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Chapter 25 Section 24: Unique recruitment model

Unique recruitment model Breaking the rules can be anytime and anywhere, Cooliris is a typical example. Cooliris is a young company that provides 3D web browsing, which transforms the ordinary flat web pages we see online into three-dimensional effects, so that browsing speed is faster and the visual experience is more direct.The image is stretched out in front of you, as if viewing it in a gallery. Cooliris was founded by two Stanford students, Josh Schwarzapel and Austin Shoemaker, and veteran entrepreneur Souyanja Bhumkar.Although the company received a small investment, it took a lot of effort to recruit.They couldn't realize their product development ambitions without being able to assemble a group of talented people.In order to recruit the right candidates, they intend to take a different approach.

Recruiting was handled by Josh, who tried all the traditional recruiting channels when he first came up, including posting job information on recruitment websites and forums, advertising on social networking sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook, and even hired professional headhunters.But none of this worked.In the end, they re-examined the whole recruiting situation and decided to throw away those conventional recruiting channels.Instead of trying to convince talented young people to join the company, they have focused on making Cooliris an attractive company that students can ask to join on their own.They want to make Cooliris the coolest "party" in town.To that end, they hold special events for students, have a brightly decorated recruiting booth, display products on large plasma screens, and give out sunglasses to everyone who visits the booth.

Additionally, they hired Stanford students Jonah Greenberg and Matt Wahl as interns.The job of the two interns is to promote Cooliris on the Stanford campus and try to find the best students, regardless of age and major.Well-connected and well-informed, Jonah and Matt spread the word about Cooliris among their social circles. They said it was cool to work in Cooliris, and it turned out that Cooliris was a cool place. Now that resumes are pouring in, which student should you hire? Instead of going through a rigorous resume screening process, Cooliris decided not to make a selection and hire almost everyone who submitted a resume—but they had to start with interns.In this way, Cooliris can observe everyone's work situation, and the intern students can also have a preliminary understanding and experience of working in this company.Interns at Cooliris not only conduct product testing, but also take the initiative to promote the company, introduce friends to intern or purchase products. The method adopted by Cooliris not only solves the problem of recruitment, but also injects vitality into the company's business development.

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