the first crackdown, the scope of activities has spread almost all over Kyushu. However, despite this, they have not completely controlled the situation in some areas, and the Chikuho coalition forces are still stubbornly resisting the Ishida group. However, the talented Ishida-gumi is still an organization not to be underestimated.For example, a few months ago, when the acting team leader Zhujing, who was known for his cruelty, came out of Guanqiao Prison, more than 200 leaders of the Shanye Team drove limousines from all over the country to the prison gate to greet him. The jet took Takei from Haneda to Itami Airport, and from the airport he was taken by car to Kobe, the base of the Yamano-gumi, where he rented a hotel and held a grand welcome party.At the meeting, in the name of security personnel, but in fact to show off the strength of the Yamano group and the Ishida group, 300 thugs from the Yamano clan were assembled. On the third day, the group flew to Beppu in five chartered propeller transport planes, where a grand welcome party was also held.Witnessing the strength of the Yamano group, Eryehui seemed frightened... At this time, two men came into the store, with bronze badges pinned to their collars indicating the little boss. The two grabbed the hair of the men in each seat one by one, made them lift up, and looked carefully, hoping to find Xicheng from among them. At this time, Xicheng still didn't want to use the American Tiger Beretta pistol strapped to his waist.He put his lips on Mimi, made her close her eyes, and took out a special switch knife from the inside pocket of his jacket and hid it under his leg. The two came to Xicheng's side. At this time, Emma, ​​who was riding on Xicheng's legs, was exhausted. Xicheng deliberately buried his face on Mimi's chest.The two men roughly grabbed Xi Cheng's hair and pulled it. "It hurts me to death!" Xicheng said against Mimi's chest. "Let's see your face," said one of them viciously. Xicheng stretched his right hand under his right leg, holding the special switch knife, and pressed the button to open the awl knife with his thumb. While raising his head, his right hand pulled out the knife from under his leg, and when he pressed the awl knife switch, a thin and thin two-edged awl flew out. The awl pierced the hearts of the two people who were bending over. The awl was too sharp, and the two of them didn't seem to feel the stabbing in the heart for a moment, just like after being cut by a sharp razor, they didn't feel the pain for a while. The two immediately stood up straight. "What are you doing? Put the toys away." The man on the right sneered. "Let me show you the real guy." The man on the left pulled out a 30-centimeter-long short knife from his wide belt, and the man on the right pulled out a 38-caliber Browning automatic pistol from his shoulder holster. Mimi was so frightened that she was about to shout, but Xi Cheng hit the carotid artery with the switch knife that retracted the blade and passed out. Emma was also frightened. "Boy! How dare you kill me..." the man on the right panted, suddenly, he leaned over, knelt on the ground with one leg, and then fell to the ground and convulsed.It was only at this time that the stabbing in the heart started to hurt. Just as the man on the left was about to stab him with a dagger, he also fell down suddenly. Xicheng pushed Emma away, picked up the Browning pistol from the ground, put it in his coat pocket, and put the switch knife in his trousers pocket, then stood up and walked towards the toll booth. Behind her, Emma suddenly screamed, and some customers who hadn't pulled up their trousers stood up and shouted. Xicheng said to the manager and the waiters who were blocking the way viciously: "Those two people seem to have a myocardial infarction, go and call an ambulance." "Stop! You can't run away. What have you done to them?" shouted the manager. "What are you shouting for!" Xi Cheng kicked the manager in the crotch. The manager's testicles were kicked to pieces, causing him to fall on his back with his hands covering his crotch, foaming from his mouth and convulsing. When Xicheng walked over his body, his ribs could not bear the weight of 80 kilograms, and they made a sound of breaking.The male waiters hurriedly scattered left and right. The girl in the cloakroom handed over Xicheng's windbreaker tremblingly. "Thank you!" Xi Cheng greeted and walked out of the shop. He walked quickly into the alley, and took out the magazine from the magazine chamber of the Browning pistol handle. From the inspection hole of the magazine, he could see that six rounds of 38-caliber bullets were loaded in it.Gently pulled the bolt of the gun and saw that there was a bullet in the chamber. Xicheng put the magazine into the magazine room, looked around, and saw a pimp in the alley who was so frightened that he couldn't stand still, his mouth was clicking like a goldfish deprived of oxygen. The windbreaker in Xicheng is a solid and authentic "Berberry" brand windbreaker.There are two layers of windbreaker pockets, one is a real pocket, and the other is an empty fake pocket. You can directly touch the jacket and trousers pockets when you put your hand in. Xicheng put the right hand holding the Browning pistol into the fake pocket, and walked towards the place where his car was parked. When Xicheng was about to reach Ruchuan Avenue, the footsteps of several people came from behind.Those people ran and yelled. "Here he is!" "kill him!" Xicheng jumped aside.In a fast food restaurant, under the eaves stood a guy selling pornographic photos. Xi Cheng strangled him with his left arm behind his back, and turned his body to the chasing hooligans. What came after them were the two little bosses wearing the bronze badges of the Ishida-gumi, and the two little hooligans with nickel badges. The two with bronze badges were holding pistols, the two with nickel badges were brandishing short knives. The four stopped suddenly when they were 30 meters away from Xicheng, and stood side by side. Xicheng used the woman's body in the pornographic photo as a shield, and his right hand came out from under the windbreaker. 38 caliber Browning automatic pistol. As soon as he opened the safety, he fired a shot based on his intuition, because he hadn't tested it yet. Instead of using the front sight and the rear sight to aim, he might as well rely on the feeling of his right hand to balance the pistol, so that the shooting effect will be better. Westside's long shooting experience played a role. Among the four, the little leader holding Tokarev's pistol, the second from the left, threw away his self-loading pistol, covered his heart with his hands and fell down. The two little hooligans screamed and waved their short knives indiscriminately, turned and fled.The remaining little leader shouted anxiously: "Stop! Don't run! Be careful to peel your skin!" With a horrible expression on his face, he held the Nagant revolver and put it away indiscriminately. The sound of gunfire shook the night market.However, that guy's marksmanship is really terrible. The fired 7.6mm bullets were sucked by the night sky in vain, not to mention that some bullets even hit his own feet. After all, Jing is a hooligan without formal training, and the way to hold a gun is too lame. Xi Cheng smiled coldly, picked up the gun and fired the second bullet, and the bullet casing jumped straight out. The man was hit in the throat by a 38-caliber bullet and fell spinning like a top.Blood spurted not only from the throat, but also from the mouth. The pornographic photo dealer who was acting as a shield in Xicheng was so frightened that he peed on his crotch and passed out. Xicheng put him down on the road, and felt through his clothes to see if he had a weapon on him.Then he walked towards the two little bosses who fell on the ground, and the other two little hooligans had already escaped.Nearby shops all turned off their lights or drew thick curtains.The person who was hit in the center was covered in blood from the stomach down, and seemed to have no strength to pick up the Tokarev pistol and fight back. Seeing Xicheng approaching, he looked at Xicheng like a dog about to be beaten. "Excuse me!" he gasped. "Where did the prestige just now go?" Xicheng picked up Katolev. It was a 7.62 caliber Lacian YY33, which was made in the Soviet Union just like the 7.62 caliber Nagant revolver held by the corpse. Xicheng tore the Nagant pistol from the dead body, searched the dead body's pockets again, found the ammunition bag and opened it. It contained about 50 rounds of 7.62 caliber bullets. Xicheng took a look at the steel seal on the bottom of the shell and knew that the bullet was made in 1965.The Nagant revolver is a gun designed in the 19th century. There were many bullets in Japan before the war, but the bullets made in the 1960s are indeed rare in Japan, and they are generally seized from foreign spies. West City searched the pockets of the man who was shot in the stomach.The Tokarev bullets in his ammo pouch are also from the 60s. "You two are holding such a rare thing, where did you get it?" Xi Cheng asked. From the ID card of the Ishida group found in his pocket, he learned that his name was Lin Gu. "It's the one with hair--who are you? Are you a thug hired by the Dashan Group?" Lin Gu asked with a groan. "Who I am has nothing to do with you. Let me ask you, where did the Ishida group get this Soviet-made pistol and bullets?" "How do I know? - Kill me quickly, give me a good time! I won't let you go even if I turn into a ghost." Lin Gu panted. "Really? Well, then I'll make it happen for you." Xicheng pointed the 38-caliber Bochening gun at Lin Gu's eyebrows. Lin Gu rolled his eyes and lost consciousness. Xicheng smiled wryly, unloaded the Browning pistol that was running out of bullets and threw it away. Even if the county police department finds the fingerprints from it, they are not afraid. When they take the fingerprints to the police department, the department will inform them of the fake experience in Xicheng prepared in advance. The alias Nishijo used in this mission was Tashiro Kenji. Of course, the same is true on the driver's license.Tashiro's name is also recorded on the vehicle inspection certificate of the Colt Garland GTO. Xicheng pulled out the Nagant pistol from his waist belt. Since the gun was single-action, he used his thumb to pull the hammer away. This pistol has a seven-round, rotary magazine, which is rotated by a unique gas-sealed body, and the chamber turned to the barrel position is closely integrated with the rear end of the fuselage. This Nagant pistol is of the sporting type.There is an adjustable sight on it. When the shooting distance is 50 meters, no matter whether it is the front sight or the rear sight, the average point of impact can move about 33 centimeters for every millimeter of movement. The up, down, left, and right movements are performed by the rear sight and front sight respectively.There was a large blue plastic trash can in the corner of the alley about 25 meters away. Xicheng raised his gun and aimed at the trash can. After a gunshot, a bullet hole appeared on the garbage can, and the impact point was about 20 cm away from the upper right, and the garbage behind the bullet hole splashed. The second bullet hit almost the same place, so Nishijo used a ten-yen coin to turn the revolving wheel of the rear sight to raise it by one millimeter, then picked up the barrel of the Browning pistol that had been lost and used it as a hammer, The front sight is tapped a millimeter or so to the right. Then a third test shot was conducted.This time it hit where it was aimed, and the trash can shattered. Xicheng opened the magazine cover on the right side of the gun body, pulled out the clip, reloaded the bullet, and then proceeded to Tokarev's test firing. Both the front sight and the rear sight of this gun are fixed. Through test shooting, Xicheng found that the impact point of this pistol was 10 centimeters lower at 25 meters, and 26 centimeters lower at 50 meters. At this time, the siren of a police car was heard in the distance.Xicheng held a pistol in each hand and put it in the left and right pockets of the windbreaker, and continued to walk towards his car. As soon as they walked onto Rukawa Boulevard, some hooligans hurried into the alleys or side streets to hide. Dozens of curious tourists who were attracted by the gunfire lay down on the sidewalk with their heads in their hands. Xicheng crossed Ruchuan Avenue and arrived at the side of the city hall. He found a little hooligan following him and was hiding behind the truck, so he took out a Nagant pistol from his pocket and pointed it at the man. He screamed in fright and rolled and crawled. escaped. Xi Cheng sat in his Jialan GTO sports car and put two pistols on the assistant seat beside him. As for the American Tiger Beretta pistol hidden behind his back, he didn't want to use it yet. 一打马达,发动机便咆哮起来,因为没有功夫加温,所以西城立即开动了车子。 首先驱车驶向别府市南郊的朝见神社。油压表的指针仍指着高的位置,油温表的指针还没上来,发动机内的润滑油还没有完全进入转动部位,所以西城控制着车速。 当开到神社附近向右拐弯的时候,油压和油温已经正常,西城开着车在狭窄弯曲的道路上朝着快乐天地的缆车乘坐口猛跑。 经过缆车乘坐口后,道路稍稍宽敞了一些,来到温泉水源丰富的鹤见地狱温泉附近后,西城驱车驶上左边西侧的道路。 过了堀田温泉汽车便驶上了横贯九州的干道公路,这条道路也是蜿蜒曲折的山间公路,但这样的公路对GTO这种小型的汽车来说是很有利的。 透过路左边的杉树间隙,可以看到别府的夜景。不知道后面有没有车银踪,不过,大概不会有车能追上西城的车。 西城进入了距市政府十多公里的奥别府城岛高原,由于在夜晚着不清楚,周围是一片具有平缓斜坡的大草原。 西城驱车驶离了横贯九州的干道公路,向左上了通往志高湖的公路。在湖边有个城岛湖滨饭店,西城已经在那里订好了房间。 西城将跑车开进饭店的五层大楼旁的停车场,左手提着皮箱向门内大厅走去。 一个男招待跑了过来,接过皮箱,因皮箱太重了,走起路来东摇西晃的。西城风衣的口袋里放着从石田组缴来的两支手枪。 在总服务台,西城自称田代。“我们已经为您准备好了房间,请!”女招待递上住宿卡。 男招待将西城带到407室,从窗户可以俯瞰湖面。西城将500日元钞票塞进男招待手里。 “谢谢……晚餐您吃点什么?餐厅已经关门了,不过如果是日本菜的话,我们准备得有,我可以送到房间里来。”男招待说。 “做吧,那就拜托了,还有,再要三简酒。”西城回答。 “知道了。”男招待离去。 西城将门锁上,从风衣口袋中掏出两支手枪塞进枕头底下,贝莱塔仍插在背后,他将皮箱放在行李架子上,关掉电灯,然后观察了一下饭店的后院和湖边一带,好像没有可疑的人在活动。 他将窗帘和百叶帘放下后,才又打开电灯。当他吸完三支烟时,有人敲门。 西城走到门边,钻进了门边的浴室。 “是谁?”他问。 “我送晚餐来了。”刚才那个男招待在走廊上回答。 西城开了门,男招待推着小车进来。 很快,桌子上摆满了丰盛的晚餐。有装在青竹简内的青酒、鱼子酱、松浦泡菜,青竹醋烧香鱼、清蒸鳗鱼、荞面、沙丁鱼丸、城下咖哩河豚、尚未泡茶的大酱鱼茶饭等。 男招待走后,西城将上衣脱了,从容不迫地品尝着大分县的地方风味,他觉得起码享用美味佳肴时,应该忘掉自己的血淋淋的工作。 三简酒下肚,他还想喝,但职业意识还是克服了这种欲望。 吃完晚餐,西城在衬衣上套上睡衣把男招待叫来,让他收拾了桌子,然后将门锁好,又把皮箱和沙发垫放在床上,摆出有人在睡觉的模样,又从枕头底下抽出两支手枪,然后在沙发背后仰面躺下,关灭了电灯。 过了两个小时,西城迷迷忽忽地打着盹,只有头脑的一角还保持着清醒。 一阵轻轻地敲门声使西城完全醒来。他在沙发背后坐起,等待着。 敲门声继续着,门外有个女人在悄悄地说道:“开开门,求求您……” 西城思索了片刻,将床头的小台灯打开,握着手抢走到门边,一打开门便将两手藏到背后。 进来的是一位美艳惊人的女郎,她很年轻,穿着睡衣,长长的黑头发波浪般地披下。 “怎么啦?”西城边问边用背把门关上,手在背后锁上门,尽量不让那女人看见手枪。 年轻女郎眼里含着泪水,“对不起……我是来新婚旅行的,可是我受不了丈夫的虐待,结婚前想也没想到,他竞是个变态极严重的人。我好不容易才逃出房间。请你把我藏起来,现在他一定拼命在寻找我。”她喘着气说道。 “哦,好吧,进里面去慢慢谈吧。” 西城用胸脯推着,叫她往床边走。那女郎退到床边,一看床上的伪装,便说:“这,这是干什么?” “没什么可大惊小怪的吧?你叫什么?” “我叫令子……我怕,你想把我怎么样?”那女郎眼角斜吊起。 “你用这么一套鬼话就想钻进我的房间来?快把衣服脱了!”西城拿出两把手枪给令子看。然后把皮箱和沙发垫等丢到地板上。 “脱了衣服上床去!然后,发出跟我寻欢作乐的声音,你要轻举妄动,我就在你身上打出无数洞眼来。”西城命令说。 令子战战兢兢地脱光衣服,露出了成熟的身体,怎么看也不像是处女。这一下西城心里完全明白了。
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