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Chapter 97 imagine what you will achieve

language breakthrough 卡耐基 1128Words 2018-03-18
A few summers ago, in the Austrian Alps, I set out to climb a mountain called Werder Kaiser. According to "Baker's Travel Guide", it is very difficult to climb the peak, and amateur climbers should prepare guides.Neither my friend nor I hired a guide, and we are certainly amateurs.So a third person asks us if we are confident that we can succeed. "Of course!" we replied. "Why do you think so?" he asked. "Others have succeeded without a guide," I said, "so I know it makes sense, and I never think of failure in anything I do." This is the right mindset to have in everything from giving speeches to conquering Mount Everest.

How successful you are will depend a lot on the thinking you do before you speak.Imagine yourself speaking to someone with complete confidence. This is something that is extremely easy to do within your ability.Believe that you will succeed, believe firmly, and you will do what is necessary to lead to success. The most valuable thing that most of the students who train in our classes have gained is a surge of confidence in themselves and a little more trust in their ability to succeed.In all kinds of careers, what could be more important to a person than success? Emerson wrote, "There is no greatness without zeal." It's not just a literary rhetoric, it's a map of the road to success.

William Lyon Fair was probably the most beloved and popular professor who ever taught at Yale.He stated in the book "Teaching Fever": "For me, teaching is more than art and other professions. It is a kind of fanaticism. I love teaching, just like painters love painting, singers love singing, poets love Write. Before I get out of bed in the morning, I always think warmly and cheerfully about my group of students." A teacher who is full of enthusiasm for his profession and the work in front of him is so amazing that he can achieve success.Much of the reason Professor Fair has such an impact on his students is the care, sincerity, and passion he brings to his teaching.

Add passion to the learning of effective speech, and he will find that all the obstacles along the way disappear.It is a challenge to focus all your mind and strength on the goal of communicating effectively with your fellow-brethren.Think of that air of self-assurance, confidence, and ease that is all yours, and think of that sense of triumph that grabs attention, shakes emotion, and convinces a crowd to act.You will find that the ability to express yourself develops other abilities as well, because effective speaking training is a smooth path to building the self-confidence necessary for every walk of life and all kinds of life.

In my teaching manual for teachers who teach the Dale Carnegie Course, I wrote these words: "When students find themselves able to hold the audience's attention, to be praised by the teacher, to be applauded by the class -- when they are able to do this, they develop a sense of inner strength, courage and poise, This was something they had never experienced before. What was the result? They set out to do and accomplish many things that they never dreamed were possible. They found themselves eager to speak in front of people, and they became active in business and in various industry and community events , and eventually even become a leader.”

Clear, forceful, powerful expression is one of the hallmarks of dominance in our society.This expression dominates the leader.Whether you are in a private interview or in a public announcement, as long as you can make good use of the skills in this book in all your words, you will surely make you confident and a leader in your family, church groups, civil organizations, companies, and government agencies. .
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