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Chapter 21 Chapter 20: Turn all bad ideas into good ones (2)

Then I distributed the "worst" plan, and each group got a plan that the other group thought was the worst.I ask them to turn their "worst possible" idea into a good idea that works.They start looking at the horrendous proposal they've been sent, and soon, they discover that it's actually not that bad.In fact, they often feel that the bad plan they got is a great plan. They often observe and think about it for a while, and then someone says, "Oh, this idea is great." When a public utility unit was doing this exercise, a group proposed a "worst" energy-saving solution, which was to implement energy quotas in the unit, and to pay more for the usage exceeding the quota.They thought the idea was silly.However, after the proposal was passed on to another group, it was modified into an idea worth considering.In the new modified program, they really put a limit on each employee.If you don’t use the quota, you can get your money back. If you use too much, you have to pay for the excess.Employees can also resell their energy allowances to co-workers, thereby incentivizing co-workers to conserve energy.

I also did exercises for the Stanford folks who were in charge of theatrical performances.One set of challenges was how to increase the attendance rate. The "worst" solution they came up with was to hold amateur performances by the school's personnel.It's obviously the exact opposite of what's happening right now - they're currently inviting top talent from all over the world to perform.However, another group that took over this "bad solution" completely reversed their method of operation.They branched out a bit, proposing to build on the original proposal by hosting a major fundraising event that would bring faculty and staff from across the university to a show.In this way, not only can it attract a large number of people who usually do not watch cultural performances, but it will also help expand the popularity of the group itself.

When it comes to the worst business ideas, people can tell a whole lot.One group proposed selling three-point swimsuits in Antarctica, another proposed a restaurant serving cockroach sushi, and another proposed a heart disease museum.When switching exercises, every bad idea becomes a very interesting idea, a good idea worth thinking about and using.For example, the group that received the conversion challenge task of "sell three-point swimsuits in Antarctica" played a resounding slogan "wear bikinis even if you die".Their idea is to organize a trip to Antarctica for people who want to lose weight.By the time they reach the finish line after a grueling trek, they'll be able to shed some weight and slip into the bikini of their dreams.The group selling cockroach sushi proposes to open a restaurant called "Song of Cockroach", using unconventional nutritional ingredients to make all kinds of exotic sushi, and the target customer group is the adventurous and adventurous diners.The group that challenged the creation of the Cardiology Museum took the original proposal as a starting point and developed it into a museum focused on health and preventive medicine.

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