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Chapter 31 Don't Memorize Speeches

Don't try to memorize your speech word for word. Doing so will backfire, waste time, and possibly lead to failure.However, many people ignore this advice and try to memorize their speeches.So, what comes to mind when they face the audience?Is it what they want to express?Unfortunately, not so.At this time, they are just trying to recall the sentences they have memorized, which is just the opposite of people's normal thinking, not forward, but backward.This will inevitably lead to rigid speech, loss of vigor and vitality.Therefore, I advise such speakers not to waste their time and energy, so as not to be in vain.

In an important business meeting, do you memorize what you have to say verbatim before you express it?of course not.In effect, you form your gist first and then express it.During the meeting, you may take some notes, ask for some information, and meditate in your mind, "What is this problem? What are the reasons why this thing needs to be done?" Then, you will express your opinion and state your reasons , to demonstrate its rationality.That's how to prepare a speech for a business meeting.So why not apply this approach to speech preparation?
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