Home Categories social psychology human weakness
human weakness

human weakness


  • social psychology

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 136611

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Chapter 1 preface

human weakness 卡耐基 1116Words 2018-03-18
Over the past 35 years, American publishers have published more than 200,000 books of various kinds, most of which are dull and many of which are financially loss-making.There is even a world-class publishing company with 75 years of publishing experience. Even if every eight books are published in this way, seven books are still at a loss. So how could I dare to take the risk and write this book again?And why would you take the time to read it when I've written it? Yes, both are important questions. The University of Chicago and the YMCA Joint School conducted a survey to determine what adults really want to study!The committee which conducted the inquiry decided to conduct such a course for the adults of Meriton.They searched hard for a practical book on the meaning of such a subject, but could not find one.Finally, they went to a world-renowned authority on adult educators and asked if he had the right book for these adults. "No," replied the educator, "I know what those grown-ups need, but the kind of books they need have never been written."

Knowing, from my experience, that what he said was true, I myself have spent many years seeking a practical and effective book on human relationships. Since many people wanted such a book, I just tried to write one, which is this book - it was written for my workshop, I hope you will like it too. I have read everything I can find on this topic in preparation for writing this book.At the same time, I also hired a trained person to research, explore.It took him a year and a half to read the materials I had missed in various libraries, to explore various psychology special collections, to browse various magazine articles, to explore countless biographies of great men, and to find out the great influences of great figures of all ages on human beings. how to deal with it.We have read the biographies of the great men of all ages, and the biographies of the leaders, from Caesar to Edison.As for Roosevelt's biographies, I have collected more than one hundred.We decided to spend no time, no money, to find out what practical advice anyone has had on dating and influencing people since ancient times.

I have personally interviewed world-renowned successful people, trying to find out from them the techniques they use in interpersonal relationships. This book is not completed like a normal writing situation, but grown up like a child.It was grown in the laboratory, out of the experience of thousands of adults. Many years ago, we printed a set of rules on a card no bigger than a postcard.When it comes to the next season, we print on a larger card than in the past.Then go down to print a booklet, and then a set of small books.Each size and scope has been expanded and enriched until now, after fifteen years of experimentation and research, this book has emerged.

The rules we make here are not mere theories, or conjectures, but they work miraculously.It sounds unbelievable, but the application of these rules and principles has indeed changed the lives and habits of many people. Harvard University professor Willem James once said: "If we compare with what we should achieve, we are only half awake, we only use a small part of the energy of our body and mind. We are within the limit , there is still more energy, but it is customary not to use it." Those energies lurking in your body and mind that you habitually do not use: the sole purpose of this book is to help you discover it, develop it, and use it-those are the untapped treasures you have conceived in your body and mind!

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