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Chapter 2 Written in front of the words:

life plan 格莱恩·布兰德 587Words 2018-03-18
When I first met Glenn Brand five years ago, he told me of an ambitious plan: He would build the largest and most successful life insurance sales organization in the United States from the ground up.Five years ago this was just a dream, but now it has become a reality.Brand's extraordinary success is, so far as I know, unparalleled in the annals of the life insurance business.His company's annual sales exceed many other life insurance companies that have been in business for more than half a century.Why was Brand so successful?Because he knows and uses the hidden golden rules behind the operation of everything in the universe, which most people don't know.He knows how to set big goals and how to make plans to achieve them.His world is a "world of action" in which he makes good things happen and people benefit from them.In this dynamic book, you will have the opportunity to discover the secrets that make a person successful.You also have the opportunity to realize your own dreams by learning how to apply his methods in your life.This book is written from personal experience, by the man who actually "did it all".Anyone who really wants to be successful can make their dreams come true if they allow themselves to follow the Brand method.The author is confident in building people and devotes a large part of his time to this cause.He wrote this book to help men and women live a happy and prosperous life, to help people get rid of clumsiness and mediocrity and become successful people.No matter who you are, no matter what your profession is.As long as you read and believe this book, it can help you find a better life!

Charles A. Baker Chief Vice President lincoln national life insurance company of america
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