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life plan 格莱恩·布兰德 4926Words 2018-03-18
Unless you live 700 to 800 years, you can afford to spend 300 to 400 years of your life doing meaningless things! You still have enough time left to change your life and become happy and successful.Not so! From the moment you take your first breath of air, you start a personal race against time.The average human life expectancy is about 73 years, which is not a very long time.You are running out of time! Time is like a precious jewel, it must be guarded and worn discreetly, or you suddenly realize it has been stolen.As every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year becomes history, they are gone forever.Once time is lost, they can never come back.Time is your most precious asset, and the way you use it determines whether you increase your wealth or stay where it is.If you use your time wisely and pay attention to it, you will have a lot in your life.But if you ignore time, it will ignore you.Every day is very important to you because every day you are giving your life in exchange.You have as much time as Rockefeller or Morgan or Ford had when they started amassing their vast fortunes; as much time as Einstein had when he made his great discoveries about our universe you have as much time as Edison had when he invented the light bulb; each of us has as much time as Tolstoy had when he wrote

as much time as we have; each of us has as much time as coach Vinci Lombardi has when he leads his team to three world championships.I recently heard Livlander Bob Richards, a former Olympic pole vault champion -- say that since he was 13 years old, he has spent more than 10,000 hours practicing pole vault.If you put in 10,000 hours at something, you can do it really well, no matter what it is.Richards put in time and work for himself and became a world-renowned athlete. An article in Reader's Digest reveals how Henry Keizer found the extra time to succeed.The article said, "Henry Kaiser is the most time-conscious person in the world. Even the 5 hours of sleep he assigns to himself is used to create value. This is regarded as 'time to think about ideas'. In Next to his bed, he always kept a notebook and a pencil."

The news media is curious about former President Lyndon B. Johnson's skillful use of time and tremendous drive and enthusiasm in his work.He gets up on time at six-thirty every morning and works until ten or eleven every night.Working 14 hours a day is not uncommon in his life.Through the judicious use of his time, he accomplished almost twice as much work in a day as the average person who worked eight hours a day.Now, who has any doubts about his becoming a president, or a successful businessman? The proper use of time is one of the most important keys to a happy, successful and balanced life.You must learn to worship God when it is time to worship God, to work when it is time to work, to learn when it is time to study, and to play when it is time to play.You must allocate sufficient time in your plan to each of the four areas: spiritual, financial, educational, and recreational.This creates a balance between the important things.Every waking moment of your life, you should be actively engaged in accomplishing all goals in these four domains.By using your time in an organized and creative way, you can accomplish your goals in business and in the areas of your private life, while still leaving time for entertainment, or development and family and friends The relationship between.Time control is not a constraint on your activities, but a freedom to do everything your heart desires to do.Only those who plan and control their own time are truly free.All others are mere slaves, subject to mediocre standards.The writer of Ecclesiastes understood the importance of proper timing: "There is a time for everything, and a time for everything under heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pull up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal ;a time to tear down, a time to build; a time to cry, a time to laugh; a time to mourn, a time to dance; a time to throw stones, a time to gather stones; a time to embrace, a time not to embrace; a time to seek, a time to lose; a time to keep, a time to let go; a time to tear a time to sew; a time to be silent, a time to speak; a time to love, a time to hate; a time to fight, and a time to make peace." (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) You may have wasted yesterday!You may be wasting today!But you haven't wasted tomorrow, because it hasn't come yet, still fresh, waiting for you.You can turn the page at any dawn, as long as you make a choice, but remember, time is passing you by so fast, so don't delay.The right use of time in your life will ensure your happiness and success.How will you use this great gift of time?time is money!Do you know how much your time is worth?The table on the next page shows how much your time is actually worth.Isn't that amazing?What an extra hour of work a day will mean to you after 30 years!

If you are willing to use your time and pay the price of hard work, you can make a fortune.Without time, nothing of value can be accomplished.Successful people learn how to make the impossible possible.He had to let go of the "8 to 5" commute, and he had to develop an attitude of not taking a break until the work was done.He must learn to do all that is necessary, he must sink his head into his work, forgetting about time, he must be a man ruled by purpose, he must learn to drive himself until work has become a stronger desire than his desire to rest habit.A wise adage tells us: "Lazy hands will suffer poverty, but diligent hands will lead to riches." We live in an era of rampant materialism. The great increase of material wealth is accompanied by the decline of spiritual values. There is a general The feeling is that there is something wrong.People express this in a sense of emptiness and restlessness.They want to work only four days a week!They want more leisure time!They want to work less and play more!We are in an era of games.Even though we have more leisure time than we used to, no one uses that time to improve.Even so, many people want more leisure time and, in some industries, a four-day workweek has begun.If you are an ordinary person, you have 2,229 hours of leisure a year, which is more than the time you put into work.This presents a huge opportunity to stand at your door because there are so many people who are only interested in getting more money and doing less.Consider how great a man's chances are if he is interested in: First, giving more and better service to those he serves.Second, spend time and energy improving yourself and doing better work.Third, learn to enjoy life fully, as a perfectly balanced person.Fourth, to increase the happiness he enjoys.Benjamin Franklin said: "Many people think that he is buying entertainment, but he is actually selling himself to entertainment." Time to consider the consequences of doing so.Eternal wisdom tells us: "I passed the fields of the lazy, the grapelands of the foolish, where thorns overgrown the ground, and thorns covered the fields, and stone walls fell down. I saw and thought, and I saw and received Instruction. A little more sleep, a little more doze, a little more lying down with folded arms, and your poverty will come like a robber, and your want like a man with arms." (Proverbs 24:30-34) If wrong A poor use of leisure time is as much a ruin for nations as it is for individuals.Aristotle in his Politics

The book tells us that the Spartans decided, "In a state of war, no one can defeat us, threaten us, threaten our security," and they were proud of it, but fell as quickly as they gained an empire .Because they don't know how to use the leisure that peace affords.A friend of mine, Bill, is in the restaurant business. He built at least 10 successful restaurants, each of which failed quickly after reaching the pinnacle of his business.Bill knows all the processes in the restaurant industry, he can cook, he knows how to design a comfortable dining atmosphere.No matter what flaws appear in the restaurant industry, it is not a problem for him, he will make up for everything.His restaurants, whether they're Southern or Italian, whether they serve steak, chips or seafood, are the best in town.After each loss, Bill showed what each of us should be: Get up and start over.He sees things of value beckoning, but has never been able to learn to shake hands with them successfully.Early each morning, in the new restaurant, Bill went to work.He buys the freshest vegetables and the best meat at the morning market, and he checks everything from the kitchen to the front door.He's brusque at his job, but he knows how to build a top-notch career.After he succeeds in starting a business, if he can learn some wisdom on how to keep his business, he will not fail again.When Bill felt his restaurant was doing well, he started wandering the streets, or standing in front of the restaurant, smoking a fat cigar, or driving around town in his Cadillac, while Bill The trouble comes when his talent ceases to be employed in the market, the kitchen, and the cash register, when he begins to spend his leisure and his money instead of doing business.Soon Bill will have to find a new place, regain his confidence, and start over.But one day he will grow old, live in a shabby house, and finally lose his heart.Throughout history one nation after another has fallen prey to leisure.The Romans worked hard and built a rich society, but after conquering the world, they became weak and lazy, and Rome celebrated one hundred and seventy-six statutory holidays a year under Nero, almost every two Day is a free time and they are screwed.Material desires out of control have extinguished the flames of many great civilizations.First they become rich, then they become weak, then sickly, and finally perish.

You probably know the kind of family business that goes down through three generations, where the grandfather builds a real business empire from nothing.His son carried on and built on the successful foundation that had been built for him, and in his generation little was done to grow the business, and one or two wrong decisions often caused problems.The grandson, educated at the best schools and ignorant of business, tends to ruin it, when he has assumed full responsibility, either by letting it be neglected, or by enjoying his leisure too much.There is not much difference between a country, an enterprise, and an individual.Avoid material desires, and don't lie on the laurels and sleep on them once you win them.The similarities between those dying civilizations and the United States of America are striking.The citizen who lives in a civilization that has perished does not believe that extinction will come to him and his country.In order to be happy, to be successful, and to prosper, each of us must devote ourselves to worthwhile work and use our time efficiently, and we can do this by setting personal goals and developing personal plans !America should not disappear like the great societies of the past, but it is up to each of us to save it.We must change our attitude!We must return to God and the basic laws of the country, and once again learn to find joy in our work.The Creator said, "Six days you shall work and do your work." We will be happy only if we follow this instruction.

By devoting yourself fully to your work, you will be able to fully enjoy those precious moments reserved for leisure.This devotion should not be based on ephemeral materialism, but on something greater and more valuable.It will give the spirit that resides within you the opportunity to manifest itself in every area of ​​your life.Keep your eyes on the higher purpose in life, and remember that old adage: the harder you work, the luckier you will be.In the eleventh verse four of Ecclesiastes we find another key to being happy and successful: "He who looks at the wind will not sow, but he who looks at the clouds will not reap." Many people waste their lives in Waiting on immaculate condition so that they can begin their life's work.Immaculate condition never comes, go grab your opportunity!Now is the right time!Go for it!Many people are like the unknown painter who plans to paint a masterpiece, and as the years go by, he describes the details of the painting many times to his friends, but he never finds the right place to start painting. time and conditions.Time passed, he grew old and sick, and he took his masterpiece to his grave with him, for it existed only in his conception.Had he been able to act on the idea when he first conceived it, it might have become a reality and survived for the benefit of future generations.Don't let the sun go down in your life when nothing worthwhile has been accomplished.Can you imagine looking back on your life with nothing but emptiness and despair?Forget about your age, your status, your nationality, or the color of your skin, decide what exactly you want out of life and go for it, you are never too old, or too young, to start.Actions turn dreams into reality. In this world, there are thousands of good ideas. The person who can pick up one of them and turn it into reality is invaluable.You can be that person if you believe you can!

The three elements necessary for a happy and successful life are: time, work and action.Time control, while working and acting diligently, can be powerful if built on a solid foundation of faith. Before you move on to the next chapter, you must accept the following principles: Time control, along with diligence in work and action, built on a solid foundation of faith, are three ingredients necessary for a happy and successful life.You have to be willing to pay the price.Embracing this principle brings you one step closer to realizing your most beloved dreams. Key points to remember First, time is the most precious asset.Second, every day is important to you because it is a part of your life that cannot be regained once it is past.Third, those who plan and control their own time are free people.

Fourth, time is money.Fifth, nothing worthwhile can be accomplished without hard work.Sixth, you must learn to drive yourself until work has become a habit stronger than your desire to rest.Seventh, the harder you work, the luckier you will be. Eighth, take your chances. Ninth, action turns dreams into reality.
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