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Chapter 23 Chapter 22: The Craziest Letter of Recommendation in History (2)

John needs somewhere to go so he doesn't have to spend the night in a bus stop toilet.He has to find a job in a big company so he doesn't get fired on his first day because of alcoholism and a sexual preference for babes. People who have a sexual preference for babes are very original and independent.In fact, John was so independent in his mind that he had no mind at all. This guy will do anything for a drink, he's even willing to work. Now that Stig is out of jail, I figured his parole officer would be happy to see a school look after him for a while.John was a great boss in the Hells Angels (the motorcycle gang, which was a gangster organization), and all the boys I knew in there thought he would definitely be a good white-collar criminal.

Of all the people I found passed out on the floor in the back of the bus, this guy was the best. My overall impression of John is that he's actually not as good as I say he is.Get me out and I can go to Chicago instead of him. Buford T. Morton, #335342 walla walla federal prison Walla Walla, Washington When John came in for an interview, everyone in the office was peeping through the door to see who the hell was going to be able to submit that kind of crazy application.John, however, was courteous and well-mannered throughout the interview process and was accepted.
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