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an emotion stronger than fear

an emotion stronger than fear


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 140267

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Chapter 1 wedge

At 3 am on January 23, 1966, Mumbai Airport.The last passengers to board Air India Flight 101 are crossing the tarmac to step up the gangway of the Boeing 707.In the empty terminal, there were two men standing side by side facing the glass window. "What's in the envelope?" "It's better that you don't know." "Who am I going to give it to?" "When you are in transit in Geneva, you go to the bar and sit at the bar, and a man will come and buy you a glass of gin and tonic." "Sir, I don't drink." "Then you just look at the glass. This man will call himself Arnold Knopf. Then just remember to be cautious, but I know you have a talent for this."

"I don't like it when you use me to do some messy little things." "Do you think it is a trifle, my dear Adesh?" There was no warmth in George Ashton's voice. "You can think what you want, but after this trip, we will settle the matter, and you will never let me use my identity as an Indian diplomat to do your personal affairs for you." "It's up to me to decide when we settle the dispute. By the way, what I asked you to do is not a personal matter. Come on, don't miss the flight, and I will be the one who will be punished if you start late. You look at me Not feeling well, take a break on the way. In a few days, you will be attending the United Nations General Assembly in New York. You are lucky, I have had enough of your food. Sometimes I dream that I am in McGrady Hot dogs on Johnson Avenue. Try one for me when you get there."

"Sir, I don't eat pork." "Adesh, you are really annoying, but well, have a good trip." Adesh Shamar was ultimately unable to meet the man at the Geneva airport.The plane took off at 3am after stopping in Delhi and Beirut.One of the two radio navigation devices on board failed. At 6:58:54, the captain received an order from the ground control center in Geneva to lower the flight altitude to level 190 after crossing Mont Blanc. At 7:00:43, Captain De Souza informed the control center that the plane had crossed the Alps and was preparing to land in Geneva.The commander immediately informed him that the position was wrong, and the plane was still 5,000 meters above the mountains. At 7:01:06, the captain sent a "received" message to the control center.

At 7:02:00 on January 24, 1966, Air India Flight 101 became a fixed dot on the radar screen and disappeared a minute later. The Boeing 707 aircraft named "Kangchenjunga" crashed into the rock wall of Mount Turna at an impact height of 4,670 meters.None of the 11 crew members and 106 passengers on board survived. Sixteen years later, another Air India plane, the Malabar Princess, went down on Mont Blanc, also at the same spot.
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