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Chapter 80 use display

language breakthrough 卡耐基 1862Words 2018-03-18
Perhaps the easiest way in this world to get people's attention is to hold something up high and let people look at it.Even natives and fools, babes in cradles, monkeys in shop windows, and puppies in the street, cannot help heeding such a provocative gesture.This method can sometimes be used, and it can be used to great effect even with the most serious audience.For example, Mr. Ellis of Philadelphia began a speech by holding a coin between his thumb and forefinger and holding it high above his shoulders.Everyone present naturally looked towards his move.Then he asked: "Has anyone picked up a coin like this on the sidewalk? This coin is not an ordinary coin. It says that whoever is lucky enough to find this coin will be able to Get a lot of discounts and discounts on various real estate developments. You just give this coin to the hosting company..." Mr. Ellis then began to condemn this absurd and immoral behavior.

Mr. Ellis's opening remarks contain another salient feature.He begins by asking a question, allowing the audience to think with the speaker and collaborate with him.Note that the "On Gangsters" article in the Saturday Evening Post included two questions in the first three sentences: "Are gangsters really organized and how are they organized?" ?” Using question marks is one of the easiest and most effective ways to open the minds of your audience to your point of view.You can use this technique anytime after other methods have proven ineffective. Start with a question from someone famous—something big people say always grabs attention.Therefore, an appropriate question they ask is the best way to start the speech.I wonder if you like the following paragraph, which is the opening line of an article discussing "business success."

"There is only one thing the world rewards riches and glory with," said Albert Hubbard, "and that is enterprise. What is enterprise? I can tell you this: it is when no one tells you that you should How to act in the situation, can make the most correct action.” As an opening statement, this passage contains several salient features.The first sentence arouses the audience's curiosity, and it leads us forward to tempt us to want to know more.If the speaker pauses skillfully after mentioning the name "Albert Hubbard," it will create an air of suspense.We can't help but ask, "Who is this world going to reward with riches and glory at the same time? Come on, tell us quickly. We may disagree with you, but please give your opinion anyway." Tell us..." The second sentence immediately brings us to the heart of the matter.The third sentence is a question, inviting the audience to engage in discussion, think together, and take some action.And the audience has always been the most like action.They love it so much.The fourth sentence gives the definition of "enterprising spirit"... After this opening statement, the speaker went on to illustrate this "enterprising spirit" with a very interesting and very humane story.As far as the structure of this lecture is concerned, it can undoubtedly be rated as a masterpiece.

Seems like a natural opening - do you like the following opening?Why?Here is Mary Richmond's speech to the annual meeting of the League of Women Voters of New York, before Congress passed a law banning early marriage: "Yesterday, as the train passed through a town not far from here, I was reminded of a marriage that took place there some years ago. As there are many marriages at present that are as hasty and unhappy as this one, I will begin today with a detailed account. All the details of this example. "On December 12, a 15-year-old high school girl in that city met for the first time a third-year boy from a nearby college. The boy had just reached legal age. They received their marriage certificate the following day. They swore that the girl was 18 years old and therefore did not need parental consent. After obtaining the certificate, the young couple left the city hall and immediately asked a priest for a marriage certificate (the girl are Catholics), but the priest of course refused to marry them. Later, through some means, possibly revealed by the priest, the girl's mother learned of the attempted marriage. However, after she retrieved her Before their daughter, the young couple had found a local security officer to witness the marriage for them. Then, the groom took his bride to a hotel for two days and two nights. On the third day, The groom deserted the bride and has not been reunited with her since."

I personally really like this opening line.The first sentence is pretty good.It foreshadows an interesting memory.We wish to know the details of this past event.We sat down with peace of mind, wanting to hear a very interesting story.In addition, this opening statement also seems very natural.It's not like a research report, it's not overly serious, and it doesn't give the impression that the speaker has put a lot of thought into it. "Yesterday, when the train passed by a city not far from here, I remembered a marriage event that happened there a few years ago." It sounded natural, unpretentious, and humane.It sounds a lot like someone is narrating a good story to another person, and the audience likes it that way.But in doing so, it's easy to get bogged down in too much detail, making the audience aware that you've put in a lot of effort, which backfires.What we need is art so that you can't see the traces of art.

All the aforementioned methods can be used according to the situation, either separately or in combination.You need to understand that how you deliver your speech is closely related to whether your audience will accept you and your message.
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