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Chapter 8 Chapter 7: Life is an open-book exam (1)

Life is an open book exam Some of the claims made here run counter to what is taught in the traditional education system.In fact, the rules that apply in school and in real society are completely different.When we leave the campus and step into the society, such a gap will make us feel stressed.How to gracefully cross this gap and successfully deal with the challenges from the real society is undoubtedly a very difficult thing, but as long as we adopt the correct way of thinking and methods, we can succeed. In schools, students are often treated as separate individuals, competing with each other.This is not only easy to cause pressure, but also does not conform to the laws of organizational operation.And outside of school, you often have to work with the whole team, everyone has a common goal, and when you are successful, others are also successful.In the real business world, many large teams are composed of small teams whose goal is to make everyone successful.

Instilling all kinds of information into students' minds is the main job of teachers, which is a very typical phenomenon in schools.As a student, you are sitting in the classroom with the door closed, the chair is fixed on the floor, staring straight ahead, taking notes in a hurry, reading the passages selected by the teacher in the book in order to pass the test that will soon be held, Finding a way to digest the knowledge inside is your homework.This is the complete opposite of life after graduation.After school, you are your own teacher, deciding what you need to know, where to find information, and how to get hold of it.

In fact, real life is an open-book exam, and the door to life is always open to provide you with endless resources to help you deal with endless questions about family, friends, and the world around you.Carlos Vignolo, a famous professor at the University of Chile, strongly advises us to choose the worst teacher when we are in school, so that when you leave school without a good teacher to guide you, you yourself Can handle it. In addition, in school, teachers often give students some multiple-choice questions, and there is only one correct answer. In order to get a high score, you must carefully paint the answer sheet with a 2B pencil.On the contrary, in society, there are usually many correct answers to a question, depending on how you look at the problem.More importantly, at this time failure will also become a valuable asset.Failure is an important part of progress in life, and progress itself is a process of constantly finding ways from failure.Everyone has to experience some setbacks and ups and downs in their life, and the key to success lies in whether you can learn lessons from failures, apply them to your future life, use these knowledge to gradually improve yourself, and keep moving forward.

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