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meet the unknown self

meet the unknown self


  • social psychology

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 35693

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Chapter 1 about the author

meet the unknown self 张德芬 745Words 2018-03-18
Zhang Defen, a former well-known TV anchorwoman, has an MBA from the University of California. Beginning in 2002, she was inspired and guided, quit her high-paying job, concentrated on studying various spiritual growth courses and psychotherapy methods, and learned a lot about spirituality and personal growth. In June 2007, the first novel about physical and spiritual growth was published in Taiwan. It was listed in the best-seller list of major bookstores in Taiwan, and the response from readers was unprecedentedly enthusiastic.Translations of "Meet Yourself Who Makes Your Dreams Come True" and "New World: Awakening of Spirituality" have also been published.

There are no outsiders outside, only yourself * Zhuang Shufen, CEO of Ogilvy Marketing Communications Group China From a glamorous TV news anchor to a spiritual practitioner who has gone through mountains and rivers to pursue the truth of herself, Zhang Defen has mastered the theory and practice, and conveyed her heartbeat through a vivid fable with simple storytelling skills. After reading it, I now have a powerful idea of ​​"preaching, teaching, and dispelling confusion". Deja vu stories, as long as you observe them quietly, are mechanically performed day after day around our lives.The journey of life seems to be complicated and chaotic, but it is only a lifelong experience of a solitary person when you are in it. Isn’t the glimpse along the way not for the achievement of our inner richness or barrenness?

There is a good sentence in this book, which also echoes my long-standing belief-"My dear, there is no one else outside, only myself".Life comes and goes without a trace, unpredictable and elusive.No matter you are in the fast running stage of striving for the top, or the hesitant moment of slowing down when encountering life changes, or the moment of hesitation when you see all the splendor of thousands of mountains and rivers, and face the joys and sorrows, you can only hold on to your heart and With a mentality of cherishing blessings and being grateful, all the truth will be automatically restored and revealed.

This is a "modern mind-training book" that is easy to read, easy to use and easy to learn.The eloquent, intelligent and shrewd "Zhangqian anchor", the ruthless years have not faded away her talent and appearance, reading her articles is like seeing her (I can testify from nearby Beijing-she is still as beautiful as ever) ), all the way to practice with good intentions, just between the lines of selfless dedication, communicate with all beings. There is no one else outside, only yourself——Zhang Defen, who has devoted himself to making breakthroughs, once again released infinite tension of doing good to the outside world with his rock-solid belief!

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