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Chapter 103 fate is up to me

In this book, you hear the stories of many people.Some characters' names have been changed, but every story and example is very real. Think about it: if you were the person being harassed by Lola, Sam, Tanya, Jen, or Dan, and they called you, would you be willing to do your best for them?I don't think so, because their attitude is sometimes alarming. If it's Barry, Steve, Jimmy, Tim, or Gloria on the phone, you immediately have happy memories of trying to help. So magnify those two reactions of yours a thousandfold.Like we said at the beginning, no one can reach the top alone.Over the years, these natural winners with great communication skills have captured countless hearts and enlisted the help of many people to become the best in their field.

So, how do these people become great communicators and not be reduced to mediocre little players?On a snowy day last winter, I found the obvious answer.I was skiing on a country trail that day.On the same ski trail, a tall, blond man approached me.Without looking at his smooth movements, I knew he was a skier and I was in his way. I tried my best to step aside so that he could roar by.Unexpectedly, he went around the bushes beside the road and left the entire ski trail for me to use.When he got close to me, he slowed down a little, nodded and smiled and said to me, "Good morning, today is really a good day for skiing."

I'm grateful for the respect he has for me (and happy that he sees me as his peer in the snow).I know what he's thinking isn't, "Hey, watch out, I'm coming." What he's thinking is, "Oh, you're here, let me give you some space." I have mentioned that the difference in the achievements of these two groups in life is incalculable. Why was the master skier able to slide away with such lightness and grace?Was he born with this ability?No, it can only be cultivated after continuous practice. In the same way, it takes years of practice to develop and master each communication skill.Excellent performance is not just a specific single action, but the accumulation of each little trick over the years, just like the 92 communication skills introduced in this book.These little tricks can decide your fate.

Remember, repeating an action over and over creates a habit. Habits shape your character. Character can determine your destiny. Hope your destiny is success, bless you.
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